Those present: Garry Turnbull (chair), Dai Lewis (vice chair), Tim Sutton (secretary), Chris Van Duuren (treasurer), Anne Brown, Catrina Andrews, Elizabeth Owen and Sarah Leon.

1. APOLOGIES of absence were received from Janet Paske and Barney

2. PREVIOUS MINUTES of the meeting held on 10th December 2003 were approved, the only exception being point 14 where Chris had NOT offered to monitor the Allied Carpet forecourt situation (see item 11 below).

3. TREASURER’S REPORT - Chris reported that there is currently £1,205.24 in the current account and £145.08 in the deposit account.

4. KEITH HILL MEETING - Chris reported that most of Josephine Avenue and Appach Road had been leafleted concerning the Keith Hill MP meeting to be held on Thursday 15th January 2004, 7.30pm, at the Raleigh Hall Baptist Church, Arodene Road. Tim agreed to produce an extra 180 leaflets to cover the remaining properties. Garry, Anne, Catrina, Elizabeth and Dai agreed to distribute both these and the reminder leaflets which would go out the day before. Tim expressed his concerns that only residents had been invited and not council members, police, etc. etc. as originally planned. Garry agreed to send out email invitations to Jackie Meldrum, Torren Smith, James Priestman, Wendy Hurst, Step Forward Housing and Jeff Turner. Garry also agreed to chair the meeting starting with a short introductory speech to highlight residents concerns (Crime, Traffic and maybe Education), then hand over to the MP before a final questions and answers session. It was agreed not to provide refreshments as it would be too disruptive to the meeting. (Ed. the MP cancelled the meeting on the day itself due to ‘family’ reasons).

5. LAMBETH TRANSPORT DECEMBER MEETING - Both Garry and Barney attended the December meeting and Barney’s written report was circulated to members present. Garry summarised by saying that Transport for London would not be providing any funding for a parking scheme for Josephine Avenue in the foreseeable future. Council Officers at the December meeting were aware of a proposed scheme for Elm Park Road, however they were unaware of exactly where the boundaries for that scheme lay and whether Josephine Avenue would be included. It would appear that the council are starting to acknowledge our current problems, however they will need to set aside funding in the March budgets for any action to take place. Members agreed that JAG needed to lobby the council to urge action on this issue. Action to be taken would be decided at the February JAG meeting.

6. ‘TRUST’ SEX WORKERS DECEMBER MEETING - Both Janet Paske and Barney attended the December. Janet’s emailed report was circulated to members present. Judging by the report, members felt that the meeting had been fairly inconclusive and repeated what residents had been told already, e.g. that it is difficult to get girls off the street once they were hooked on drugs. Networking aspects to the meeting however were positive. 

7. LONDON QUADRANT GARDENS - Tim reported that, at long last, London and Quadrant Housing Association had started work on their garden properties in the avenue. The very overgrown hedge at no. 2 Josephine Avenue had been cut right back and Chris Taylor, L&Q Garden Maintenance Officer, confirmed in a telephone conversation to Tim that work on the remaining properties would be completed over the next two weeks ‘depending on the weather’. Tim also pointed out to Mr Taylor that the pruning work done at no. 2 had maybe been a little too drastic with some of the bushes being cut well below the "6 inches above railing height" as agreed with Wendy Hurst. It was also pointed out that vital cross branches, which create a ‘solid’ hedge, had been removed. Mr Taylor said that he had noticed that the gardeners had been a little too enthusiastic on another L&Q property and he would make a site inspection before taking suitable action.

8. TRADERS LIST - Due to the continued absence of Jeremy Beer from JAG meetings no information was available to the group (ed. unless someone else volunteers maybe this should be removed from any future agendas?)

9. STREET NOTICE BOARD - Tim apologised that he had been unable to draw up any plans for the proposed Street Notice Board. However, after discussion it was decided to ask Paul (no. 7 Josephine Avenue) if he would be willing to build one for the group following the success of his bird boxes. Tim agreed to approach Paul to discuss costs, positioning, etc. etc. and report back at the next meeting.

10. - DERELICT SITE 85 BRIXTON HILL - Tim reported that he had written a letter, on 12th December 2003, to the freeholder (Mr Salim Ansari) telling him of our objections (square bow windows at front and extra storey rear) to his proposed building at the Brixton Hill end of the avenue and asked him to contact JAG to discuss the matter further. No reply has been received. The planning meeting to decide Mr Ansari’s proposal will be held on the 9th March, 10.00am, room 32, Brixton Town Hall. It was decided that JAG should send a letter to the planning inspectorate and also ask for the opportunity to make representation at the March planning meeting.

11. ALLIED CARPETS FORECOURT - It had been noticed by members that the forecourt was tidier and the gate was now being kept shut at night. However, it was not known how long this maintenance work would continue for. Sarah agreed to contact the gardener, James, to find out what work he had been commissioned to do.

12. ECO SURVEY - Having written to Aran (Brockwell Park Greenhouses) but heard no reply, Elizabeth agreed to try again and invite him to the next JAG meeting.

13. CARAVAN 30 JOSEPHINE AV - Dai reported that the situation still remains unknown as the owners have been away. He hoped to have more news for the next meeting.


Raleigh Clinic Extension- Dai reported that a planning application has been put in to the council to extend the Raleigh Clinic, Arodene Road side. It was thought to be a matter that could be raised at the Keith Hill MP meeting.

Lock-up Garages 60 Josephine Av - Elizabeth reported that she had heard of plans to build lock-up garages on the triangle of land between 58 and 60 Josephine Avenue. The general view among members present was that this could prove very unsightly. Elizabeth agreed to investigate further.

Yellow Line Road markings - The suggestion that Jackie Meldrum had raised during the JAG AGM that yellow lines could be painted to prevent cars parking on street corners was again raised by members present. Garry agreed to ask Keith Hill at the Thursday meeting.

17. Volunteer To Do List:

Garry Turnbull Leafleting. Email invitations to Keith Hill meeting

Anne Brown Leafleting.

Catrina Andrews Leafleting.

Elizabeth Owen Leafleting. Invite Aran to February JAG meeting. Investigate garages at 60 Josephine Av.

Dai Lewis Leafleting. Investigate caravan at 30 Josephine Av.

Tim Sutton Contact Paul regarding Street Notice Board. Write to the Planning Inspectorate regarding 85 Brixton Hill and representation at planning meeting.

Sarah Leon Contact James, gardener, regarding Allied Carpets forecourt.

(Jeremy Beer Traders list - if you are unable to do this please let me know and I will remove it from the agenda)

21. The next JAG meeting will be held on:

Wednesday 11th February, 2004 at 57 Josephine Avenue at 8.00pm, PROMPT!

Meeting closed at 10pm

FUTURE Meetings 2004 -  Tues 9th Mar,  Wed 14 Apr,  Tues 11th May,  Wed 9th Jun,  Tues 13th Jul, 

Wed 11th Aug,  Tues 14th Sept,  Wed 13th Oct,  Tues 9th Nov  and  Wed 8th Dec.