Those present: Garry Turnbull (joint chair), Sara Leon (joint chair), Chris Van Duuren (treasurer), Tim Sutton (secretary), Elizabeth Owen and Mark Chetwynd.

1. APOLOGIES of absence were received from Shields Russell, Anne Brown, Pelle Kraft, Graham Lane and Louise Belson.

2. MINUTES for the previous JAG meeting held 08/03/05 were approved.

3. TREASURERS REPORT: Chris reported that there was £2,227.50 in the business deposit account (with £280 waiting to be deposited as cheques for Urban Art) and £382.61 in the current account. Regarding re-appointment of bona fide signatories for the accounts, Chris reported that she was still waiting for the necessary documentation from both Shields Russell and Anne Brown. Tim Sutton agreed to authorise copies of his documentation with the Post Office.

4. DERELICT SITE 85 BRIXTON HILL: Tim Sutton informed the group that Mr Ansari, the property owner, has now submitted the revised plans for redevelopment of the derelict site to Lambeth Council. These plans do include a sixth floor on the main block even though Lambeth Planning have already informed Mr Ansari that the building should only contain five, the same as the site's original building. Even though members were sympathetic towards Mr Ansari it was felt that his actions may well lead to yet another stale mate with the council and as a consequence the site remaining derelict for many more years to come. If this were to happen the only impasse seemed to be Councillor Jackie Meldrum’s plans for compulsory purchase of the site by the Lambeth. Garry Turnbull agreed to investigate to see if this was still a possibility. It was also noted that the garden coach house, which was now being submitted separately, had gained a second floor since Mr Ansari's last plans. 

5. CHARITY DONATION: Garry handed out information leaflets to members present which explained the work of a local charity called Trust. This organisation offers support to local women involved in prostitution, encouraging them to make informed decisions and offers new hope and long term support through a process of change. As members agreed this was a worthy cause, and deserved the group’s support, it was decided to make a donation of £500 to help them with their work. 

6. URBAN ART: Tim reported that 25 of the 82 pitches for Urban Art 2005 have now been sold and that it was highly likely that all of the pitches would be sold in advance. This would benefit publicity by enabling the campaign to concentrate on increasing the numbers of visitors rather than recruiting artists, e.g. local leaflet distribution could be done two weeks before the event rather that four weeks as in previous years. Tim will be distributing the usual residents notification letter over the next few days and this will contain notification of a volunteers meeting which will be held at 1 Helix Gardens on Wednesday 4th May at 7.30pm. Tim yet again stressed the extra organisational burden and potential fund raising opportunities of the event (e.g. marketing and publicity, additional exhibition space, refreshment stall, sculpture park, sound stage, sponsorship, local celebrity, toilets, schools competition, children’s crèche, etc. etc. etc.) and hoped that more residents would take part in Urban Art 2005.

7. CONTROLLED PARKING ZONE: Waiting for results from the second round of public consultation.

8. CARRIAGE-WAY LIGHTING: Mr Raj Bali has informed Elizabeth that he is unaware of any plans by Lambeth to replace the lamp posts so repainting work should be completed within 4-6 weeks.

9. STREET NOTICE BOARD: Sara confirmed that she has sent a letter to Lambeth Council asking for information about the notice boards in Brockwell Park but she has had no reply. It was decided that it was probably a waste of time waiting for a reply and that we should investigate the possibility of building one ourselves. Members agreed to make enquiries from local carpenters (a resident who is a carpenter would be ideal) and report back at the next JAG meeting.

10. NO PARKING SIGNS: Tim reported that all the signs had now been erected. JAG would also like to know from residents whether they are having an effect or not.

11. DEAD TREES: London and Quadrant Housing Association have now removed the dead tree from outside number 4 Josephine Avenue. However a replacement has not been planted. Elizabeth agreed to contact the Lambeth tree officer, Ian Leonard, to find out what the property owner’s obligation are regarding this issue and, if necessary, contact the housing association.

12. FUTURE STRUCTURE OF JAG: Unfortunately Shields was not able to attend the meeting but he has informed Tim that he is working on his proposal and will present it at the next meeting. Meanwhile he was interested to know members views regarding the aims of the group, its achievements and possible future social activities. Those present thought the group’s main aim was to build a better neighbourhood. Achievements include the annual street cleans, building and erection of bird boxes, no parking signs, liaising with the council on a number of issues (e.g. improved street lighting), working with the police for a safer street, local charity donation and the planned resident’s grant scheme.

One possible social function could be a Bonfire Night Barbecue which was last held about ten years ago outside number 12 Josephine Avenue. It was an enjoyable event where residents were invited to drop by for a burger or cup of soup after the fire-works at Brockwell Park. A definite success and one worth repeating.


a.) STREET CLEAN: The date for the next street clean will be Sunday 10th July (the weekend before Urban Art 2005 which will be on the 16th).

b.) MINI CAB OFFICE PROPOSAL: Garry informed the group that a mini cab firm have applied to open an office at the Brixton Hill end of the avenue. Members agreed that a local mini cab service would be useful but this already congested part of the road would be the wrong place. Garry has already spoken to a council official and has been told that the application will probably be turned down. Garry agreed to monitor the situation and keep the group informed of any developments.

c.) BRIXTON SQUARE: Garry reminded members that Lambeth would be exhibiting proposals for the new Brixton Square this Saturday (16th April).


Tim Obtain necessary documents for bank signatories. Produce Urban Art resident’s letter and Urban Art leaflet. Produce JAG letterheads. Find carpenter for street notice board. Give current list of booked artists to Chris.

Chris Contact Anne Brown and Shields Russell concerning signatories documentation. Send £500 donation to Diane Martin at Trust. Investigate carpenter contact.

Garry Contact Jackie Meldrum concerning compulsory purchase of 85 Brixton Hill.

Elizabeth Contact Ian Leonard concerning replacement of tree outside 4 Josephine Avenue.

Mark Distribute minutes to Appach Road

Graham Lane and Pelle Kraft      Distribute minutes to Josephine Avenue.

15. NEXT JAG MEETING will be held on Tuesday 10th May, 2005 at 21 Josephine Avenue, 8.00pm prompt.

Meeting closed at 9.50pm.

SUBSEQUENT MEETINGS: Please make a note in your diary for JAG meetings on Wednesday 8th June, Tuesday 12th July, Wednesday 10th August, Tuesday 13th September, Wednesday 12th October, Tuesday 8th November and Wednesday 14th December.