Those present: Sara Leon (Co-Chair), Tim Sutton (Secretary), Chris Van Duuren (Treasurer), Roger Blantern, Anne Brown and Pelle Kraft.

1. APOLOGIES of absence were received from Janet Paske, Garry Turnbull, Mark, Terresa, Louise Belson, Lia and Shields Russell, Elizabeth Owen and Graham Lane.

2. MINUTES for the previous JAG meeting held 12/07/05 were approved.

3. TREASURERS REPORT Chris informed members that there was £1,702.29 in the current and £2,621.64 in the deposit accounts. She apologised for not having a break down of costs for the Urban Art event but agreed to provide this at the next meeting.

4. URBAN ART 2005 Tim informed the group that, in general, Urban Art 2005 showed a continuing improvement on the previous year. The number of artists had increased (for the first time all pitches were sold), more residents were becoming involved and sales were up. Judging from the artist’s questionnaire, exhibitors were pleased with the quality and running of the event. The most popular item was the food stall and even though it only just broke even this year it was something JAG members would like to see repeated in 2006. The most unsatisfactory item for artists was publicity, numbers of visitors and lack of sales, and this is something that has to be addressed for next year.

During the day visitors were also asked to fill in a questionnaire, and judging from these results they too found the event enjoyable and worthwhile. However it was noticed that only 30% of visitors had seen a flyer while  the majority had heard of the fair via word of mouth. Seeing as JAG had increased the number of leaflets to 25,000 this year there has obviously been a problem with distribution and again, this will need to addressed for next year.

To cover the costs for increased and improved leaflet distribution next year Tim suggested raising the artist’s booking fee from £20 to £30 (the commission charged to artists would remain at 10%). Tim explained that in the past many of the exhibitors had commented that the event was “very cheap” and he believed artists would be happy with a price increase if this meant more visitors and more sales. He noted that at a previous meeting  JAG members had proposed a similar rise but it was thought the event needed to become more established before raising prices.

Because this Urban Art 2005 sold out, and probably will again next year, Tim also suggested the possibility of vetting applicants to ensure that work shown is a of a consistent standard. This was commonly done at other art fairs and he believed this would be good for the reputation of the event and consequently good for both artists and visitors.

At this point of the meeting the discussion became quite heated and it was decided that the subject should be discussed at a later date despite the fact that artists had been told that booking for Urban Art 2006 would be available this month.

NOTICE TO Railing owners: If you are the owner of any of the railings used for Urban Art and wish to claim your £20 rent fee please contact us (with proof of ownership) by 31st October 2005. If we do not hear from you we will assume you wish the funds to be donated back to JAG funds to help with street projects and next year's Urban Art event.

5. STREET NOTICE BOARD: Sara told the group that she had approached the resident who had offered to build the community notice board but because he had waited so long for a reply from the group he was now unwilling to carry out the work. Louise Belson had suggested a metal notice board but members thought this would not be in keeping with the surrounding street furniture. Sara would now try to find another carpenter willing to carry at the work at a reasonable cost.

It had also been discovered that, due to the land owner's worry about vandalism, the proposed site for the notice board at number 2 Josephine Avenue was no longer available. Various alternative locations were discussed and it was thought that the area just behind the carriage way entrance post at number 2 Josephine Avenue might be a possible location. Tim agreed to approach the land owner concerned.

6. SAFETY WALK-ABOUT Last Friday (09/09/05) Pelle joined a tour of St Matthews Road and Josephine Avenue arranged by Toren Smith (local ward councillor). Also present were representatives from other local residents groups plus John O’Connell (Lambeth Community Safety Officer) and Jackie Meldrum (local ward councillor). The objective of the walk-about was to observe and discuss local crime hot-spots. Pelle noted that there were many such hot spots, especially within the estate complexes but he was re-assured that the council were also aware of the current problems we have here in Josephine Avenue and Helix Gardens.

7. RUBBISH DUMPING Residents have recently seen a white van, suspected of belonging to a local house clearance company, dumping rubbish onto the pavement of Josephine Avenue. Local residents have also been seen dumping rubbish onto their own pavements. JAG finds such behaviour bizarre and would like to remind residents that Lambeth provide a free Bulky Collection Service, telephone number:

FREE Bulky Rubbish Collection 020 7926 9000

Members have also noticed members of the public defecating in the street and gardens. Although there is not much residents can do about this, it was thought that by cutting hedges and pruning trees this would increase visibility and lighting, and as a consequence reduce the opportunity for such offences.

8. CPZ Implementation of Controlled Parking Zone Brixton Hill East does not be seem to be happening to the planned schedule of August/September. Tim Sutton agreed to make enquiries with Lambeth Council.

9. DEAD TREES Roger offered to contact the Lambeth Council Tree Officer in November to arrange an inspection of the Avenue’s trees.

10. JAG GRANT SYSTEM Awaiting news from Louise.


a.) 25 Josephine Avenue Fence It was noted that the illegal fence in the garden of 25 Josephine Avenue was still standing. The land owners, London and Quadrant Housing Association, would be contacted.

b.) Street Clean Chris offered to organise the biannual Street Clean for the end of November.

c.) Car Boot Sale Sara offered to organise (along with Louise Belson) a fund raising “Car Boot Sale” later in the year. This would be publicised with local leaflet distribution and signs at each ends of the road. The event will be open to all resident who wants to set up a stall. Volunteers welcome.


Roger Blantern Arrange inspection of trees by Lambeth Tree Officer in November prior to Street Clean.

Sara Leon Arrange Car Boot Sale. Find new carpenter for street notice board.

Chris Van Duuren Calculate break-down of costs for Urban Art 2005.

Tim Sutton Contact L&Q regarding erection of notice board at 2 Josephine Avenue. 

Write letter regarding CPZ. Contact L&Q regarding fence at 25 Josephine Avenue.

Pelle Kraft Draft letter concerning street lighting and condition of pavements.

Meeting closed at 10.10pm.

15. NEXT JAG MEETING will be held on Wednesday 12th October at 13 Josephine Avenue, 8.00pm.

SUBSEQUENT MEETINGS: Please make a note in your diary for JAG meetings on Wednesday 12th October, Tuesday 8th November and Wednesday 14th December.