The Josephine Avenue Group was founded in 1984 to care for and improve our street. It is open to all residents of Josephine Avenue, Helix Gardens & Appach Rd. At our meetings, residents are usually joined by local councillors, community police and Lambeth Streetcare.

 So, if there is something you want to change about where we live, come and make it happen…

Wed 11 February 7.30pm

21 Josephine Avenue.

The agenda will include:

Urban Art 2009

Establishing a Community Garden.

The effects of the Josephine Avenue Road End Closure.

Crime and anti social behaviour issues & what can be done to prevent them.

The dates of 4 street and garden clean-ups for this year & deciding what areas to focus on.

Arranging free communal collections of green garden waste.

Starting a garden club and a garden tools and equipment lending library.

How to join the Car Club 

The Book club

Decide which local charities to help fund.  



Minutes of the Josephine Avenue Group Annual General Meeting 

Wed 10 December 2008

Raleigh Park Hall, Arodene Road.

Those present:  G.Turnbull (Chair), R. Blantern, (co-chair) Anne Brown, Sibs Walter,

Nick Berry (Treasurer), Marion Woodward, Phil & Naz, Tom Perring, Peter Clasen, Chris Nicholson, Tim Sutton, Louise Belson, (Secretary), Keith Naish (Lambeth Streetcare), Councillor Toren Smith, John Yates

Notes from the Chair:

Garry Turnbull welcomed all those present to the meeting and reported on the events of a successful past year: 

 He thanked Nick Head (Vice Squad) and Jim Carter (SNT) Inspector Alistair Dornan and Superintendent David Musker for their work, communication and constructive support of the community, particularly in trying to prevent kerb crawling and prostitution in the area. He thanked all those who had contributed to the installation of the barrier at the Brixton Hill end of Josephine Avenue. It had taken 3 years to achieve but now in place had proven extremely effective so far, in preventing kerb crawling and was reported by residents as a huge success. 

 There had been three street cleans over the year. They had been carried out with the help of the Lambeth Streetcare and Cleanaway and their initiative ‘Freshview’. Street hedges had been professionally pruned, funded by JAG.

‘Freshview’ had been extremely successful. The provision of skips and painting materials had made a great difference. The street looked better and was safer. Lampposts, bollards and rails painted, litter cleared, hedges trimmed and the enclosed dumping ground at 60 JA cleared. Residents at 60 JA and elsewhere now wished to create a communal garden on the cleared site. Garry thanked Keith and Badia and all the volunteers for their work.

 The street art fair, Urban Art 2008 had, despite rain, been very successful.  It had been a great weekend. Sales on both days had been excellent and visitor numbers high. The issue of a street-trading license had threatened to close down Urban Art for good. He thanked Frank Sarkodie at Lambeth Licensing for his help in resolving the problem and thanked Tim Sutton and all the Urban Art volunteers for all their work.

Thank you and Farewell to Roger Blantern

Garry announced that Roger Blantern (co-chair) was leaving the avenue. On behalf of the residents, he thanked Roger for his long and considerable commitment to the JAG and for his regular maintenance of the entrance pillars on JA and Helix Gardens. He wished him the best of luck in his new home. Roger thanked the Jag officials for their hard work this year.

Treasurers Report

Nick Berry reported that JAG deposit account balance at 01/12/2008 was £6551.92 and the current account balance was £5907.00

Election of JAG Officials

Garry Turnbull, Nick Berry & Louise Belson stood down and were re-elected.

Peter Clasen stood and was elected as Co-chair. Jools Wait volunteered (by email) to help take meeting minutes in 2009. The JAG thanked them both.

The meeting took a break and resumed after refreshments.

Open Discussion of JAG Future Business

1. Urban Art: Tim Sutton said that he was looking for a new charity partner with which to run the art fair in 2009. Tim suggested:  ‘Friends of the Earth’ or a local hospice. 

Tim thanked Eleanor for doing the publicity for UA2008, Victoria Hardie, who despite moving from Josephine Avenue had worked early and late to help run the event, Graham, Garry and all the volunteer marshals.

Anne Brown will contact Corpus Christi primary School to suggest that they organise a project to include the final exhibition of work by the children in UA this year. They might wish to involve Sudbourne and Jubilee Primary Schools as well.                      Action: AB

2. Josephine Avenue Environmental Survey  Peter Clasen asked what had been the result of the resident consultation carried out by the JAG this year, about work to the landscape and trees. Louise said the response rate had been high, positive and fast. Most wanted to keep their trees, do restoration work if necessary or plant more and wanted to repair fences, bollards and access roads.  The number of residents who needed help with their gardens almost matched those, who had none (mostly in top flats) and wanted to care for one. Almost all respondents had supported the establishment of a community garden and wanted somewhere safe for children to play. Consequently, Louise will apply for an environmental lottery grant in 2009 to fund repairs to the access roads and railings and to carry out necessary pruning and planting of trees. She will apply separately to WREF and others for a small grant for a community garden and communal compost boxes if the space becomes available.                                                                                             Action: LB

3. Community Garden  John Yates told the group about the Transition Town Movement who work with local groups to establish community vegetable growing projects on available land. The majority of those present were enthusiastic about contacting them. Funding would need to be grant aided. John asked Louise to provide contacts for interested residents and said he would get in touch with them. Keith Naish said he would re contact the freeholder of 60JA and seeks permission for use of the land as a community garden. Louise will contact London and Quadrant and their tenants about possible use of one of their un-used plots on Rush Common.                                                                                             Action: LB. JY

4. Parking on Rush Common  Naz pointed out that the numbers of cars parked on the open Rush Common land on grass and gravel and on the access roads had considerably increased with the rise in the numbers of flat conversions and car owners. Louise said that a recent retrospective planning application for parking 3 cars on the Rush Common had received consent. The planning dept had required green landscaping and hedging that restricted the use of the area. This had not been carried out. She asked how this was to be enforced. Cllr. Toren Smith responded that the council was very keen to enforce Rush Common law and was now planning to tackle recent and past infringements. He invited the JAG to send a small group to planning meetings and become involved in the process.  LB will ask Tim Fairhurst to join her and asked for another volunteer.                      Action: LB

5. Dumped Cars. Keith Naish said that the council would remove all cars reported as dumped.

6. 85 Brixton Hill  Garry Turnbull pointed out that after over a quarter of a century, the empty plot remained. Now grassed and surrounded by temporary mesh barriers, residents had to clear it up regularly so that it did not again attract dumping, prostitution and drug dealing. Cllr Toren Smith said that the latest planning application from the owner, Mr.Ansari had failed, the compulsory purchase solution had failed, but that he and the council were trying, yet again, to engage with Mr.Ansari, the owner, to find a solution. Garry asked if the council could enforce maintenance. It was pointed out that derelict properties on Villa Rd in South Brixton had been compulsorily purchased by the council and restored. Why not here? 

7. 2009 JAG Charity Donations:  The meeting suggested the following: 

Transition Town - Brixton & A Community Garden.

Youth projects being set up on neighbouring estates by the Safer Neighbourhood Partnership.

Tulse Hill Estate football club. 

Help and support for our elderly residents  

A street party in May.

8. Pavement Repairs Tim Sutton said that the pavements on Josephine Avenue had not been fully resurfaced for over 30 years. Tree roots and cable laying and age had made them patched, very uneven and dangerous. At least 2 elderly residents had fallen over them this year with serious consequences requiring ongoing daily social care. Two and a half million was spent annually on roads and pavements across 21 wards. On average 1 pavement per ward per year could therefore be resurfaced. Nick Berry said he would write again to Lambeth Highways.                                                                                Action: NB

Late Night Alcohol Sales and premises on Brixton Hill. Garry Turnbull asked what action was being taken to limit the issuing of late night licenses on Brixton Hill. Brixton Hill was now surely a 24hr licensed ‘saturation zone”, contributing to and causing anti-social behaviour in an area where policing was already hard enough. Toren said that there was no pending re-application for a later license from South Beach. He asked if this was still an issue the group wished to pursue. Nick Berry said that it was, but that since residents were not all permitted to give evidence of noise nuisance at license planning meetings, it was impossible for us to prevent Brixton Hill’s 24/7 alcohol sales or get licenses revoked. Tom Perring said he would pursue the problem.                                                          Action: TP

The Chair wished everyone a Happy Christmas.

The meeting finished at 10pm.

The next JAG meeting is on Wed 11 February, 7.30pm at 21 Josephine Avenue.


If you have concerns about street sex work or drug

or alcohol-related crime or antisocial behaviour in this area.

Please phone our Community Safety Team on 0207 926 2792

If you have large household items you need to throw out.

Ring 0207 926 9000 for a free collection.

If you have green garden waste and you need free collection.

Ring 020 7926 9000 and ask for green recycle sacks, fill them and ask for a collection date.

If you live in Lambeth and would like a subsidized 330 litre compost bin for £12.00 

Phone 0845 077 0757 and quote reference LEAP