Those present; G Turnbull (Co-Chair), L Belson (Secretary), N Berry (Treasurer), T Sutton,     E Owen, C Van Duuren

1. N Berry agreed to chair the meeting and welcomed those present.

Apologies were received from; Anne Brown, S Walter, P Clasen, P.C.  C Colenutt (SNT) 

2. Minutes of JAG June meeting approved.

3. Streetclean / FreshView 11/07/09.  LB presented the meeting with a target list of tasks and areas in J.A. which will be tackled during Saturday's streetclean with the help of  Freshview and a team from Community Payback.

We will aim to complete the restoration of our posts and rails, paint our mended railings and the entrance pillars, clear the vacant plot at 85 Brixton Hill of overgrowth and pick up litter. This time we wil also be helping to establish a small area beside the oak tree as a special gardening plot for the children of the avenue.
If you would like to come and help, you would be very welcome.
All tools, paints, gloves and compost bags will be provided. 
A skip for green garden waste and a skip for rubbish will be placed on the avenue early on Saturday morning. 

- LB noted that Lambeth's FreshView and SNT (for work on JA) received UK Council wide nomination for example of best practice.

- Meeting agreed to suggestion of temporary repairs to oak railing posts using metal supports.

- TS noted that a number of abandoned cars were in JA. LB will task KN to note and ID them with the purpose of removal. ….LB

4.  Urban Art.  18 & 19th July. TS reported that the annual event is well under way with leafleting and publicity on track. TS thanked all who had volunteered and requested that any surplus leaflets can be returned to 1 Helix Gardens for further distribution.

- TS reported that the Royal Adademy are helping with supplying extra volunteers this year.

- C Van D is asking for anyone who knows of a local musician who might light to participate on the Sound Stage (Mrs B's front garden) to contact her, as more musicians are needed.

5. Treasurer's Report.  NB reports £4 868.00 total in JAG current and deposit accounts.

NB noted that the group should remain cautious with disbursements as a fairly large amount has been donated and allocated recently.

- LB noted that the JAG laser printer is expensive to run as cartridges are very expensive. Meeting agreed that a possible cheaper solution should be investigated soon. ….All

6.  Lambeth Open House.  TS reported that 30 000 leaflets had been printed and distributed with the JAG logo prominent. This is good publicity for JAG and supports the Artists who participate in Urban Art.

TS has built the LOH web site; www.lambethopen.com 

7. JAG Party / Street Closure.  The meeting thought that a party and a street closure should be 2 separate events as the mechanism for obtaining the street closure was designed around children playing in a safer environment. PC (Peter Clasen) will continue to look into this Playday.               …PC                      LB suggested that this could include a street football element with Badia (Lambeth FreshView) involved. To be pursued during Sat's FreshView. ….LB

- NB suggested that JAG has had successful party / BBQ evenings in the past on 5th November after the fireworks display in Brockwell Pk.  Meeting agreed. NB to investigate / organise. ….NB

8. Other Matters.  NB noted that as the pavements were being renewed in Appach Rd, surely the work should be continued into JA where the pavements are in a very poor state. This has been brought to Lambeth's attention in the past. NB will contact Lambeth again asking when they intend to renew pavements in JA. ….NB

-  TS noted that the Acacia tree at No 60 JA appears to be leaning dangerously toward the adjacent building. This tree is now protected by a Tree Preservation Order. LB will confirm that Lambeth Tree Officer, Ian Leonard will re-examine  the tree during an autumn visit. ….LB

JAG minutes 8/7/09  cont.

-  NB reported that the Friends of Brockwell Park organisation wished to include JAG on their  list of community partners. This probably means that we will be informed of any works being planned in the park.

-  TS asked whether JAG is currently a member of Lambeth Voluntary Action Council. GT confirmed that membership had lapsed this year due to lack of interest from members. The meeting decided to reactivate membership with TS as JAG contact. ….GT

-  LB reported that all SNT Survey Questionnaires  had by now been delivered in the JAG area.

-  LB reported that Raleigh Gardens residents have seen an increase in prostitution and kerb crawling and have requested to liaise with JAG re poss. traffic schemes and solutions. ….LB  

-  TS noted that he had had no reply to the Public Question he had placed with Councillor M Cameron re the question of responsibility for upkeep and maintenance of the JA carriageway lighting. LB remembered keeping the answer to the same question asked previously and will look it out as Lambeth seem reluctant recently to accept their original commitment to maintaining these streetlights.       ….LB  

-  TS suggested and the meeting agreed that future JAG meetings should be advertised with a notice placed on the JAG noticeboard at least 2 weeks in advance. Future meets to agree time and venue in advance to enable this. TS can laminate and attach notice.

-  GT offered to help TS with materials for a larger JAG noticeboard.             GT/TS

Next Meeting.  Wednesday September 9th, Top Flat, 66 Josephine Avenue.

Meeting closed at 21.00

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(Josephine Avenue, Helix Gardens, Appach Road)

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