Those present: Peter Clasen (Co-Chair), Nick Berry (Treasurer), Louise Belson (Secretary), Tim Sutton, Neil Thurlow. (SNT), Sam Anderson, Najia and Emmanuel, Niall Whatley, Cllr Marcia Cameron.

1. Welcome. Peter Clasen (chair) welcomed those present.

2. Apologies were received from Chris van Duuren, Anne Brown, Tim Fairhurst, Garry Turnbull. 

3. Previous Minutes LB apologised for the lack of last month’s minutes. 

4.Safer Neighbourhood Team Report: 

4.1 Neil Thurlow, Community Safety Co-coordinator told us that his area of responsibility had changed and this would now be (Bishops, Brixton Hill, Brixton Town Centre, Coldharbour and Ferndale). Although he was no longer responsible for co-ordination in Tulse Hill, he would, however, maintain his responsibility for Josephine Avenue. Megan would attend our meetings whenever possible.

4.2 Although prostitution activity was lower on Josephine Avenue, it was reported as higher on Arodene Rd, Helix rd, St.Mathews Estate and Blenheim Gdns. 

4.3 An informal review was scheduled for May and a formal review at the end of the year for the return of the vice squad to police the area. Contact Cllr. Steve Reed and say so, if you want the vice squad to return to duties in the area.                                                      

4.3 Injunctions under s.222 were continuing to be successfully imposed at Camberwell Magistrates Court, both on pimps and regular and repeat offending prostitutes. 

4.4 Current prostitutes are primarily British and are addicts. Their level of activity depends upon drug price and availability. They will not give evidence against a pimp.

4.5 Outreach Teams working with Trust, Spires & Mainliners give prostitutes a mobile phone number which is always on, giving tan easier opportunity for sex workers to go to open door sessions with treatment and care agencies. They can also access treatment and care from the court.

4.6 CCTV. 24/7 Monitored cameras are being trialed. CCTV sign have been shown to fail deter kerb-crawlers.

4.7 The Environment and Community Safety Scrutiny Sub Committee meeting on

31 March 2009 would answer Public Notice Question 371/08-09 asked by Ms I Ramsey 

"What can you do to eliminate prostitution and kerb crawling in the long term?

It remains a problem which the local authorities and the police seem not to be willing to address on an ongoing basis.”


4.8.1 Residents reported prostitution on JA Brixton Hill as vastly reduced since the introduction of the barrier at Brixton Hill and average to low activity at the Tulse Hill end with new activity on Helix Gdns and Helix Rd.

Most activity at night and at the weekend.

4.8.2 LB reported ‘Police Pledge” - imminent change in national policing policy based on community involvement and consultation as trialed in Lambeth and successful on JA.

4.8.3 Residents reported traffic flow increase on Arodene Rd and requested that an overall plan be designed and undertaken to deal with the effects on traffic of the barrier and increased use of the feeder roads and that traffic should be monitored for this purpose. LB suggested additional traffic questions be added to the existing survey on ASB levels in the area and that it be delivered to surrounding streets. Neil Thurlow agreed to consult with highways dept. and add the necessary questions to the next survey scheduled for May/June.

4.8.4 LB reported a high response rate to date to the SNT questionnaire delivered by JAG on prostitution and ASB activity levels on JA, Appach Rd, Brixton Hill. NT agreed to collect the completed questionnaires from 21JA next week.

The group thanked Neil for attending the meeting and for continuing to work on JA.

Action: All residents: Contact Cllr.Steve Reed re vice squad review.

Action: JAG volunteers: Deliver next questionnaire.

Action: NT: Include barrier effect -road traffic questions in next questionnaire.

Action: Volunteer: Attend Community Safety Scrutiny Sub Committee meeting on

31 March 2009.

5. Treasurers Report: (Nick Berry)

5.1 Deposit account £6,043.65; Current account £739.07.

There was an error in the AGM minutes. LB agreed and will add amendment.

LB reported:

5.2 Printing costs to be presented at the next meeting. 

5.3 £200.00 donation as agreed at the Feb meet due to SNT in schools project.

£100.00 donation as agreed at the Feb meet due to Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

LB will forward details to NB for payment.

5.4 LB reported that neither the FWA nor their freeholder has insurance cover and that they have now surveyed the property, appointed a properties manager & wished to get repairs done forthwith. She asked if the JAG in what amount they wished to donate a contribution for the repair of damaged pillars (as voted by the JAG at the AGM 2007). Quotes to the FWA for the work were region £600-£800.

Nick suggested we wait for a precise quote. Niall volunteered to rebuild the pillars if the JAG could fund the materials. The meeting agreed and thanked him. LB said she would organise materials and help him. 

Action: LB; Amend minutes; payments details to NB; re-contact FWA; find/buy materials for pillar rebuild.

Action: NW: Rebuild pillars.

6. Minutes: Louise said she had not had time to write up and distribute the minutes of last month’s meeting. Tim Sutton requested that notices be posted on the board at 1 Helix Gardens.

7. Urban Art 2009:

6.1 Tim Sutton reported; all pitches sold, Norwood School project to be included. Next UA meeting 1 Helix Gardens Mon 16 March. Costs to include; printing, signage, organiser’s fee. Tim presented the new 2009 poster to the group & will do a leaflet. 10% of Sunday’s sales will be donated to Trinity Hospice and to the JAG on the Saturday. Volunteers are still needed on both days to help run the event and to deliver leaflets before it. Finding enough volunteers remained a long-term problem. On street signage costs were annual as the signs were removed and stolen every year.

6.2 Discussion: Peter Clasen asked if Tim could suggest any new ways to encourage people to volunteer. LB suggested Community Service Volunteers might be asked to help. Nick thought this not reliable. Marcia Cameron said she would talk to Lambeth licensing about the on-street signage. 

8. Proposed development at 60JA

Niall Whatley and Sam Anderson presented the group with the detailed drawings and planning application for a 2 storey development to the rear of 60 JA. It will be visible from the street. They thought the proposal was acceptable. Residents tended to agree. They presented a second planning application to fell the mature acacia tree, which lies, on the open land to the side of the building beside the street railings. The application gives no reason for the felling. Sam expressed concern that the tree may not lie on the Rush Common section of the land and so be un-protected and at risk. She thought the tree should be protected with a TPO. Niall reported difficulty trying to contact the Lambeth tree officer. The group thought it probable that the applicant Lexidon Ltd had intentions of a future development to the side of 60JA on the open land, (part of which is Rush common), and so wished to fell the tree prior to making a further development application. Lexidon Ltd has already felled a fully-grown tree to the front of their property, in the conservation area, without permission. LB said she would contact the tree officer and inform Cllr Toren Smith of residents urgent concerns and request a TPO.

Action: LB. Contact Lambeth. Request urgent TPO

9. Freshview/ Streetclean/ Community garden.

Saturday March 21 10am-4pm LB reported: Freshview Team with 8 people doing Community Payback, the Parks dept and residents aim to clear all rubbish, trim back overgrown trees and shrubs at 3JA – 11JA and elsewhere, paint damaged rails and posts at odds side JA & help clear and cultivate an area for our community gardeners. Trucks of compost and a chipper will be provided by the Parks Dept. Skips will be set on street for separated waste & collected at 4pm. Coffee and cake while you work. Lunch for all at 21JA at 1pm-1.30pm.

Action: LB. Leaflet, liaise with Keith and SNT etc.

10. Other Matters:

Cllr Marcia Cameron invited the JAG to a party on Thurs 19 march at the Town Hall in the Mayor’s Parlor. Residents thanked her. Niall, Peter and Louise accepted the invitation with thanks.

Next JAG Meeting

Wednesday April 8 at 7.30pm 

1 Helix Gardens