Present: Sara Leon (chair), Alice Evans (secretary), Roger Blatern, Hillary Box, Tmima Tash

Apologies: Garry Turnbull, Peter Clasen, Lia Litosseliti, Graham Lane, Chris Van Duren, Wigi and Vajira Wignarajah, Emma Lawson, Ann Brown, Tim Sutton

1. Minutes

An amendment to the minutes was received from Lambeth Council.  What read “There are no specific funds available to implement the government's new Prostitution and Drug Treatment Strategies, so these are highly unlikely to have any immediate local impact" should have read “The new strategy is the Coordinated Prostitution Strategy.  Whilst there is no new money at present to support the strategy there is considerable funding at present supporting all problematic drug users including Prostitutes.”

2. Treasurer’s report

A report was not received for this meeting.

3. JAG Crime steering group

The date of the first meeting is the 13th March at 6pm, 205 Stockwell Road.  Hillary Box is attending and if anyone else would like to attend they are welcome.  If anyone has any particular comments but are unable to attend Hillary is happy to feed these in.

4. JAG constitution

It was proposed to discuss this in more detail at the next meeting and continue to encourage more comment from residents.  Alice to print copies for those people not on the newsgroup.

5. Leaf sucker

Graham’s hard work researching this was noted.  The meeting agreed to decide further action based on the results of the demonstration of the leaf sucker. 

6. JAG charity donation

The possibility of donating to Trust was discussed.  In general there was no objection but it was felt necessary to find out more about Trust.  Alice to contact Council.

7. Laminator

Tim’s suggestion of purchasing a laminator was supported by the group.  Tim to purchase.

8. JAG newsgroup, use of and membership

The need for the JAG newsgroup to have a policy governing the use of, membership was discussed and agreed.  Hillary and Sara to draft and circulate for comment.  Meanwhile if anyone has points for inclusion, please pass these onto Hillary. 

9. L&Q garden maintenance

Tim’s suggestion that it would be good to write to L&Q thanking them for the work to date on the gardens, asking when it would be finished and what their plans were for future maintenance was discussed.  The meeting supported Tim sending this letter.  A member of the group would also like the letter to ask whether it is possible to plant snowdrops in the empty triangle adjacent to number 2 Josephine Avenue.

10. Ken’s autos

The possibility of following up the group’s letter, kindly sent by Tim, was discussed.  It was agreed to send a letter to the Council asking when the results of the appeal would be heard.  Sara to send the letter.

11. Urban Art/children’s art

Both urban art and the children’s exhibition were discussed.  The commercial exhibit, catering and the children’s exhibition are all being organised separately.  If anyone wishes to get involved in planning and organising the Children’s Exhibition, then they are welcome to contact Hillary, Louise, Karen or Deborah.  It was also felt important to get clarity on the separation of these specific entities, the financial aspect of the event, and an update on progress for the next meeting.  

12. CPZ

A particular concern was noted that the line markings covering the access to the carriageways was yellow and not white.  Tmima to write a letter on behalf of the group, highlighting concerns, in particular regarding access for emergency vehicles.

13. Actions

Alice – circulate copies of constitution to Tmima, Anne and Roger; find out more about Trust; 

Tmima – write letter to Lambeth Council regarding CPZ

Sara – write letter to Lambeth Council regarding Ken’s Autos

Tim – purchase laminator; write letter to L&Q regarding gardens

Hillary – attend JAG crime steering group, raise concerns and feedback to group; draft newsgroup policy

14. Date of next meeting

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 12th April at 8pm.  Venue to be confirmed.