Josephine Avenue Group Minutes for 8th September 2010

Those present: Garry Turnbull; Tim Fairhurst; Tim Sutton; Julia Wait; Victoria Lorkin-Lange; Cllr.Ruth Ling (joined the meeting at 8.25pm).

Apologies received from: Nick Berry; Louise Belson; Lambeth Safer Neighbourhood Team.

1. Minutes of the July JAG meeting: The meeting was not minuted, as it was not quorate.

2. Accounts: There was no admission of formal accounts. JAG will ask Nick Berry (treasurer) if he can submit relevant items to JW for proper auditing, which is needed for grant applications.

There was debate about the ceiling for the cost of items under which it would not be necessary to go to committee for approval. GBP100 or GBP200?  VL offered some insight into grant applications and the need for audited accounts, mentioning she is involved in such matters and has a local accountant on Brixton Hill.  GT agreed it needed to be looked at but that we should try to keep things as simple as possible, as long as consistent with what’s needed for grant applications. Item to be on the agenda for next meeting.                 Action: GT Agenda item /JW             

3. Autumn Street Clean: GT said that the autumn clean up was usually in late November. LB was not present to give an update. (She reported to the group after the meeting: The next streetclean with help from the Freshview team at Lambeth and Veolia is scheduled for October 9 as the weather last year in late November had been so bad that work was difficult and the turn out understandably low.                                                                                                 Action LB

4. Urban Art: TS reported a successful year for Urban Art. One thousand pounds was donated to two charities. There were approx: 7500 visitors and 150 artists exhibiting each day. Road closure needed to be sorted out for next year in advance. Thanks to all the volunteers, especially Frances.

5. JA 2011 Landscaping project with Kingston University: TF first summarized the history of the project for VL. Community Realm landscape architects (Simon and Jacqui) remain on stand by to continue work as and when we have funds, and stay in touch with GT/LB.  JAG has secured a grant of GBP500 from the Forestry Commission for a project to involve schools and local children in a tree survey and permanent tree information markers placed on the avenue, to be completed by late Spring 2011. (LB will give residents details for discussion prior to the next meeting) 

The group discussed the case for a financial contribution to works to the trees and landscape project by the JAG.                                                                                              

6. New JA Website: TF reported the new website is to be found at and at There is also a page for the group on Facebook.

TS asked whether there is a blog. TF said there were two member’s forums: one for help wanted and another more general. He said that the Yahoo newsgroup still proved effective so perhaps the website need not duplicate.  Neither of the website blogs will notify users of a new posting.  Let’s see how it goes. For updates, users can sign up for RSS feeds which will notify user of any new content in pages in which they have signed up for an update. GT said we should put the new website link on the newsgroup when officially ready. All agreed. TS asked about the costs. TF said they were as previously minuted and that there had been no change.

7. Resident involvement/ Street party: TF proposed that next year’s UA could be expanded into a street party in order to involve the residents more. He said that there was an incorrect   perception that the event was the preserve of the middle-class white clique of the avenue, or at least only of interest to those interested in art, so either alienated or failed to engage a good proportion of residents.  He suggested that there was scope for more interest for children, more music etc. JW suggested: residents could be encouraged to have stalls on their doorsteps for the sale of crafts/food/books/bric-a-brac in order to take advantage of the footfall. This would increase resident participation and also increase footfall for UA.

TS argued that they should be separate events and that there are plenty more weekends in the year.                                                                                           Action: GT October Agenda Item

8. Tribute: The group discussed if there was a way that JAG could pay tribute to Zac Olumegbon.  GT said that the JAG is supporting the local football tournament in which Zac had played, by annual donation. The group wondered whether the family might like a tree to be planted, somewhere on Josephine Avenue in memory of Zac.

The group discussed where on the Rush Common this might be possible. 

Councillor Ruth Ling joined the meeting. 

She said that the council was currently very keen on silver birches, which gained general approval. She suggested that council funds might be found for such a project. She would investigate. JW will ask LB to write to the family.                                               Action RL, JW

9. JAG Officers: Garry Turnbull said that he would stand down as chair at this year’s AGM.

GT reported that LB would also stand down as co-secretary but continue as an active member of the JAG. Consequently, The JAG requests residents to consider standing for election at the JAG AGM

and should anyone wish to stand, to make this known to the out-going officers.


10. There was a discussion of the fire at 3 JA. AB was well, staying locally & works in progress to repair damage.

11. TS the spoke about the Lambeth Open. The money given to one of the charities from UA, The British Home (TBH), was then recouped by Lambeth Open to pay for printing costs. TBH are mentioned on the leaflets. They hope to recoup the funds from the event itself.

12. GT said that it would be good to think of ways to use Josephine Avenue Group funds and suggestions would be welcomed for discussion at the next meeting.

Suggestions included: Funding a full survey of the trees on the Rush Common on Josephine avenue and that this was perhaps a priority which needed to be fully costed. JW will ask LB to cost. RL said she would look into Lambeth’s Tree Planting Programme, and come back to JAG with more details.                                                                                                Action JW/LB/RL 

13. The meeting closed at 8.45pm


       The next meeting of the Josephine Avenue Group is on 13 October 2010 at 7.30pm at Mango Landing. Everyone Welcome.