Those present: Sara Leon (joint chair), Chris Van Duuren (treasurer), Tim Sutton (secretary), Dai Hawkins (Effra Residents Group), James Cumberland, Jools Wait, Louise Belson, Pelle Kraft.

1. APOLOGIES of absence were received from Shields Russell, Garry Turnbull, Graham Lane, Janet Paske, Alice Evans, Karen Mears, Chris D'Souza (Lambeth Community Safety Officer), Barney Mayhew and Elizabeth Owen. The chair also welcomed new members to the group.

2. Previous MINUTES: Chris noted that the deposit account total should have been £2,727.50 (probably due to the £500 charity donation being wrongfully taken into account before the cheque was actually written). Apart from this fact the previous JAG meeting, held 13/04/05, were approved. 

3. TREASURERS REPORT: Chris reported that there was £2,368.50 in the business deposit account and £178.93 in the current account. Correct signatories were still being arranged for the account.

4. BRIXTON SQUARE: Dai informed members that the Effra Residents Group (ERG) had primarily been set up by residents of Mervan Road to oppose Lambeth Council's proposed closure of the stretch of Effra Road behind St Matthews Church (Brixton town centre). Although they agree with the principal of urban regeneration they think Lambeth's proposals are too expansive and the drive to obtain grants from London Transport has blinded the council to the wishes of residents. ERG believe this will have a detrimental effect on the area, increasing traffic congestion, creating dangerous 'rat-runs' in side streets and making the area unsafe for pedestrians. As well as leafleting surrounding roads, the group has lobbied the council and also gained the support of the local MP, Keith Hill.

JAG members present also expressed similar concerns, e.g. no traffic studies had been carried out to measure the impact on neighbouring roads, the police were not being properly consulted in the process and there seemed to be no purpose or management for the new space.

Dai agreed to keep JAG inform of any future developments plus any future meetings held by ERG.

5. URBAN ART: Tim reported that attendance at the previous week's Urban Art meeting had been very disappointing. He stressed that it was too time consuming for him to organise volunteers individually and if residents wanted to help they must come to the meetings. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 24th May at 1 Helix Gardens, 7.30pm.

To attract new customers, and to expand the event, Tim proposed printing more A5 flyers and using most of them as an insert in Living South magazine. This would remove the burden of street-to-street flyer distribution from residents and hopefully free up their time to help in other ways. Tim has been in contact with Living South who have offered JAG a very attractive rate in return for their logo appearing on the reverse of the leaflet and signage. Total cost for magazine distribution and print came to £990.09 (inc VAT) which was approved my members present.

Tim has also made enquiries about port-a-loo hire. This will cost about £110 (all inclusive) and will be organised by Nick Berry.

Janet Paske has been in contact with Sam Witchalls (Jubilee Primary School arts teacher) and will be organising a children's painting exhibition at Urban Art 2005. Tim expressed his concerns that this could be a financial drain on what is primarily meant to be a fund raising event and the possibility of sponsorship should not be ignored. He also pointed out that 'event fencing' could be hired at £3.30 per 3 metre lengths. This could be erected on one of the private drive-ways (dependent on resident's permission) and would make perfectly good hanging space for the children's work without depriving the event of rentable railing space. Louise offered to look into both sponsorship and hire of fencing.

It was felt that even though last year's cake stall had been only moderately successful it still demonstrated the fund raising potential of selling food and drink. Jools and Anne would investigate possible improvements for 2005 and also run the stall on the day.

6. STREET NOTICE BOARD: Tim told the group that he had been unable to find a local resident carpenter to build the notice board. Sara and Chris agreed to get quotes from other carpenters basing the design on the Windmill Park notice board (Tim to take photo reference).

7. Car Boot Sale: Following an earlier email to the JAG Yahoo Newsgroup, Tim suggested the group could hold a Car Boot Sale as both a fund raiser and social event for the street. He suggested that a small number of adjacent car park spaces could be organised for the first year and, if successful, this could be expanded with maybe spaces rented out to non-residents. Publicity would entail an advert in South London Press and leafleting of local roads.

Even though members thought it a good idea nobody had the time to organise it. Shame.

8. Dead trees: Chris read out a report from Elizabeth informing members that she had contacted Ian Leonard (Lambeth Tree Officer) regarding the replacement of the tree from outside no. 4 Josephine Avenue (owned by London and Quadrant Housing). Mr Leonard offered to write a strong letter recommending that the tree be replaced, he also agreed to an informal survey of the street's trees.

9. Derelict site 85 brixton hill: No report from Garry.


a.) BOOK CLUB: Jools offered to run a Book Reading Club for local residents. Anyone interested should contact him at 21 Josephine Avenue.

b.) ILLEGAL GARDEN FENCE: Tim reported that he had spoken to Tracey Nembhard at London and Quadrant Housing regarding the wooden fence illegally erected in the front garden of 25 Josephine Avenue. He was told that it had been a mistake and would be removed.

c.) JAG RESIDENT GRANT: Louise informed members that the wording for the proposed JAG Resident's Grant system is presently being checked over by a lawyer and she hopes to present her proposals to the group very soon.


Tim Obtain necessary documents for bank signatories. Produce JAG letterheads. Photo of Windmill notice board. Produce Urban Art 2005 leaflet, press and information packs, arrange resident's meeting, etc. etc. etc.

Chris Obtain carpenter's quote for notice board.

Sara Obtain carpenter's quote for notice board (and subscribe to JAG Yahoo Newsgroup?).

Anne & Jools Organise catering for Urban Art 2005.

Louise Arrange fencing and possible funding for children's art exhibition at Urban Art 2005.

Elizabeth Contact Ian Leonard regarding tree letter to L&Q and informal survey of street.

Graham Lane and Pelle Kraft      Distribute minutes to Josephine Avenue.

15. NEXT JAG MEETING will be held on Wednesday 8th June, 2005 at 21 Josephine Avenue, 8.00pm prompt.

Meeting closed at 10.15pm.

SUBSEQUENT MEETINGS: Please make a note in your diary for JAG meetings on Tuesday 12th July, Wednesday 10th August, Tuesday 13th September, Wednesday 12th October, Tuesday 8th November and Wednesday 14th December.

)  REMINDER: if you would like to get involved in Urban Art 2005 please )

come to a meeting at 1 Helix Gardens on Tuesday 24th May at 7.30pm.