Those present:  Chris van Duuren, Pelle Kraft, Elizabeth Owen, Louise Belson (sec), Doreen Cornick, Roger Blantern, PC Keith Dempster  (Tulse Hill Safer Neighbourhood Team) Neil Thurlow (Community Safety Partnership Co-ordinator) 

1. Apologies received from: James Middleton, Garry Turnbull, Victoria Hardie and Anne Brown.

2. Previous minutes of meeting 11.04.07: approved

3.Welcome. Louise welcomed those present. Apologies received from: James Middleton,  Garry Turnbull, Victoria Hardie and Anne Brown.

4. Neil Thurlow (Community Safety Partnership) explained to the meeting the new structure of the Community Safety Partnership.

The Safer Neighbourhood Panels will remain a priority.

The Safer Neighbourhood Team request that residents inform them of any new issues they wish the team to raise at their next meeting. TulseHill.snt@met.police.uk

5 Josephine Avenue Traffic Management Proposal. 

Neil Thurlow and PC Keith Dempster will check the timing on obtaining   comparative crime statistics before and after the temporary gas works road closure. The Petition contains 150 plus signatures and has the support of all three of our councilors. Marcia Cameron has been successful in obtaining the support of other councilors. The Vice Squad, Transport and Highways and the Safer Neighbourhood Team are all in support.

Neil Thurlow thinks that the barrier costs ought to be funded by Transport and Highways   

Keith reported that there have been recent burglaries on Helix Road but no increase on Josephine Avenue since the gas works closed the road end.

6. Carriageway Lighting Maintenance. Roger Blantern reported the light at 7 Josephine Avenue to have had its power lines cut accidentally by EDF contractors working in Appach Road. Despite pursuing the issue, neither Lambeth nor the EDF have accepted their responsibility and the light still does not work. Roger also brought a chunk of rusted lamp column from one of the lights demonstrating their very poor state and the urgent necessity to maintain and paint them. Louise will pursue the matter. It was also pointed out that6 many of the trees have become very overgrown darkening the avenue further.

PC Keith Dempster and Neil Thurlow left the meeting.

8. Treasurers Report. The Treasurer was not present. RB presented bills for new materials for pillar maintenance at approx.£20.

9.Boot Fair. FWA and LB will donate a space.

10. 85 Brixton Hill. No further update

11. FWA has considerable difficulty establishing who is responsible for their building’s maintenance and insurance. Louise gave Doreen a letter dated 1982 establishing that responsibility and will write to the Wolfe son Foundation to try to re-establish that responsibility

12. Urban Art. No report.

13. Other Matters. 

13.1It was reported that the disturbances and continuous noise at 11 Josephine Avenue was causing extreme distress to all those living within earshot.

The property is owned by London And Quadrant and is home to vulnerable adults.

The vulnerable adult who carried out the violent attack on a neighbour has plead guilty and his case comes up on May 30th. 

JAG agreed to contact L&Q and Lambeth on behalf of all those affected and to try to resolve the problem as a matter of considerable urgency.

13.2 Residents living on Rush Common have received the document ‘Rush Common Guidance’ and have been asked to comment by June 12 2007.

JAG will respond.

The meeting closed at 9.30pm


1. Louise:  Complete and deliver to Cllr Cameron the Residents Petition re Traffic Management Proposal; Carriageway lighting and maintenance; pass bills from RB to Treasurer. Consult re Charitable status; letters re 11 J.

2. Garry and Louise. Respond to Rush Common Guidance Consultation.

3. Nick. Accounts


Sat 21–Sun 22 July. Urban Art. Art Fair on Josephine Avenue.


Wednesday June 13


21 Josephine Avenue

Everyone Welcome

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