JAG Minutes 21st June 2006

Attendees:  Sara (chair), Tim, Tmima, Elizabeth, Chris, Roger, Michele, Hillary, Alice (secretary), Pelle

Apologies: Graham, Garry, Anne

1. New secretary

Alice is stepping down as secretary.  Hillary volunteered to be a joint secretary, but due to family commitments is not able to do it all.  The meeting elected and welcomed her to the role. There is a need therefore for another person to share the role with her.  Anyone interested should contact Garry.

2. Constitution

There was a discussion about the need to recognize having a joint chair and joint secretary.  It was felt that the Constitution was flexible enough to cope with this, without re-writing it.  The Constitution was voted on and all unanimously accepted it.  The Constitution has therefore been adopted.

3. Post box

Tim was thanked for drafting a letter regarding the post box to make sure that the replacement is in keeping with the character of the street.  Tim to send letter 

4. Urban Art

Tim gave an update on the Urban Art.  It is all going well.  For those volunteering to help out on the day, people will need to meet on 15th July at 7/7.30 am.  There are various tasks which will be allocated on the day.  Sara, Hillary, Chris, Pelle were among those who volunteered to help with leafleting local streets the week before.  Tmima volunteered to help with clearing up.  Michele, Pelle, Sybilla, Garry, Chris and Graham have volunteered to help on the day.  Deborah is organizing with a local school for them to have a teepee on the day.  There will be no children’s art competition.


5. Street Clean

Tim will design the leaflets and these will be distributed by Graham and Chris.  Chris will contact the Council the week before.  The hedges are getting tall so it was considered whether there should be a mulching machine.  Roger pointed out the health and safety dangers involved in using such a machine.  Chris to investigate costs and also get confirmation over the potential hazards of using a machine.

6. Crime Steering Group

Hillary gave an update and agreed to circulate minutes to those not on e-mail.  The lighting should be finished by the end of the year.  Someone is working on the trees.  At the crime steering group meeting initial proposals were presented about traffic management schemes which could involve putting a gate halfway down the road.  The Council are open to feedback about this.  Following resident feedback the Council has set up a 24 hr reporting line – the number is 020 8721 2624.  Residents should both contact the 24hr line in terms of logging intelligence about prostitution and continue to contact the police and the SNT in terms of reporting crimes in general.  .  Reporting incidents to this number will not log them as crime so this will have to be reported as normal.

7. Parking

Tmima wrote to them regarding the colour of lines over entrance to carriageways.  She received a reply that there is time to write and raise objections or concerns.  Tmima to write an objection to the CPZ and ask for the lines marking out carriageways to be turned to double yellow lines.  It has been noted that parking wardens are coming just after 8.30 and just before 5.30 to catch cars parking there – it was recommended that residents be aware of this.

8. Railings/posts

It was agreed that Roger would get quotes for repairing and repainting railings.  Concern was also expressed that the wooden posts holding up the railings are becoming rotten and that these will need to be treated.  It was decided to do a short audit of the numbers of posts that are rotten for discussion at the next meeting over action required.  Audit to take place at street clean by Tmima.  

9. Date of next meeting 

Saturday 22nd July.

10. Agenda items for next meeting

a. Website

b. Wooden posts

c. CPZ scheme – discussion about experience to date.