Those present: Garry Turnbull (Co-chair), Chris van Duuren, Pelle Kraft, Anne Brown, James Middleton, Tamima Tash, Roger Blantern, Victoria Hardie, Louise Belson (sec), Megan Jones (Community Safety Partnership. Drug and Alcohol Team Manager), 

Apologies received from: Graham Lane, Karen Mears and Nick Berry 

1. Welcome. Garry welcomed those present and introduced Megan Jones to the


2.Approval of Previous minutes of meeting 09.05.07:

The secretary apologised for the late issue of the minutes. Approval will be carried forward to next month’s agenda.

3. Josephine Avenue Traffic Management Proposal. Megan Jones

expressed concerns that road end closure on Josephine Avenue might increase

the use of the gardens by drug users and dealers. Garry Turnbull and Anne Brown 

informed Megan that during the road end closure caused by the gas repairs, use of 

the avenue by kerbcrawlers and prostitutes had been greatly reduced and that although drug users used the Avenue, residents had not observed any increase, rather a decrease. Megan confirmed that the Community Safety Partnership will support the proposal whilst reminding the meeting that there is a lack of funding.

The secretary reported that the completed JAG petition had been delivered to Cllr. Marcia Cameron on 13 May 07. Presentation at a Full Council Meeting has been rescheduled for July 4 due to the inauguration of the mayor. She thanked all those who had co-operated to gather signatories in such a short time. 

Megan will investigate the schedule for availability of crime stats before and after the temporary road closure. 

4.Treasurers Report. Nick Berry emailed to report that all cheques are up to date and he is in the process of changing signatories.

5.Carriageway Lighting Maintenance. Louise reported that as suggested by Hayden Tuck (JAG Minutes: 11.04.07: Item 5) JAG has delivered, to Martin Sachs, Head of Transport and Highways, a letter and photographic survey which demonstrates the very poor condition of the carriageway lights and enclosing the Reply to Area Committee Question. Ref: RG/044992 received by T.Sutton on behalf of JAG on 31.01.05. The meeting read the Reply which states:

“ it is acknowledged that the Council has been undertaking the maintenance and repair of these columns for some years and in order to maintain this commitment the additional 12 columns will be included in the PFI for maintenance purposes. The PFI provider will be required to check the condition and lighting levels of these columns and if they do not meet current lighting standards they will be replaced in the CIP, otherwise they will be replaced during the lifetime of the PFI. These lamp columns would be replaced with the embellished specification column.”

The meeting read the letter and viewed the photographic survey, which includes an urgent request to restore a power line to the light at 7 Josephine Avenue. (Ref: Minutes 09.05.07 Item 6) pointing out that its loss: represents a very serious hazard to elderly and frail residents in the area of Josephine Avenue that is most regularly used by drug takers.” Roger Blantern reported that he has been actively pursuing its re-instatement by Lambeth or EDF for 6 weeks. Neither Lambeth nor EDF admit responsibility for the damage or repair. He thanked the secretary for carrying out the survey.

6. FWA donation/ Pillar repair. FWA awaits information from insurer. 

7. Street Clean Day Tim Sutton suggested and the meeting agreed that the next Street Clean Day will be Sunday July 15. 11 am start at 13 Josephine Avenue. 

Chris van Duuren will make the arrangements with Lambeth for rubbish collection and equipment and hire a small generator if necessary. Garry suggested we again prune over-hanging branches around streetlights. JAG agreed to buy new extending tree lopper/pruning saw. It was agreed that bagging up took a lot of time and Chris will ask Lambeth if they can provide outsize wheelie bin or similar. Tim Sutton said that the pruning of very overgrown hedges at the Helix Road end of Josephine Avenue was a large job, which took a long time and would be better done with a petrol driven hedge trimmer. Chris van Duuren pointed out that best practise for pruning laurel is to use secateurs to avoid increasing the risk of bacterial canker. Tim Sutton volunteered to produce Street Clean Leaflet and  deliver it. Garry Turnbull volunteered to help. (if  both ready, to be delivered with the minutes)

8. Urban Art 2007. The next Urban Art meeting will be Wednesday June 20 at 7.30 pm at 1 Helix Gardens. Publicity: Tim Sutton reported that: he has had printed 5000 leaflets for local and wider distribution; an article and photo will be placed in ‘Lambeth Life’ listings; an advert and listings will be placed in the Evening Standard Network in the week prior to the event; two billboards will be placed 2 weeks prior to the event; the meeting viewed samples of the leaflet and poster. Tim asked for volunteers to place the posters outside the Brixton area. Pelle Kraft volunteered to place 2 posters. Tim reported that: exhibiting artists will be distributing leaflets and that the number of volunteers from Merlin Charity to run the event on Sunday was insufficient. Tim asked for local volunteers to help run the information desk at the event on Sunday and to deliver leaflets locally in the week of 7-14 July. Volunteers should contact Urban Art at info@urbanart.co.uk or phone 020 8674 1777.

9. 85 Brixton Hill. Garry Turnbull reported that he had been informed by the Planning Department Case Officer that the developer Mr.Ansari had been asked, in light of the comments on his most recent application for re-development of the site from residents and planning officers to reconsider his application. The enforcement order allowing 90 days within which Mr.Ansari was required to tidy up the site have now lapsed. Consequently the council are investigating doing the work and charging costs to Mr.Ansari. The re-landscaping will include the demolition of the existing small building at the rear. Meanwhile, the Compulsory Purchase Order is still going ahead.

10. Keith Hill MP. The JAG was pleased to hear that Garry Turnbull has received an email from the office of the MP requesting that Keith Hill MP be invited to a JAG meeting. The meeting discussed which meeting or event JAG should ask him to attend. Louise suggested and it was agreed that the secretary would inform the office of up-coming dates of meetings and events and invite him to attend whichever his diary permitted.

11. Rush Common Consultation. Garry and Louise reported that the JAG had replied to the Draft Rush Common Guidance March 2007 consultation on June 4 2007 with a letter and supporting survey of Josephine Avenue and Helix Gardens. The meeting read the letter and viewed the survey in which JAG expressed support for the aims of the document:

” We applaud the thrust of the document aiming for the continued or increased open nature of Rush Common.”

and commented on two issues as follows:

1. “If Rush Common Consent is not in the future required for permanent parking on the surface of the earth as well as for the laying of hard surfaces and if no guidance is given on this issue at this time, there will surely be no planning mechanism by which the Rush Common can actually retain its open nature and it will very shortly become a parking lot.  

We therefore ask that some clear guideline re permanent parking on the surface of the earth on the Rush Common be included in the Draft Rush Common Policy and Guidance Note – March 2007.”

2. “ In the original lease agreements for properties in Josephine Avenue and Helix Gardens, which was drawn up in the 19th century, it clearly states that leaseholders were under obligation to maintain and keep up those parts of Rush Common, which lay within their property boundaries. 

JAG thinks that the Draft Rush Common Policy and Guidance Note – March 2007  

could consider making a duty of maintenance on privately owned Rush Common Land, enforceable.” 

12. Boot Sale. Tim Sutton reported that: The Sale had raised £303.30 for the Merlin Charity. Fewer residents had taken part this year but more had made space available for stallholders. Tim thanked Grant for his exceptional help and hoped that more residents would take part next year. He said that if there was enough support, he might organise the event again next year, possibly starting at noon instead of 10am.

The co-chairman congratulated Tim for organising the event. 

13. Other Matters.

13.1 Victoria Hardie reported that a planning application had been made to demolish the Grade 2 listed Effra Mansions built in 1890 and replace it with new housing. She requested that residents view the application and comment ASAP.

13.2. Noise Nuisance. The secretary reported that letters to L&Q and the council

have been drafted and the matter reported to Megan Jones (Community Safety

Partnership). Tim Sutton and Garry Turnbull said that such issues were best dealt

with by the Anti-social Behaviour Unit whereby those affected use a diary sheet to

record incidents. Tim Sutton felt that it was not the role of the JAG to get involved

with every local anti-social behaviour issue. Garry suggested that where the safety

of the community was affected JAG could offer advice.

13.3 Tim Sutton requested that the secretary post JAG minutes in brief and advance notice of meetings on the board at 1 Helix Gardens.

13.4 Tim Sutton repeated that volunteers were needed to help run Urban Art.

Volunteers should contact Urban Art at info@urbanart.co.uk 

or phone 020 8674 1777.

The Meeting closed at 9.55pm 


Chris van Duuren: Make arrangements for Street Clean; 

Tim Sutton: design Street Clean flyer; 

Garry Turnbull and Tim Sutton: deliver flyer; 

Garry Turnbull : deliver additional page of petition signatories to sec; write letter requesting info on progress of Enforcement Notice on 85 Brixton Hill: Chase crime stats for use at Council Meet.

     Louise Belson: Follow-up Petition/Barrier; lighting maintenance;  noise

     disturbance; investigation of possible conversion of JAG to reg.charity; 

     minutes, letter to office of MP.

     Megan Jones: Investigate the schedule for availability of crime stats.

     Nick Berry: Present Accounts.



Urban Art Sat 21–Sun 22 July. Art Fair on Josephine Avenue and Helix Gardens. Urban Art Organisation Meeting will be Wednesday June 20 at 7.30 pm at 1 Helix Gardens. 

The Safer Neighborhood Team request that residents inform them of any new issues they wish the team to raise at their next meeting. TulseHill.snt@met.police.uk 

Anti Social Behavior Unit

2nd Floor

205 Stockwell Road

London SW9 9SL

Phone: 020 7926 2830

The Safer Lambeth Partnership has adopted the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 definition of anti-social behavior which is:” A manner that caused or was likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons not of the same household as the defendant”



Sunday July 15

11 am start at 13 Josephine Avenue

Tools, gloves and waste bags provided.

Everyone Very Welcome 


Thursday July 19

 8pm at 21 Josephine Avenue

You are welcome to attend. 

If you have issues or ideas you would like raised please contact us. We would like to hear them.

Everyone Welcome

Contact JAG

Join the Jag Newsgroup:


phone: 020 8674 5902