Those present: Dai Lewis (vice chair), Garry Turnbull (chair), Pelle Kraft, Anne Brown, Chris Van Duuren (treasurer) and Tim Sutton (secretary).

1. Apologies of absence were received from Sarah Leon, Elizabeth Owen and Barney Mayhew.

2. Previous Minutes of the meeting held on the 11th February 2004 were approved.

3. Treasures Report Chris did not have the current figures but it was assumed that there had been no change since her last report. Chris also informed the group that she had received cheques from Urban Art 2004 exhibitors but had been unable to bank them.

4. PARKING IN THE AVENUE Garry reported that both he, Barney and Catrina had attended the Lambeth Controlled Parking Commission Meeting on 4th Feb. The meeting was attended by about 35 people and it was learned that Lambeth had set aside £45,000 for controlled parking zones in the borough. It seemed fairly likely that Josephine Avenue would be included in the proposed Elm Park Zone (which covers roads from Brixton Water Lane to the South Circular) and consultation and implementation of the scheme could be completed within a year.

Garry also reported that there would be two open public meetings on 20th and 25th March. Tim agreed to design leaflets to publicise these and Chris agreed to copy and distribute them (she would also ask Sarah Leon to help).

It was also agreed that councillor Sawden should be thanked for inviting JAG to the 4th February meeting and he should also be asked to keep us up to date with any future developments.

5. DERELICT SITE 85 BRIXTON HILL Tim reported that both he and Garry had attended the planning appeal on 9th March at Lambeth Town Hall. From Mr Ansari’s (property owner) comments it would appear that the council officers have been very negative over the years and never really given him positive suggestions to work on. It seemed likely that the inspector would reject the appeal because of the extra floor on the back extension. After everyone (residents, Mr Ansari, architect and council officer) had viewed their opinions he also agreed to make recommendations to both the land owner and council officers as to what proposals could be made in the future. The general conclusion was that if this meeting had happened at the very beginning a building, acceptable to all parties, could have been built  years ago.

6. URBAN ART 2004 Chris reported that five artists have applied for pitches, three of which have sent cheques. Tim asked for more involvement from all JAG members for this year’s event.

7. LONDON QUADRANT GARDENS  Tim reported that L&Q had finally carried out 'short term' maintenance work on their property's gardens. However some of the work had been far from satisfactory, with hedges being reduced to mere stumps. Tim read an email he had sent to Chris Taylor (L&Q Maintenance Officer) highlighting the problem and also read Mr Taylor's reply which the committee felt was fairly unsatisfactory. It was decided to contact Wendy Hurst to find out when L&Q's 'long term' maintenance plan would start. It was also decided to ask the First Step Housing Association if they would also trim the hedges on their properties.

8. STREET CLEAN It was decided that the next Street Clean should be carried out just before Urban Art 2004 on Sunday 11th June.

9. CARAVAN AT NUMBER 30 Dai reported that he had no further information and would let the committee know more at the next meeting.

10. STREET NOTICE BOARD Tim had not heard anything as yet from Paul (5 Josephine Avenue).

11. ALLIED CARPETS FORECOURT Tim reported that Sarah had spoken to Charlie (a gardener in the Avenue) and had learned that he had not been appointed by Allied Carpets to carry out any work on their properties. It was hoped that Sarah would investigate further and report back at the next meeting.

12. ECO SURVEY Elizabeth reported that there was still no news from Aaran (Brockwell Park).

13. KEITH HILL MEETING It was decided to cancel any plans for a public meeting with the MP. However a letter would be sent thanking him for his offer and inviting him to our next AGM.

14. MARIE STOPES EXTENSION No developments known. Garry agreed to keep the committee informed of any news.

15. TRADERS LIST As nothing had been heard from Jeremy Beer it was decided to remove this item from future JAG agendas.

16. Other Matters

• Camping Shop Development - The committee were aware of a planning application to redevelop the old cinema/camping shop on Brixton Hill Parade into flats with a retail unit on the ground floor. Members present had no objection to the development in principal. Individual responses were thought more appropriate.

• Worsening Road Surface - it was noted that the road surface of the avenue was deteriorating, however the committee thought that this issue should be dealt with after the parking situation is resolved.

• Lighting - Even though lighting in the avenue has improved, members still felt that further work could be done. Pelle agreed to contact the council to see if a lighting survey of the street could be carried out, as previously suggested by James Priestman (Lambeth Safety Officer).

• Anti Kerb Crawlers Sign - It was noted that the police have erected a new anti kerb crawling sign at the Brixton Hill entrance to the avenue.

• Rubbish Bin - It was felt that residents should be made aware that free, replacement rubbish bins are available from Lambeth Council. This information could be included in a future JAG leaflet.

• Colin Buchanan Meeting - Tim reported that JAG had been invited to a meeting between Lambeth Town Planning and Colin Buchanan Consulting regarding potential development sites in the area on Friday 12th March. Tim agreed to attend the meeting and report back to JAG at the next meeting.

16. To Do List:

Tim Sutton Design leaflet for Controlled Parking public meetings. Email Councillor Sawden. 

Letter to L&Q. Letter to Step Forward. Contact Paul regarding Street Notice Board. 

Attend Colin Buchanan meeting.

Sarah Leon Produce and distribute parking leaflets. Investigate Allied Carpets forecourt maintenance.

Chris Van Duuren Produce and distribute parking leaflets. Process Urban Art applications. Letter to Keith Hill.

Dai Lewis Investigate caravan at number 30.

Elizabeth Owen Contact Aaran regarding Eco Survey.

Pelle Kraft Contact Lambeth council regarding lighting survey.

17. The next JAG meeting will be held on:

Wednesday 14th April, 2004 at 13 Josephine Avenue at 8.00pm, PROMPT!

Meeting closed at 9.30pm

Future Meets 2004: Tues 11th May, Wed 9th June, Tues 13th July, Wed 11th Aug, Tues 14th Sept, 

Wed 13th Oct, Tues 9th Nov, Wed 8th Dec.