Minutes JAG meeting 13/07/04

Those present: Garry Turnbull (chairperson), Chris Van Duuren (treasurer), Tim Sutton (secretary), Anne Brown, Barney Mayhew, Pelle Kraft, Janet Paske and Hannah Turnbull.

1. APOLOGIES of absence were received from Roger Blantern and Graham Lane.

2. PREVIOUS MINUTES of the meeting held on 14th April 2004 were approved (both May and June meetings were cancelled due to lack of attendance).

3. URBAN ART 2004: Hannah offered to run a refreshments stall at this years event, outside number 13 Josephine Avenue. Even though this was considered very late notice (Tim was also concerned that the council had not been properly consulted) it was agreed to let this go ahead. It was also decided that refreshments for next year's event should be planned more in advance with the possibility of using the carriage-way entrance outside number 24 Josephine Avenue which is presently occupied by a dumped car.

Chris reported that of the 81 available pitches 50 had already been taken; 4 by resident and 46 by visiting artists. Tim reported that generally things were well underway for Saturday's event. All the door to door leafleting had been done,  both he and a friend would leaflet outside Clapham tube on Thursday, Garry and Louise Syfret would leaflet Herne Hill on the same day and any remaining leaflets would be handed out at Brixton tube by Tim on Friday. Tim would also produce T-shirts for both the tube drops and volunteers on the day.

4. Treasurer's report: Chris reported that there was currently £940.44 in the deposit account and £567.91 in the current account.

5. Controlled parking: Garry told members that stage one of the controlled parking consultation for our area had now begun and questionnaires had been sent out to all residents. The majority of members approved of a parking scheme in the street but they were also concerned about the increase in traffic speeds this was likely to create. As JAG member responsible for traffic, Garry agreed to contact the council to ensure they were aware of all concerns.

6. lighting and Rubbish: Pelle has been in touch with James Priestman (Lambeth Community Safety Officer) regarding the poor lighting in the avenue. According to Mr Priestman there are more urgent cases in the borough and we are regarded as fairly low priority. Pelle will try to contact him before the next JAG meeting for an update on both this and the rubbish bin situation.

7. DUMPED CARS: There was a short discussion about the increased number of neglected or dumped vehicles parked in the gardens of the avenue. However, no one offered to do anything about it.

8. JAG Web Site, etc: Tim recommended to the group that we purchase our domain name (josephineavenue.co.uk) as the present free name (josephineavenue.f9.co.uk) was causing problems with the BT server where most of the web site is hosted. As registration is very cheap nowadays this was thought a good idea. Tim also informed that group that he has made Garry a moderator for the JAG newsgroup.

9. SAFETY MEETING Barney agreed to attend the safety meeting organised by James Priestman (to be held the following night) and would report back to the group.

10. Available council funds: Janet Paske had earlier emailed the group with a copy of a letter from councillor Steve Reed informing people of a meeting at the council to discuss a £15million windfall available for community projects. JAG members thought that this was probably a hoax and no one was willing to follow it up.

11. street notice board: Tim has had a reply from the council asking us to submit for advertising permission. Tim will contact the council regarding this matter.


a. Thank you letter The council were very helpful as usual at last Sunday's street clean and it was decided that letter of thanks was due to Lorraine.

b. Carriage way lamp posts. A suggestion was made that JAG funds could be used to paint the carriage way lamp posts. Tim was concerned that this may already be the council's responsibility so why waste hard earned JAG funds?

c. Windmill funds. Janet brought to the group's attention minutes from a 'Friends of Windmill Gardens' meeting stating that London and Quadrant may be funding a community festival. Could they help us?

d. Dead trees. It was noted that there are now two dead trees in the avenue both at numbers 4 and 26.


Garry Turnbull Herne Hill leafleting with Louise Syfret. Renew traffic campaign.

Tim Sutton Urban Art 2004 (T-shirts, signage, leafleting, etc. etc. etc). JAG domain name. Notice board.

Chris Van Duuren Urban Art 2004 (Information desk, bookings, etc. etc. etc). Lorrain thank you letter.

Pelle Kraft Contact Street Care, James Priestman and Keith Naish regarding street lighting and bins.

Barney Mayhew Attend Street Safety meeting.

Hannah Turnbull Organise refreshment stall.

Elizabeth Owen Investigate dead trees at numbers 4 and 26 Josephine Avenue.

Jeremy Beer Investigate dumped cars.

18. THE NEXT JAG MEETING will be held on

Wednesday 11th August 2004 at 1 Helix Gardnes at 8.00pm prompt!

Meeting closed at 10.00pm.

FUTURE MEETINGS 2004: Tue 14th Sept, Wed 13th Oct, Tue 9th Nov and Wed 8th Dec.