Those present: 

Garry Turnbull, Anne Brown, Pelle Kraft, Louise Belson, Chris Van Duuren, Lia Litosseliti, Shields Russell, Clare MacDonald

1a. APOLOGIES: Tim Sutton, Elizabeth Owen, Barney Mayhew, Sara Leon.

1b. PREVIOUS MINUTES of the meeting on 09/02/05 were approved.

1c. CLEANING OF OUR AREA: Clint Chamberlain attended on behalf of ‘Cleanaway Ltd’, sub-contracted for the council, and responsible for the cleaning of our street and pavements (including responsible for recycling). It was noted that he is also the person responsible for liaising re: our JAG street clean. He can be contacted on: Cleanaway Ltd, Lambeth Division, 255 Shakespeare Rd, London SE24 9QN, and contact number 0207 3460700.

2. DERELICT SITE 85 BRIXTON HILL: Tim Sutton not present, no other information provided. To follow up in next meeting.

3. TREASURER’S REPORT: Chris reported that there was £382.61 in the current and £2,727.50 in the business deposit account. Further, it was noted that one of the signatories for JAG funds (M. Lancaster) has moved away from the area, and it was agreed by those present that she will now be removed. Others were invited to be signatories. It was agreed that these will be: Anne, Pelle, Gary, Tim, Chris.

4. NO PARKING SIGNS: These are obtained, and will be put up very soon.

5. STREET NOTICE BOARD: Sara has written to enquire; in progress.

6. CHARITY DONATION: It was agreed that we would like to investigate the ‘TRUST’ charity further. To follow up and reach a decision in next meeting.

7. STREET LIGHTING: Report (via Elizabeth) of progress, without problems.

8. NEW BIN EMPTYING: No problems.

9. URBAN ART 2005: Tim not present. Comments made about ensuring that Tim receives help from other members nearer the time.

10. FUTURE STRUCTURE OF JAG: Shields talked about: the background of this; ideas about how to motivate people to get involved with JAG (getting more effectively organised; getting to know your neighbour); letting people know why JAG exists, perhaps distribute a simple brochure. Brochure could include: what we believe in, what objectives we try to achieve, what we have achieved in the past, the benefits of getting involved, ways to get involved (e.g. we form sub-groups and other mechanisms for getting people involved), dates for what we do/will be doing, photos of key people involved & contact numbers, and an invitation to a JAG event. It was agreed that adding a social element to JAG will be a good idea.

Further ideas: devising a new questionnaire for residents; creating a database.

It was agreed that the issue of why JAG exists / what we believe in, and the idea of an event will be addressed in the next meeting.

It was also agreed that we should go back to distributing copies of the minutes of JAG meetings to all on Josephine Avenue and Appach Rd, for a trial period of 4 months. Chris (and Graham) and Pelle have agreed to do this.

11. CPZ: Consensus that we need to encourage people to read the consultation document re: CPZ implementation. Those present were in favour, but it was noted that it is up to individuals to vote in favour or against the plans.

Further: Hilary Box has written to the council re: speed bumps. Josephine Avenue traffic management is now looked at by the council, and there will be separate consultation on this.

12. DEAD TREE AT NO 4 JOSEPHINE AVE: We had previously agreed that people can apply for JAG funding to contribute towards tree removal bills. To follow up in next meeting re: the procedure, amount limit etc. Louise agreed to draft a proposal on this.


a) Suggestion that we limit the items on the agenda for JAG meetings

b) Tulse Hill pavement success; work due to start soon

c) Joining a car club in the future (Lia has some information; we need to know level of interest)


Shields to write something on why JAG exists.

Pelle to pursue contact with person responsible re: street lights.

Louise to draft proposal on setting up a tree trust.

Garry to obtain more information on ‘TRUST’ charity; also to do a leaflet to encourage residents to take the CPZ consultation seriously.

Chris to do the same (re: CPZ) for Appach Rd; also to pursue change of JAG signatories.

15. NEXT JAG MEETING will be held on:

Wednesday 13 April, 2005 at 13 Josephine Avenue, at 8pm.