Those present: 

For JAG: Garry Turnbull (Chair), Grant Winters (Secretary), Hillary Box, Mark Chetwynd, Graham Lane, Christine van Duuren, Adrian Ashworth, Tim Sutton, Pelle Kraft, Lia Litosseliti, Juliet Davies, Gabby Downay, Timima Tash, Wigi & Vajira Wignarajah, Steffi Stibeiner, Sarah Malin, Roger Blatern, Anne Brown, Louise Belson, Sara Leon, Elizabeth Owen, Sibylle Walter, Alice Evans

For Lambeth: Kate Newham, Lambeth Community Safety Team, Paul Asquith, Lambeth DAAT, Khadir Meer, Lambeth DAAT, Richard Cunningham, Rough Sleepers, Eugene Ochi, Lambeth Transport & Highways

For Broadway Supported Housing: Claire Nicholas

For TRUST : Diane Martin

For Brixton Police: PC Keith Dempster, Sgt Jason Frith

1. APOLOGIES were received from Tim Fairhurst, Dai Lewis & Peter Clasen.

2. MINUTES for the meeting held on 11th January were adopted.


Kate Newnham reported that following representations from JAG, Josephine Avenue had been included in the lighting improvement scheme 2006. No start date yet, but roll out from April.

Claire Nicholas reported that 31 Helix Road would be sold off by Quadrant and will no longer operate as a full time Trust.

Richard Cunningham & Kate Newnham agreed to ask Quadrant to communicate their policies regarding selecting sites and tenants.

Tim Sutton reported that Quadrant had confirmed that gardens would be maintained, reducing hedge height to increase safety. Lambeth representatives were asked to liaise with Quadrant about trees and agreed to apply pressure to maintain them properly if necessary.

Sgt Jason Frith requested representatives from JAG to join the local Crime Steering Group of community representatives, to develop action plans, to build on what JAG has already achieved; eg JAG might campaign for extra policing, CCTV cameras. He also reported that both Tulse Hill and Brixton Hill will be given additional police officers. From April 2006, Tulse Hill will have 1 sergeant, 1 PC and 1 Community Support Officer, augmented by December with an extra PC and 2 extra Community Support Officer.

There are no specific funds available to implement the government’s new Prostitution and Drug Treatment Strategies, so these are highly unlikely to have any immediate local impact. 

Lambeth’s Rapid Response Clean Team will clear up condoms, needles & other drugs debris for free within 24 hours. Phone 020 7926 8888 (24 hour service). 

Eugene Ochi reported that a paper on a one way system in Josephine Avenue was being discussed. Although unlikely to be popular with residents, it would reduce kerb crawling. 

Diane Martin confirmed that the area’s attraction for prostitutes was partly because of the dark areas. Lower hedges and more lighting would help to reduce prostitution.  She outlined some of the work TRUST does with vulnerable women.

Khadir Meer recommended an environmental audit in which residents affected identify all the problem areas. 

Kate Newnham relayed a request from Trading Standards to be informed of illegal DVD sellers, as some are selling child pornography.

JAG congratulated the Lambeth team on the clean up of drinkers in Brockwell Park. Richard Cunningham outlined some of the work being undertaken. JAG thanked Lambeth representatives for attending the meeting, hearing residents’ views and committing to joint action.


JAG thanks Tim Sutton for his long and dedicated stint as secretary. Alice Evans was unanimously elected as new secretary.


Grant reported that there is £2,682.65 in the deposit account and £1,038.45 in the current account.


There was agreement that JAG is a valuable organisation and that its reason for existence, structure and way of operating must be (re)defined for future health.  Several and varied suggestions have been put forward via the Newsgroups as summarised by Garry, and some were discussed. There was almost universal agreement that ‘getting to know your neighbour’ and establishing common cause was an important component of successful campaigning. It was agreed that the Newsgroup was an effective tool and that future meetings should remain monthly, be limited to one hour by stern chairmanship, and take place sometimes at weekends. Garry, Tim and Hillary to draft a new constitution for discussion at the next meeting. 


Next meeting 1 Helix Gardens 9 February 7.30 pm. Will not include satellite activities such catering, Children’s Art exhibition, which operate independently but in parallel.


To be revisited after the impact of CPZ has been monitored (CPZ + 1 month). 


Leaf clean in gardens – now urgent, if trees are to be saved this year. Grant and Graham to investigate leaf clearing equipment.

Roger reminded the meeting of the potential situation of tree owner's Insurance being voided by inaction in the face of known 'Moth Infestation' . Anyone concerned should contact Roger Blantern for more info.

Use of JAG funds – Mark to investigate costs of security lights, which JAG may subsidise to residents with gardens affected by prostitution.

Councillor Torren has not replied to Tim’s queries re Rush Common.

10 ACTIONS for next meeting

GRANT, GRAHAM methods of clearing infected chestnut tree leaves 

MARK report on security lighting

GARRY, HILLARY, TIM  draft new JAG constitution

GARRY liaise with Khadir Meer re set up of Crime Steering Group


Saturday 4 March, time & venue TBA


PC Keith Dempster Tulse Hill Ward beat PC m 07913 429 240 

Sgt Jason Frith Tulse Hill Ward

Kate Newham Community Safety Officer

Khadir Meer DAAT

Paul Asquith DAAT

Richard Cunningham Rough Sleepers Coordinator