Those present: Garry Turnbull (co-chair), Nick Berry (Treasurer), Jonna Kayatz, Chris Kayatz, Anda Macbride, Seamus Macbride, Tim Sutton, Anne Brown, Roger Blantern, Victoria Hardie, Sibs Walter, Jenny (Arodene Rd). Jim Carter (Safer Neighbourhood Team), Keith Dempster (Safer Neighbourhood Team), Cllr.Marcia Cameron, Cllr.Adedamola Aminu, Chris Nicholson, (Lib Dem PPC Streatham)

The Chairman welcomed all present to the meeting.

1.Apologies received from: Neil Thurlow (Community Safety Officer), Louise Belson (Sec), Chris van Duuren, Shields Russell, Lia Litosseliti, 

2. Minutes 14/11/07. Minutes approved. Victoria Hardie offered to take the minutes, as the secretary was not present.

3. Annual Report 

3.1 Garry Turnbull welcomed all those present to the meeting. He reported that in 2007: 3.2 .The Vice Squad had carried out a successful operation targeting kerb-crawlers in Josephine Avenue. 

3.4 Temporary closure of Josephine Avenue for gas repairs had resulted in a respite from kerb crawling in the Avenue and had given rise to the successful proposal to close the road. The JAG had been informed in the autumn that the consultation process carried out by Lambeth had proved very positive and that the barrier would be installed in February 2008. Colin Roberts at Transport and Highways, Lambeth requested that residents forward design suggestions for the barrier to Haydn Tuck at Lambeth Transport and Highways. 

3.5 Tim Sutton had organized a car boot sale in May raising £330, which was donated to The Merlin Charity.

3.6 This years Urban Art Fair took place in Josephine Avenue in July and was a great success. For the first time, the fair had been held for two days rather than one. Total Proceeds on the Saturday were £13,092.00. Commission raised on the Saturday for JAG funds was £1,392.00. Commission raised on the Sunday and donated to the Merlin Charity was £1,849.61. The JAG has agreed to donate the full amount of this years profit to the Family Welfare Association for the purpose of rebuilding the damaged pillars at their premises at 27 Josephine Avenue.

3.7 Street Cleans were well attended but the cutting of the avenues hedges prior to the Art Fair had not been fully accomplished during the Summer JAG Street Clean.

3.8 The derelict plot at 85 Brixton Hill has been cleared and grassed by the council. Lambeth Planning have refused the latest planning application from Mr.Ansari for the plot one week prior to this meeting. The scheme had been approved in principal but the Planning department had been unable to contact Mr.Ansari to request the amendments they required. Maxine Wilson has reported that the agreed funding for the Compulsory Purchase Order had been refused. Cllr. Toren Smith has asked Cllr. John Kazantzis why the decision to use a CPO has been reversed.

4. Safer Neighbourhood Team Report

Keith Dempster said the SNT would continue to combat prostitutes by focusing on lone male drivers. The Vice Unit found the Licensing Unit was concentrating on Brixton Hill. Anti Social Behavior Orders had been issued to prostitutes and kerb crawlers. 2 extra PCs have been on the beat. A 3rd has resigned from the Vice Squad.

5.  24/7 Alcohol Sales Licenses on Brixton Hill. GT said that the 24/7 licenses for alcohol sales premises on Brixton Hill continued to cause considerable concern to residents. Jim Carter (Tulse Hill SNT) said that a different police department collated calls concerning behavior arising from these premises. GT said that residents were very unhappy with the extension of licenses, including that for ‘South Beach’. Tim Sutton said that 2nd stage licensing laws created a problem. The property is awarded a license such that the Licensee cannot be objected to. The Licensee can then re-apply for and obtain an extension to that license every week, in the face of residents’ opposition and by a process that makes it extremely difficult for residents to object. Keith Dempster (SNT) said that there has to be a sustained period of disorder for a shop or bar to lose its license. GT asked why this situation had been allowed to develop in a residential area. Keith responded that this was not within his remit and GT asked why not. Anda Macbride said ”There are three 24 hour licensed shops on Brixton Hill and 5 bars or shops with alcohol licenses and Sheila’s is planning to become a wholesale booze shop.” She said there was strong local opposition to this proliferation on Brixton Hill now. She asked, “Can a license be revoked? Tim Sutton said that granting so many alcohol licenses had ruined a residential area and ventured that moreover the council had failed to control problems in Brixton Town Centre. Sibs Walter said, ”As a resident I find a license is acceptable for a restaurant but not just a bar.”

Cllr. Marcia Cameron said that there was no overall council policy for license extension applications but that councillors could request that a license is revoked if there is due cause. She advised residents to report disturbances (including verbal abuse by drunks) directly to herself or Toren Smith or by email. Councillor Adedemola Aminu added that he would also welcome residents email reports. Cllr Cameron said that if there was undue noise from a premises and this was reported, the licensee would be required to soundproof the premises. Jenny (Arodene Rd) said that the alcohol license for ‘South Beach’ should have been refused on the basis that there were problems in the area already. Cllr.Cameron said she would investigate ‘South Beach” issues. She pointed out that the licensing committee took into account all recorded messages reporting incidents to the police. Jim Carter (SNT) urged residents to help by reporting disturbances so that they are recorded. He asked residents to phone 0208 641 1212 about complaints for 24/7 licensed shops and bars. Chris Nicholson (Lib Dem PPC Streatham) thought it a good idea to look at complaints as a whole. Jim Carter (SNT) agreed. He commented that a 24 hour license might be appropriate in a city centre but not in a residential area.

6. Drug Dealing and Use

Anne Brown reported drug users on Tulse Hill/Water Lane. She reported the use of white vans by dealers. Jim Carter said that Tulse Hill is subject to a dispersion order for drug dealers and tourists. There is a 24 hour ban on dealers on Effra Road and Tulse Hill. There is a stop and search policy. There is no policy of search and arrest.

7 Burglary 

Chris Nicholson (Lib Dem PPC) asked Jim Carter and Keith Dempster (SNT) what advice they would give for residents to prevent their houses from being burgled.

Jim Carter said, “ Make premises secure. Use double locks on doors and windows”.

He explained which areas had the most burglaries. Tulse Hill isn’t bad. Herne Hill, Coldharbour Lane are bad as is Clapham Common.”

Chris asked for stats on the ways houses are broken into. Jim Carter said, “They are kicking in the front door. So fit a Chubb as well as a Yale lock, as a Chubb will make that more difficult. Also fit a London Bar Lock. All windows on the ground floor should have locks. The majority of burglaries are carried out by opportunists.”

Tim Sutton suggested ” Cut hedges lower in Josephine Avenue. It makes for better security. Contact John O’Connell (Lambeth Crime Prevention Officer) for advice on security. Try Sheba Alarms Streatham for Security fittings. Some burglars use chisels to open sash windows.”

8. JAG Election of Officials.

Garry Turnbull stood for and was re-elected as Chair. Louise Belson (in absentis) stood for and was re-elected as Secretary. Nick Berry stood for and was re-elected as Treasurer. Garry Turnbull asked for a resident to stand as co-chair for 2008. He has been Chair for 5 years and wishes to resign during this his 6th year. 

Louise Belson (by email) asked for a resident to volunteer to stand as co-sec.

There were no volunteers for either post. 

9. Treasurer’s Report 

Nick Berry reported: JAG Outgoings in 2007 at £527.00 plus a donation to FWA of £1,392.00  Remaining Assets = £5,548.18. He warned that without the income from Urban Art there would be little or no increase in JAG funds in 2008.

10. Urban Art. 

Tim Sutton (Organiser of Urban Art) reported: “Urban Art (UA) went very well over the 2 days. The artists gave support for leafleting which worked well. We had publicity in Living South, The Guardian and I was interviewed by Radio London. The artists loved UA. The 3 reasons it worked are affordable space for artists, fund raising plus the large amount of visitors. Andrew Osmond says it is brilliant and promises help for 2008.”

Tim passed the following document to the meeting.


As you probably know, Lambeth are planning to impose Street Trade

Licensing Laws on our annual open air arts festival and charge each

artist £30 per day for using our railings. They have said that this

could be reduced to £15 per artists per day but this would still be too

much for many of our artists.

One of the main attractions of Urban Art is it provides affordable

hanging space for local artists. Without this we do not have an event.

This would be a loss to both the local community, the local artists and

the charities we support.

If you enjoy Urban Art and would like to see it continue please contact:

Councillor Lib Peck (Cabinet member for Environment and Culture)

Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London SW2 1RW.

Tel: 020 8673 4697 or Email: lpeck@...

Councillor Rachel Heywood (Deputy Cabinet Member for Enterprise)

Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London SW2 1RW.

Email: rheywood@...

Frank Sarkodie (Market Manager)

Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London SW2 1RW.

Email: fsarkodie@...

Councillor Toren Smith (Tulse Hill): tjsmith@...

Councillor Marcia Cameron (Tulse Hill): MCameron@...

Councillor Adedemola Aminu (Tulse Hill): AAminu@... 

Tim reported: “In 2002 we asked for support till 2007. There is a crisis now for 2008. Frank Sarkovy has demanded £6,000 from UA. He wants to treat it as a commercial market. The whole point is that it is not a commercial market. It is being treated like a proper gallery, which it is not. Josephine Avenue cannot be a professional gallery.”

Marcia Cameron responded: ” Residents are so organised. They must ask for support. TS reported that Dawn Bruce Art Development Officer had said UA did not stand a chance of reducing the pitch fees for artists. He asked for the support of Lambeth Arts.

Cllr. Marcia Cameron said that she wished to support Urban Art. Tim Sutton said

”Artists have to book in Jan and it should be £1 per artists per day.” Cllr Marcia Cameron suggested she arrange a meeting with Tim and Art Officers.” Sibs Walter asked if UA could be held on the carriageways instead. Tim Sutton responded that he had tried that at the Boot Fair and it did not work. Frank Sarkodie had told him that even with Josephine Avenue Road Closure, UA would still be considered a street market and so subject to Street Trading Licensing Law. Nick Berry commented,  “UA needs funding. It needs to act as JAG rather than people individually”. Cllr. Marcia Cameron said that she would talk to Members of Cabinet and ask their opinion. Tim Sutton pointed out that a resolution was needed urgently as the artist bookings took place in January. Tim Sutton said that he had approached Council Members: Tim Whittington and Rachel Heywood for support and they had not been concerned. Garry Turnbull suggested the group organize a petition. Cllr.Cameron requested that the UA case be put in writing and mailed to her and said that she would contact Tim Sutton before the end of the week. Roger Blantern asked if Lambeth wanted UA to become a part of the Arts tent in the Brockwell Park Show.

11 Josephine Avenue Proposed Closure and Design

Garry Turnbull reported that there will be a 3 month temporary trial closure. Garry suggested JAG should be involved in the design process.

It was asked how the effects of the barrier on the area would be measured. Garry suggested that Haydn Tuck should be approached about that.

There was a division of opinion as to whether the kerb crawler problems will be displaced to Arodene and Helix Rd / Gdns. or whether they will cease.

12. 85 Brixton Hill.

GT said that JAG would ask Toren Smith for the results of his investigation of the reversed decision on CPO funding. GT had thought the rejected planning application not too bad. Cllr. Adedamola Aminu said that the council was aware and concerned that the site had been used as a fly tipping area for far too many years. Roger Blantern asked if the council had sufficient funds for the CPO.

13 Bulky Waste Disposal 

Tim Sutton reported that the Council proposed to charge residents in future for bulky waste collection and disposal. He was opposed to this since in his opinion it would increase fly tipping on Josephine Avenue and it would become a dumping ground again. He said that the council was required to clear rubbish and that their charges for removal would be too high. Sibs Walter asked “ Is there a change in the law which says they have to have bulky waste disposal? ”

14. JAG Donation FWA

Nick Berry reported that the FWA Area Manager had contacted him re the damaged pillars at 27 JA. Nick said he would pursue the matter. 

15. Other Matters.

15.1 Trees.

Anne Brown said that the lime trees which overhang the access road in front of her house blocked light and needed to be cut back but that she could neither afford to have the work done privately nor was able to do it herself. The group thought that she must have the work done privately or the council would force her to do so. Cllr.Marcia Cameron said that the Council did not carry out work on privately owned trees. Anne Brown pointed out that the fast growing lime trees had in fact been planted by the council to replace the elms that had died in the 1970’s. Garry Turnbulll said that he and LB were investigating funding and would report.” 

15.2 Car Boot Sales. 

Tim Sutton reported that the November Boot Sale in aid of the Merlin Charity had been a success but that the sale in May 07 was not very good. He said that he would not organize sales in 2008 if residents did not help.

Roger.Blantern thought it unwise to sell things in front gardens as it may arouse burglar interest. Roger was not supported on this point.

Nick Berry said that the fairs were enjoyable but did not make enough money and he would like the JAG to fund a street party on November 5 2008.

15.3 Thanks.

Anne Brown thanked LB and RB for their hard work. NB thanked all volunteers for their contribution.

15.4 Barrier Maintenance 

Roger Blantern asked if there would be permanent funding for the barrier?

SibsWalter said, “We could make it a toll road!” 

Garry Turnbull replied, “That’s a good idea Sibs. Very funny.”

15.5 Clllr. Marcia Cameron gave the group her contact number: 0208 674 2739

16. NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 9 Jan.  8pm. Venue t.b.a.

The meeting ended at approx: 10pm. 

(Minuted VS, written up LB)