Those present: Tim Sutton, Tom Willetts, Elizabeth Owen, Chris van Duuren, Victoria Hardie, Louise Belson (sec), Nick Berry (treasurer), PC Keith Dempster (Tulse Hill Safer Neighborhood Team)

1.Apologies received from: Pelle Kraft, James Middleton, Anne Brown, Roger Blantern, Garry Turnbull (co-chair), Jonna Lansivuori, Chris Kayatz.

Note: Items on the original Meeting Agenda of priority to PC Keith Dempster and the group were brought forward.

2. Correction of Previous Minutes 09/05/07: Minutes Approved

1. At those present: include Tim Sutton (TS)

2. At 8. Treasurer’s report: Correction: Total of material costs: £16.71 

3. At 13.3 AOB: Breach of Planning Consent at 23 Josephine Avenue: RB proposed and the meeting agreed that the JAG would send a formal critical comment to Lambeth Planning on the Retrospective Planning Permission being sought by the developer, Mr.Shea for change of use /conversion to 3 flats with dormer and side infill extension at 23 Josephine Avenue and including an application to build parking spaces for 3 flats on the Rush Common. (RB)

Approval of Previous Minutes. 13/06/07: Minutes approved.

3. Treasurers Report / Accounts: Nick Berry 

Balance of Deposit Account at 19/07/07: £4271.76

Balance of Current Account at 19/07/07: £1284.46 less £124.00 = £1160.46 


4. Safer Neighbourhood Team. 

PC Keith Dempster reported that there had been a decrease in kerb-crawling and prostitution on Josephine Avenue and on its feeder roads while Josephine Avenue was closed at Brixton Hill for the gas repair work. There had been few complaints from residents of Josephine Avenue during the closure. Residents from both ends of the Avenue present at the meeting confirmed this and expressed the relief they felt after 7 years of harassment.  However, Keith reported an increase in activities, further up Brixton Hill. This area was however, easier to police. Prostitutes and pimps were also using a white van parked usually on Brixton Hill End and a property above Allied Carpets on Brixton Hill.

The prevention of prostitution and kerb-crawling on Josephine Avenue remains a top priority for the SNT and the police. Police night shifts will continue. A serial kerb-crawler has been issued an ASBO and banned from the area.  

SNT is supporting a closure of the entrance to the road from Brixton Hill. At the SNT meeting 05/07/07, Members were asked to vote as to whether this had the support of the panel. The Majority were in favour. 

4.1 Tim Sutton asked PC Keith Dempster if there would be a police presence at ‘Urban Art’ and requested that the police survey the area early on the Saturday. PC Keith Dempster pointed out that officers would be very busy at that time at the Brockwell Park Country Fair but would be able to be present later in the day.

5. Traffic Management/ Barrier Update.

The JAG petition was not presented at Full Council on July 4 due to the inauguration of the Mayor. It will be presented as soon as possible. In addition to over 200 signatories from residents, it has now gained support from senior council members including Cabinet Member for Environment Cllr. Lib Peck. Hayden Tuck (Highways)

Has reported that the police and fire brigade have no specific objection to full closure. 

6.Anti Social Behaviour Issues:

6.1 Water Lane End of JA. Increased Use of gardens and Access Roads for defecation, urination and drug abuse. Louise Belson reported the ongoing problems as much increased. The area had to be cleaned up almost daily and combined with no lights on the access road represented a serious risk to residents and the public. The resident carrying this out most often is 80. Residents and the JAG had repeatedly requested that Lambeth mend the light at 5JA as a matter of urgency. Power to the light was cut during work on Appach Rd by the PFI. Despite recognition of their responsibility to do so, no action has been taken.  Tim Sutton suggested the residents of 3-11 JA install sensor lighting and remove their overgrown hedging. PC Keith Dempster suggested that he inspect the area immediately after the meeting.

6.2 5 Helix Gardens. Use of back access alley by prostitutes: (Report from Alison McCoubrey by email). “I am a tenant at number 3 helix gardens. The alleyway at the back of Helix Gardens on Josephine Avenue is being used by prostitutes and we need to get it fixed, the access point is owned by Quadrant Housing and the alleyway, by maybe Helix Gardens residents. I have written to Quadrant and the police to get the access blocked. Please could JAG also contact Quadrant and the police to ensure that something is done, as the houses are now quite vulnerable at the back. It may be that the landlords have to get together to do something in the short term, if it is not dealt with. Please could you bring the matter up at the next meeting.”

Tim Sutton added that the use of the alleyway was a considerable problem for him as well. A neighbour had reported the damage to Quadrant in February but no action had been taken. Tenants at 5 HG were very upset and frightened. PC Keith Dempster said that he would check on the outcome of the scheduled police visit to the property. Louise Belson showed the meeting photographs of the alley strewn with condoms and pointed out that there were very young children living at 5 HG.  Tim suggested and the meeting agreed that the JAG would contact Quadrant and councilors urgently on the issue. 

7. Planning Issues:

7.1 85 Brixton Hill. The site has been cleared and the building to the rear demolished. The developer and owner Mr.Ansari, ordered to do so by Lambeth has failed either to grass or level the site.

7.2 Effra Mansions. Application 07/02154/FUL. ‘Mansard roof extension and conversion to create third floor level involving raising of existing gable walls and chimney stacks to provide four two bedroom self contained flats.’ Victoria pointed out that the use of the courtyard for access was included in the plans.  Case Officer Mr. David Smith. Victoria again requested that residents comment on the application.

7.3 101–103 Brixton Hill ‘South Beach’ Victoria Hardie informed the group that an application has been made to Lambeth by Elaine Igbokwe for a late night bar with live music, dance and an open smoking area to the rear on the site of Dawn Of the Raj on Brixton Hill. The property backs onto residential gardens. The License Application includes opening hours 1pm – 4am 7 days a week. Victoria explained that with the problems the area already has, surely the last thing we need is this. It can only make problems much worse. Residents agreed. Objections deadline was 12/07/07. However Victoria suggests that residents should still write and protest. The application is number 411. Victoria intended to pursue the matter. 

7.4 Conversions without Planning Consent on Josephine Avenue. LB reported that there was no record at Lambeth Planning or the Planning Portal for the change of use and conversion of 24 houses on Josephine Avenue into flats or multi-occupancy dwellings. Most of these conversions had taken place prior to Conservation Status in Josephine Avenue and Helix Gardens. Naz Persaud had reported a new one to her adjacent to 18JA, which is causing considerable problems. The conversion and change of use at 23JA remains without planning permission and the subject of a Breach of Consent. Despite this, the flats have now been rented or sold on.

8. Summer Street Clean Report: (Chris van Duuren) Chris reported that the day had gone well with a good turnout and much accomplished. She expressed concerns that confusions of purpose had developed. The street clean had been long established (1987) as a twice-yearly event where volunteer residents help each other to clear the Rush Common of rubbish and overgrowth, prune hedges and trim overhanging branches. She felt this community activity should not be overwhelmed by preparation solely for ‘Urban Art’ and that residents should not be criticized for helping each other to tidy overgrown gardens on the Rush Common. Tim Sutton pointed out that the necessary work on hedges had not been completed and the day had been extremely exhausting. He emphasized that the event was intended for street cleaning and not gardening. The meeting discussed the timing and scale of the job. It was suggested that an additional earlier hedge trim might be necessary or that commercial hedge trimming be considered.

Tim (by email) thanked residents of Helix Gardens, for trimming their hedges in the week prior. It had been a great help to the ‘Urban Art’ artists.

9. Urban Art: 

9.1 Tim Sutton said that preparations were going well but that more volunteers were still needed. Volunteers should contact Urban Art at info@urbanart.co.uk or phone 020 86741777

9.2 Louise Belson asked if ‘Urban Art’ had public liability insurance this year. Nick Berry explained that this was not possible, as the costs would make the event unviable. LB asked if the damaged pillar at 27 JA might be cordoned or warning taped off. NB said he would tape it.

10. Carriageway Lighting Maintenance

LB reported that on 20/06/2007 the JAG received a reply from Martin Sachs Head of Transport and Highways in response to the JAG Survey and letter. See JAG Mins 13/06/07 at 5. The response reads: 

“Thankyou for your letter dated 06 June 2007 and the accompanying file of papers.

I am asking my Interim lighting PFI Manager, Mike Wilson to look into the matters raised and get back to you as quickly as possible.” LB said she would pursue the matter on behalf of the JAG.

11. Trees. Funding and Action Plan.

LB reported that at the street clean, residents had discussed the current sad state of many of the trees on the Avenue and several were keen to try to find a way to carry out necessary work. James Middleton had offered to research possible advisors and funding for the work needed for the long-term health of the Avenue’s trees. He had compiled a list of contacts and LB presented this on his behalf to the group.

The meeting ended at 10pm 


1.All present: Write to Planning and Environment re: Effra Mansions Planning Application and re ‘South Beach” License Application.

2. LB: Letters from the JAG re: 5 Helix Gardens to Quadrant and Councilors; re lighting on Access Roads to Mike Wilson; follow up, monitor and help progress approval and funding for barrier.



Anti Social Behavior Unit

2nd Floor

205 Stockwell Road

London SW9 9SL

Phone: 020 7926 2830

The Safer Lambeth Partnership has adopted the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 definition of anti-social behavior which is:” A manner that caused or was likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons not of the same household as the defendant”


Thursday July 19

 8pm at 21 Josephine Avenue

You are welcome to attend. 

If you have issues or ideas you would like raised please contact us.

Everyone Welcome

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