MINUTES OF JAG MEETING Wed 10th June 2009 

Those present; Garry Turnbull (Co-Chair), Tim Sutton, Peter Clasen, Sam Anderson

Apologies; Nick Berry (Treasurer), Louise Belson (Secretary), Chris Van Duuran, Graham Lane, Sibylle Walter, Safer Neighbourhood Team, Neil Thurlow (Community Safety Officer).

Note; As the meeting only achieved a  quorum by 20.30hrs without the presence of both Secretary and Treasurer, the chair decided to only to take items arising under – Any Other Business.

Any Other Business;

- Tim S. noted that he and other residents were still aware of some prostitution activity around No 3 JA. This despite the huge improvement seen since the road closure.

- Tim S reported that Urban Art preparations are going well but that volunteers are still required. Especially to help with leafleting. GT will post request on JAG newsgroup.

- Tim Sutton presented the meeting with a request for support from JAG to help with funding a Lambeth artists annual 'Open House' event. The donation would cover the cost of printing leaflets and would be a one off. Without this the event was unlikely to proceed. The meeting voted to donate £541.98

- John Yates had circulated information concerning the possibility of a street closure for certain community activities. P Clasen offered to investigate this and the possibility of combining with a JAG Street Party..

- FreshView, the meeting noted that there will be another Freshview event on July 11th. TS noted that residents should be encouraged / organised to deal with the entire street rather than concentrating on their own property.

Date of next meeting; Wednesday 8th July. Venue TBA.

Meeting closed 9.30pm