Those present: Sara Leon (acting Chair), Chris Van Duuren (treasurer), Tim Sutton (secretary), Anne Brown, Elizabeth Owen, Pelle Kraft and Louise Belson

1. APOLOGIES of absence were received from Gary Turnbull, Graham Lane and Roger Blantern.

2. PREVIOUS MINUTES of the meeting held on 10th October 2004 were approved.

3. TREASURERS REPORT: Chris reported that there was £552.96 in the current and £2,511.16 in the savings account (same as the previous month’s meeting).

4. CONTROLLED PARKING: Tim reported that he had spoken to a Liz Cloud from Lambeth Council, the lady responsible for the proposed Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) in the Josephine Avenue area. She confirmed an earlier report from another JAG member (Barney Mayhew) that although Josephine Avenue residents had voted in favour of a CPZ, both Appach and Leander Roads had voted against. However, due to a number of “suspect” votes, both these roads would be re-consulted which would unfortunately delay the whole process until early next year.

While on the phone, Tim also explained residents’ fears that limiting parking in the street would  encourage cars to drive even faster and suggested that these issues needed to be incorporated into the scheme for it to be successful. Liz said that this was outside her departments remit but she would contact the necessary traffic department to see if they could work in tandem.

Louse offered to monitor progress and report back to JAG at the next meeting.

5. STREET CLEAN: Chris told members that she has informed Lorraine Tye (Lambeth Street Care) of the JAG Autumn Street Clean and that plans were well under way for the 28th November. Leaflets had been distributed the previous week and a reminder slip would also be sent out a couple of days before the event. 

6. JAG AGM: Chris reported that she had booked Raleigh Hall for Tuesday 30th November at a rental cost of £20 per hour. Leaflets had been distributed the previous week and a reminder would also be included with the Street Clean slip. Chris, Anne and Pelle volunteered to organise catering which would be paid from JAG funds.

It was decided that the agenda for the meeting should start with members outlining various aspects of the groups work. This would be followed by a talk from the local Ward Police Officer (if willing) and the evening would finish with a general debate about residents concerns.

Tim told the group that Jeff Turner (Ward Police Officer) would be attending the meeting but it looked as if neither Jackie Meldrum (Ward Councillor), Toren Smith (Ward Councillor) nor Keith Hill (MP) would be attending. Tim was still waiting to here back from Wendy Hurst (L&Q Housing) and Conrad Giwa (Step Forward Housing).

It was thought that the Street Clean, the Sunday before, would be an excellent opportunity to encourage residents to attend. Tim also offered to produce a ‘Useful Contacts Card’ which would be given out to remind residents about the AGM the following Tuesday.

7. LIGHTING: Elizabeth informed the group that she had been in contact with both James Priestman (Lambeth Community Safety Officer) and Raj Bami (Lambeth Department of Transportation and Highways) regarding the carriage-way lamp-posts. According to Mr Priestman the posts will be given a coat of black paint this month, November 2004, however Mr Bami said this would depend on the weather. Mr Bami also told Elizabeth that the lamps would be fitted with brighter bulbs. Elizabeth agreed to monitor the situation and would report back to JAG at the next meeting.

8. WASTE BINS: Pelle has received a letter from Lambeth Streetcare informing JAG that the matter is being dealt with by a Mr Jaime Akinola who will respond on the matter by 15th November.

9. STREET NOTICE BOARD: Tim apologised that he had been unable to make any progress regarding planning permission for the notice board but hopes to have more news by the next meeting.

10. DEAD TREES: Anne told the group that it had cost Roger Blantern (resident of 9 Josephine Avenue) £900 to remove a dead tree from his garden and suggested the group make a contribution to his costs. Members views on this differed, however after much discussion it was decided that JAG could offer a funding scheme on the proviso that the project would benefit ALL residents. Worthy projects could include tree removal, tree planting, communal fencing repair, parking signage, road markings, etc. etc. The scheme would be announced at the AGM and residents would be invited to propose projects. These would be considered at future JAG meetings.


White Lines - Elizabeth proposed that JAG could pay for white lines to be painted at carriage-way entrances to prevent parked cars blocking in residents. It was thought by other members that if this was reasonably cheap it may be worth doing, however if it were expensive it may be better to wait until the CPZ has been implemented as this may include road markings. Elizabeth agreed to investigate costs.


Louise Belson Contact Liz Cloud (Parking) and Highways Department. 

Short speech at AGM regarding parking and traffic.

Tim Sutton Produce reminder leaflet for Street Clean and AGM. 

Short speech at AGM regarding fund raising (UrbanArt) and funding scheme. 

Investigate cost of parking signage. Produce ‘Useful Contacts Card’. 

Street notice board. Contact Wendy Hurst and Conrad Giwa.

Sarah Leon Distribute reminder leaflet (odd numbers). 

Chair AGM if Garry Turnbull is absent.

Elizabeth Owen Distribute reminder leaflet (even numbers). 

Short speech at AGM regarding conservation issues. 

Investigate cost of white lines.

Chris Van Duuren Organise AGM evening, including catering. 

Short speech at AGM regarding street environment (lighting and bins).

Anne Brown Help Chris with AGM catering.

Pelle Kraft Help Chris with AGM catering.

18. THE NEXT JAG MEETING will be held on

Wednesday 8th December, 2004 at 13 Josephine Avenue at 8.00pm prompt!

Meeting closed at 9.30pm.