Those present: Chris Van Duuren (treasurer), Tim Sutton (secretary), Anne Brown, Pelle Kraft, Graham Lane, Elizabeth Owen, Sara Leon (acting chair) and Roger Blantern.

1. APOLOGIES of absence were received from Janet Paske, Garry Turnbull and Louise Belson.

2a. PREVIOUS MINUTES of the meeting held on 14th September 2004 were approved (the August meeting was cancelled due to lack of attendance). Tim asked Pelle for the 'text file' of the previous meeting so that it could be filed on the JAG Newsgroup. Tim also pointed out that the treasurer's report was missing from the previous minutes.

2b. THE Future of JAG was discussed and a variety of views were put forward. Tim argued that members who had volunteered to take on various tasks (conservation, traffic, parking, dumped cars, etc. etc.) had not been doing so and, as a result, the residents association had become ineffective. He also questioned the reason for holding future fund raising events (e.g. Urban Art) when no one seemed that bothered about spending the money.

Other members disputed this view and Graham suggested the group should find a paid administrator who, after attending JAG meetings, could carry out the necessary work. Tim expressed his concerns that this was contrary to the 'voluntary' nature of the group and this could cause problems in the future if residents expected to be paid for JAG work. A vote was taken on whether to pursue the matter: 5 voted yes; 1 voted no; and 2 abstained. Anne and Roger said they might be able to find a suitable candidate.

Another vote was taken on whether members wanted JAG to continue; all present voted yes.

3. Treasurer's report: Chris reported that there was £552.96 in the current and £2,511.16 in the savings account. This money does not take into account any residents who might claim their £20 for the use of railings during Urban Art 2004. Cut off date for claiming will be end of November 2004. 

4. URBAN ART 2004: In general it was thought that this year's art fair had been a success both as a fund raiser and a community event. More residents than last year volunteered to distribute leaflets before the event (both door to door and tube drops) which was a great help. However, JAG still needs more helpers on the day especially at the start and end of the event. This year there were only three people left to clear up the whole event and as a result roughly a quarter of the exhibitors left without reporting back to the information desk or paying their commission. Louise Belson has agreed to chase up the unpaid money.

5. CONTROLLED PARKING: In the absence of Garry (JAG member responsible for traffic) Chris has heard nothing since her meeting with the council in May.

6. LIGHTING in the Avenue: Pelle has been in correspondence with James Priestman (Lambeth Community Safety Officer) regarding lighting. Apparently the council has offered to 'paint the posts and replace the bulbs'. Members decided that the present blue colour was not very attractive and that green (or  black as a second choice) would be better. Pelle agreed to pass on this information to the council.

It was noted that the council were taking responsibility for not just the light bulbs. This may be a good sign if the posts every need to be replaced.

7. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: Following enquiries by Anne, the group decided on the 'Anastacia' café, Brixton Water Lane, as a suitable venue for this year's AGM, Tuesday 30th November, 7.30 - 9.30pm. Anne agreed to make further enquiries regarding hire and catering arrangements with a budget of £100 - £150.

Invited guests would include: Keith Hill MP; Jackie Meldrum and Toren Smith (local councillors); Wendy Hurst (London Quadrant Housing); Conrad Giwa (Step Forward Housing); Jeff  Turner (Police); Ian Leonard (Tree Officer); and a parking representative.

Tim agreed to design the leaflets which will explain the current crisis but also give a positive message of what JAG could achieve if more residents became involved. Elizabeth, Pelle, Anne and Sarah agreed to distribute.

8. SAFETY MEETING 14th July: Tim reported that a JAG member, who prefers to remain anonymous, had a meeting with other resident associations in the area, and the police, to formulate a plan to clear up the drug dealing problems that currently plague Tulse Hill Parade. Members present agreed this was a positive move and look forward to hearing any future developments.

9. Lambeth funds meeting 26th July: No members attended so no funds were claimed.

10. street notice board: Tim will contact the council regarding this matter.

11. DEAD TREES: Roger reported that, earlier in the month, the council had given him 3 days notice to remove a dead tree outside his house at 9 Josephine Avenue. This he has now been done at a cost of £900. This insistence of swift action appears contradictory to the dead tree which still stands opposite, outside number 4 Josephine Avenue, which is owned by London and Quadrant Housing. Roger will draft a letter to be send by JAG to Lambeth Council asking for action to be taken. Elizabeth (JAG member responsible for conservation) agreed with this.


a. Street Clean. Chris agreed to organise a street clean for Sunday 28th November. Tim will design the leaflet.

b. Letter Bins. Pelle informed the group that a Mr K. Niash at Lambeth Council had promised to install a litter bin on the pavement at the corner of Josephine Avenue and Brixton Water Lane. This still had not happened so Pelle agreed to make further enquiries.


Elizabeth Provide Pelle with 'invisible green' colour swatch for lamp posts. Leafleting (Appach).

Pelle Contact Street Care, James Priestman and Keith Niash regarding street lighting and 

bins. Leafleting (Josephine). Text file of previous meeting to Tim.

Sara Leafleting (Appach).

Chris Find parking representative for AGM. Organise Street Clean. 

Provide Tim with old Urban Art data.

Tim AGM and Street Clean Leaflets. AGM invitations. Tree letter.

Anne Organise venue and catering for AGM. Leafleting (Josephine).

Roger Draft tree letter.

14. THE NEXT JAG MEETING will be held on

Tuesday 9th November 2004 at 3 Josephine Avenue at 8.00pm prompt!

Meeting closed at 10.15pm.