Those present: Keith Dempster (SNT), Kundle Kolawore (SNT), Garry Turnbull (co-chair), Anne Brown, Roger Blantern, Elisabeth Owen, Victoria Hardie, Tim Sutton, Nick Berry (Treasurer), Louise Belson (sec), Seamus MacBride, Anda MacBride, Louise Belson (sec),

The Chairman welcomed all present to the meeting.

1.Apologies received from: Neil Thurlow, Chris van Duuren.

2. Minutes 10/10/07. Minutes approved with the following amendments:

KD: At 4: installation of a barrier would be in Feb.

GT: At 7: Street Clean would be on Sunday 2 December

SM: At 8: re-apply for a further variation to 2am and was doing so.

3.1 Josephine Avenue Traffic Management Proposal: Keith Dempster reported that there had been 132 responses to the consultation document. Of these responses 70% were YES. The trial barrier will therefore be installed in late January or early February. The trial will last between 3 and 6 months. The design is still being finalised. However, It will not allow any vehicular traffic access to Josephine Avenue from Brixton Hill but will allow pedestrian and cycle access. There is a legal requirement, which will be carried out, that the decision to install the barrier shall be published in the press. 

GT reported that Neil Thurlow had told him that the installation of a pedestrian crossing at the junction of Josephine Avenue and Brixton Hill was being considered.

Seamus MacBride reported that he had enquired whether there had been any research done into the effect of the barrier upon other roads in the area. He had been informed that none had been undertaken and that there had not been a consultation process that involved the surrounding streets. He expressed concerns that neither had taken place.

In response, Garry Turnbull pointed out that the Josephine Avenue Crime Steering Group set up in 2005 had proposed and developed the current scheme and that the group had included residents from Leander Road as well as Josephine Avenue and Appach Road but that there had not been any volunteers from Arodene Road wishing to attend. The formal residents consultation had now taken place, the response was positive and the road closure trial would now take place. Seamus said that he had not known about the JASG. Garry Turnbull reported that he had spoken to Neil Thurlow (Community Safety) and that the Group would be re-formed.

Tim Sutton pointed out that there had not been any displacement of activities during the temporary road closure and that he wished that residents who were actually concerned about an increase of road traffic in the feeder roads would be honest enough to say that this was in fact their concern.

Anda MacBride said that residents on Arodene Road had been largely unaware of the level of activity on Josephine Avenue but that since she had been informed of it and of the considerable distress that kerb-crawling and prostitution was causing residents of the Avenue, she had understood their desire for the barrier at Brixton Hill and was prepared to put up with a possible increase in through traffic on Arodene Road if it meant that serious problems on Josephine Avenue might decrease.

Garry Turnbull said that some residents of Appach Road were unaware of kerb-crawling and prostitution on Josephine Avenue. There had been no reports of increased use of Appach Road during the temporary road closure.

Keith Dempster said that prostitutes waited on the corner of Arodene Road and Brixton Hill but that they preferred to use Josephine Avenue because it was easier (in that it provides a through route, cover for themselves and their clients and is difficult to police.) 

Louise Belson presented to the meeting a letter copied to the JAG by Clr.Marcia Cameron to Valerie Shawcross AM at Transport for London from David Brown, Managing Director of Surface Transport in support of the closure of Josephine Avenue.

3.2 Safer Neighbourhood Team Report from PC Keith Dempster. Sgnt.Carol Brocklesby who has left the team and will be replaced by Sgnt. Jim Carter on 26 November 2007. Sgt Carter previously worked with the Lambeth Vice Squad. GT asked KD to invite him to the JAG AGM on Wednesday 12 December. Current staffing of the Tulse Hill SNT is 1 Acting Sergeant, 1 PC and 2 PCOS. With the appointment of Sgt.Carter, staffing will return to normal with 1 Sergeant, 2 PC and 2 Police Community Support Officers (PCOS). Each ward in each borough has the same team staffing numbers. Panel meetings are held every 3 months. The next meeting of the SNT will be on the 17 January at St.Martins Hall. The SNT Panel is made up of ward team and residents and community group representatives. Priorities of SNT teamwork are set by the panel at each meeting. The current priorities are: Anti Social Behavior Issues on the estates, Drug use on Communal Stairwells and Vice on Josephine Avenue. The last has remained a priority since June.

Elisabeth Owen asked why her report to Brixton Police Station of what she clearly observed to be a woman getting into a car for the purpose of prostitution was met with rudeness and with the response that no action could be taken nor a crime report logged purely on the basis her observation.

Keith Dempster said that her call should not have been met with rudeness. He advised that residents who report an incident should call the SNT. An arrest cannot be made because of a report but the SNT will log calls. At night calls should be made to the Vice squad. Large numbers of logged calls will continue to make vice on Josephine Avenue a priority for investigation. 

Tim Sutton pointed out that a recent burglary on Josephine Avenue was not investigated by the SNT. Keith Dempster said that since vice was the SNT priority on Josephine Avenue, the SNT did not investigate other issues. All other crimes were investigated by Brixton Police.

Tim Sutton said that the burglary was clearly related to a nearby crack house and therefore should surely be included in the SNT remit.

Keith Dempster and Kundle Kolawore left the meeting.

4. Treasurer’s Report: Nick Berry (treasurer) had issued 2 cheques for the meeting: To L.Belson: £103.33 for costs of JAG printing and paper. To R.Blantern: £16.71 for paint costs incurred in maintaining pillars on Josephine Avenue. These required signatures as the account signatories have not yet been changed. The cheques were signed by G.Turnbull and received. NB reported that with the issue of these two cheques the JAG current account was nearly empty.

He apologised for not having more accurate figures at this time. He reported the JAG Deposit Account Cheque Book as missing. There was a possibility that it had been stolen. Garry Turnbull advised that the loss be reported to the bank forthwith. Nick Berry said that he would do so. 

5. Donation to Family Welfare Association. Quotes for repairs to damaged Pillars and Railings.

Nick Berry said that he strongly disagreed with the JAG decision of 10.10.2007. (“to donate to the FWA for the purpose of repairing the damaged pillars the total amount donated to the JAG by Urban Art 2007 of £1,392.01”). He felt that, as he had said before, the FWA should first investigate their landlord’s insurance cover and make a claim. He apologised to the meeting for not having followed up his suggestion that he help them to do this in April but he would now contact the FWA and offer his help. He was joined by others in expressing surprise and disappointment, given the JAG decision at last month’s meeting, that the FWA was not present this evening. Roger Blantern said that he had supported Tim Sutton’s proposal and the decision made at the JAG AGM in December 2006 to donate a sum to the FWA for repair of the pillars and railings but said that he had expected that this would be the excess payable on the FWA insurance rather than such a large donation. Elisabeth Owen said that over several years the FWA had shown no interest in maintaining the building frontage or gardens and it remained in a poor state.

Louise Belson said that at previous meetings Doreen Cornick on behalf of the FWA had reported considerable difficulties in contacting the insuree. The building was let to the FWA Head Office and another charity and it was unclear who held the policy. LB said she would give the contact details for the FWA Head Office to Nick Berry. Seamus MacBride pointed out that it was a simple matter to establish who the freeholder was and would cost £5 to search the Land Registry. He suggested that the JAG report the matter to Lambeth Health and Safety and get them involved in forcing action. Some residents expressed the opinion that the FWA be more pro-active and that they should first propose a solution in which the JAG could help them. Nick Berry said he would contact Doreen Cornick.    

6. Josephine Avenue Carriageway Lighting Maintenance: Louise Belson reported that that a time scale for the work required to restore light to the lamp at 7 Josephine Avenue had now been received by the JAG in writing. Work has commenced. RB and LB will continue to pursue completion. LB again reported that the JAG has still not received any update on the timing of full repair or replacement of the carriageway lights. She reported works to heritage lights in Lambeth were not included in the budget for lighting under the PFI in this financial year. Tim Sutton expressed disappointment at the lack of progress in this area. 

7. Chestnut Leaf Clear Up and Street Clean would be on Sunday 2 December. Elisabeth Owen reported that she had spoken to the tree officer at Lambeth and that he had advised that the planning consent to trim small over-hanging branches which obscure light or overhang pavement was continuous. EO will ask for confirmation in writing. The diameter of the trunk of a tree with conservation status is 7.5 cms and height 1.5 m. Chris van Duuren will arrange waste collection and tools purchase. LB will produce and distribute a leaflet.

Elisabeth Owen left the meeting

8.’South Beach’, Brixton Hill:  Seamus MacBride reported that ‘South Beach’ had now applied for a restaurant license. The closing date for comment published on the website was 16 November. The public notice was required to be displayed until 17 November. Nick Berry asked if the JAG had taken a position about the increase in nightlife on Brixton Hill and suggested that the JAG should request a review of late night alcohol licenses. Anda Macbride called for the Licensing Application process to be changed. Tim Sutton said you couldn’t change the law; you had to work within it. TS said that he could write a general letter based on the one he had already sent to the Licensing Officer and would liase with the Seamus MacBride and Brixton Hill Action Group. (BRAG). Tim and Seamus will write a combined letter. Seamus MacBride said that South Beach had chosen a 2am closure as its license application variation. This was different from the closing time at the White Horse, so causing extended late night disruption. Garry Turnbull suggested and the meeting agreed that the Licensing Officer, Mohammed Agadbir be invited to attend the JAG AGM.

9. Co-Chair. Garry Turnbull reported that Sara Leon will be standing down as co-chair at the forthcoming AGM. He asked the group for suggestions. There were none. He will post a request for suggestions on the yahoogroups.com news group. 

9.AGM. The JAG Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday December 12 8pm at the Baptist Church Hall, Arodene Road. GT reported that Sibs Walter would arrange the church hall booking. Garry Turnbull asked for suggestions from the meeting of those to be invited to the AGM. Tim Sutton suggested Charlie of the Merlin Charity, LB suggested Colin Roberts, Project Engineer, Lambeth Transport and Highways; Diane Martin, Director of TRUST; and Mike Wilson, Interim Lighting PFI Manager, Lambeth Transport and Highways.

10.JAG - Possible Charitable Status. Roger Blantern requested that the JAG consider changing its current status to that of a registered charity. In response to a similar previous suggestion from group members in May, Louise Belson distributed a document to the meeting extracted from the Charity Commission Guidelines. (www.charity-commission.gov.uk). Roger Blantern explained that as an unincorporated association officers and members of the voluntary management committee and the wider membership may be held personally liable for any legal action that faces the organisation. He referenced risk factors involved in JAG activities undertaken at the street clean and other events as being of concern. Tim Sutton said that he did not think it was worth the hassle and also quoted the Charity Commission guideline in the distributed document: “If you are thinking about registering a charity from 23 April 2007 it will only have to be registered if its annual income is over, or expected to be over, £5,000. It is not our policy to register charities that do not meet this minimum requirement.” Nick Berry volunteered to check legal advise on the matter.

11. AOB

11.1 Donation to the Josephine Avenue Group from Urban Art 2007. Conditions: Tim Sutton presented a cheque in the sum of £1,392.00 and stated that he would only be handing it over on two conditions. His stated the conditions were:

1) The meeting must give TS a commitment that the priority of all future JAG Summer Street Cleans would be the cutting of the avenue hedges necessary for Urban Art.

2) The meeting must give TS a commitment that there would be enough volunteers from the JAG to provide 20 hours of work on the Saturday of Urban Art 2008. 

In relation to Condition 1: Tim Sutton said gardening activities by residents had prevented the hedges being finished in 2007. 

In response Garry Turnbull said that cutting the avenue hedges was a considerable task and suggested that it might be better achieved commercially or in another way.

In relation to Condition 2: Tim Sutton pointed out that the event had been very difficult to run on the Saturday because it needed 8 hours more volunteer time than had been given. It was important that volunteers commit themselves ahead of time, as it was impossible to organise the event if they did not. Victoria Hardie said this had indeed been the case and that it had been made more difficult by volunteers withdrawing at the last minute. Garry Turnbull said that he had noticed that Tim had been overwhelmingly busy on the Saturday morning this year. Tim confirmed that this was because of the lack of volunteers. Victoria Hardie said that there had also been problems with a sufficient number of volunteers from the Merlin Charity (donation beneficiaries on the Sunday of the event) turning out. Tim Sutton said this was not a problem and he would sort it out. TS said that more volunteers were also needed to deliver leaflets before and during the event and that despite requests there had been no response. Nick Berry said that in the end Tim had just asked personal friends to help. Garry Turnbull said that he had delivered leaflets. Louise Belson said that she thought that Pelle Kraft had also done so. Tim Sutton agreed this was so. 

Tim Sutton asked if Condition 2 could be agreed.

In response Garry Turnbull (co-chair) said that it could.

Tim Sutton delivered to the meeting a leaflet that he had distributed to the area after Urban Art 2007 in which he thanked all the volunteers for their great team effort. 

Tim Sutton presented the records of sales of the 88 individual Artists and Commission raised on Saturday 21 July 2007. Of these 37 had zero individual sales, 20 had individual sales less than £100; 25 had individual sales between £100 and £790; 6 had individual sales over £900. The total was £13,920.00 10% Commission was £1,392.00. 

11.2 Brockwell Park. Roger Blantern asked the meeting if they were aware of plans to 

remove a section of the Park for a new traffic scheme at Herne Hill and if anyone knew what the outcome of the Planning Application had been. The plan was discussed very briefly. Garry Turnbull said that he had seen the plan, that it took only a tiny area of park 

and that personally he was in favour of it.

11.3 Trees on Josephine Avenue.  Louise Belson presented to the meeting a draft letter from the JAG concerning the ongoing overall health and long-term welfare of the trees on Josephine Avenue, together with a list of possible organisations and individuals who might be approached to advise or fund necessary work. She requested that those interested take away a copy and read it after the meeting. Residents at meetings in the Spring had begun to consider what action might be possible and this issue was the one she heard most often discussed by residents who are active participants at the Street Clean Events but do not come to meetings. She felt the JAG should take action. Garry Turnbull reminded her that Elisabeth Owen had spent much time in the past trying to resolve tree issues. Tim Sutton said that he always kept his tree pruned. 

11.4 Minutes. LB asked for a volunteer to help her distribute the minutes. Victoria Hardie volunteered.   


Meeting closed at 10.10pm 


GT: Invitations to AGM: to include Neil Thurlow and Sgt.Carter (SNT), AGM Agenda, ask Sibs to book hall, post co-chair notice on newsgroup.

TS & SM: Write on behalf of JAG and BRAG to Licensing Authorities.

NB: Cancel deposit book, change signatories, accounts for AGM, contact DC.

LB: Write mins, print and distribute, produce and deliver street clean leaflet, AGM leaflet, board notices, FWA Land register search & contacts to NB. 



Please report any activities of kerb-crawlers or prostitutes with descriptions, times, place and registration numbers to the police SNT on 0208 721 2624 or 0208 721 2892

Alternatively, please fill in the attached form and return free of charge to:

Anti-social Behavior Unit, 
2nd Floor, 
205 Stockwell Road. 
London SW9 9SL

Print out a Form on www.lambeth.gov.uk/Services/CommunityLiving/CrimePrevention/AntisocialBehaviour/AntisocialBehaviourDiarySheet.htm

For emergencies PLEASE DIAL 999








(Brixton Hill End of Arodene Road)








10 am Start

Waste Bags and Tools

Provided Outside 13 Josephine Avenue