Those present: Tim Sutton (Secretary), Chris Van Duuren (Treasurer), Garry Turnbull (acting Chair), Elizabeth Owen, Dai Lewis and Sarah Leon.

1. APOLOGIES of absence were received from Wendy Hurst (London and Quadrant Housing Association), Pelle Kraft, Lia Litosseliti and Barney Mayhew.

2. Previous Minutes of the meeting held on the 12th November 2003 were approved.

3. Treasurers Report - £145.08 in the deposit account and £1,202.24 in the current account. This is after spending £96.00 for the AGM (£65 snacks, £31 drinks, any left over drinks were bought by various JAG members).  

4. JAG AGM - It was generally agreed that the JAG AGM had been successful with an attendance of 24 people in total. The discussions had been ‘nicely chaotic’ and topics covered confirmed that JAG was tackling subjects that were of importance to residents of the Avenue. Members present also expressed their thanks to the management of Khans Indian Restaurant for providing the venue and the tasty snacks. Chris agreed to pop in and thank them personally.

5. How JAG is to function in 2004 - Following concerns raised at the AGM it was decided that JAG meetings should alternate between Tuesdays and Wednesdays each month to allow more residents to attend. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 13th January 2004, then Wednesday 11th February, etc. etc. It was also agreed that meetings could be kept shorter by keeping discussion more strictly to the agenda. As the problems presently facing the Avenue also effect neighbouring roads it was felt that residents of Appach Road should be included in future JAG activities and leaflet distribution.

The question was raised whether items that regularly appear on JAG Agendas should be ‘dropped’ if the member responsible had taken no action? It was decided that these items should continue to be listed otherwise they would be forgotten. The previous offer from Pelle to write a letter urging residents to attend meetings was now thought redundant as this had been superseded by the AGM leaflet and meeting.

6. Parking and traffic - It was noted that since the AGM Janet Paske (63 Apache Road) had been very active in emailing various people at the Council with regard to the present parking situation. From information sent by Jackie Meldrum, the Group were aware that Transport For London have given Lambeth £3.6m for 2004/5, however only £10,000 will be used for CPZs and most of that will be used for the Coldharbour Lane area. It was also noted that reports from residents on the other side of Brixton Hill who were originally against CPZ have since found them beneficial and are now in favour. The general opinion was that the Avenue needed some form of controlled parking scheme and that JAG should be pro-active to ensure that whatever is adopted should be to the benefit of residents. Garry and Barney will be attending a meeting of the Lambeth Transport Forum on Thursday 13th December to discover Lambeth’s current plans and hopefully put forward Josephine Avenue residents views on this matter.

7. London Quadrant Gardens - Wendy Hurst (Area Officer) has emailed the Group to inform us that a date has finally been set for the short term maintenance work to be carried out on L&Q garden properties. It was noted that over eight months has passed since JAG first contacted L&Q regarding this matter. Concerns were raised that, at that rate, it could be years before L&Q carry out the long term maintenance and landscaping that they have promised.

8. Keith Hill mp meeting - It was decided that residents from both Josephine Avenue and surrounding streets should be invited to the Keith Hill MP meeting to be held on Thursday 15th January 2004. Because of that, it was decided that a larger venue than that used for the AGM should be found, the preferred option being The George Canning on Effra Road (Chris agreed to make enquiries). To give residents sufficient notice, three leaflets would distributed, one within the next few days, another two weeks in advance of the meeting and then a smaller reminder leaflet on Wednesday 14th January.

9. Traders list - Due to the absence of Jeremy Beer, no information was available to the group.

10. prostitution signs - Again it was noted that the anti prostitution signs were illegible at night and several  had slipped down their posts. However as it was so nice of the council to put them up it was felt rather ‘jaded’ to complain.

11.Street Notice board - It was decided that the Street Notice Board idea should definitely go ahead and could be erected near the gate post outside no. 3 Josephine Avenue (the land owner, Anne Brown, having 

previously given permission). Members would inspect the site before the next meeting so that it’s exact location could be decided. Members felt that a traditional design would best blend with the street and hopefully decrease the risk of vandalism (as this was thought inevitable the window would be perspex and replaceable). Dai told the group that he knew where JAG might be able to purchase an old church notice board and agreed to investigate further. 

12. derelict site 85 brixton hill - Garry reported that Mr S Ansari (owner of the property) had originally submitted plans for redevelopment of the site in 2002 and these had been turned down by the council. It is now know that he is to appeal Lambeth’s decision and that this will be decided at a planning hearing to be held on 4th March 2004. Gary had obtained drawings which members inspected. It was agreed that the site needed to be developed, however members objected to the additional floor to the back extension of the proposed building (as it was out of keeping with the rest of the terrace and would over-shadow neighbouring gardens) and also the square bay windows on the front of the proposed building (which were out of character with the angled, victorian bay windows of the adjoining properties). Some members were also unsure about changing the garage in the rear garden to residential use.

13. Garden 60 josephine avenue - Suggestions were made at the AGM that the un-used private garden at no. 60 Josephine Avenue could be turned into a community space. Those who suggested the idea were not present at the meeting so it as decided to drop this item from future meetings.

14. Allied Carpets - Due to the absence of Graham Lane, no information was available to the group. Chris agreed to monitor the situation in the future.

15. Vice Chair - Due to lack of time at the AGM Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer positions were not voted on. Consequently the following positions were voted on at this meeting:

Chair - Garry Turnbull   Vice Chair - Dai Lewis   Treasurer - Chris Van Duuren   Secretary - Tim Sutton

16. other matters

ECO SURVEY OF THE AVENUE - Dai raised the issue of whether leaf clearing and garden maintenance work carried out by residents was eco-friendly? It was decided that this should be a point of concern for JAG in 2004. Elizabeth and Dai agreed to investigate possible contacts who might be able to advice the group. It was also decided that the long term maintenance, particularly that of fencing and other street furniture, should also be a topic for consideration in 2004.

CARAVAN 30 JOSEPHINE AV - Since the hedge cutting at no. 30 Josephine Avenue, the ‘mobile’ home (which has been there permanently for at least 15 years) was now clearly visible to the road and Tim asked members whether JAG should ask if it could be removed? Members agreed that it was looking a little worse for wear and Dai agreed to make enquiries with the owner.

MUGGERS ON BIKES - It was reported that there have been recently been 2 muggings in the Avenue where the attackers used peddle bikes for their get away.

LIGHTING - It was reported 2 of the carriage-way lamps on the north side of the Avenue were not working.

17. Volunteer To Do List:

Tim Sutton Send ‘Thank you’ letters to Paul (bird boxes) and Boby (Khans Restaurant). 

Letters regarding 85 Brixton Hill.

Chris Van Duuren Investigate venue for Keith Hill MP meeting.

Investigate maintenance plans for Allied Carpet forecourt.

Sarah Leon Produce and distribute initial Keith Hill MP leaflet.

Dai Lewis Notice Board. Enquire into caravan at no. 30 Josephine Avenue. Report broken lamps to Lambeth.

Elizabeth Owen Invite Arran (Brockwell Park Greenhouses) to February JAG meeting.

Jeremy Beer Traders List.

Graham Lane Carpet Right forecourt.

21. The next JAG meeting will be held on:

Tuesday 13th January, 2004 at 13 Josephine Avenue at 8.00pm, PROMPT!

Meeting closed at 10pm

Meetings 2004 -  Wed 11th Feb,  Tues 9th Mar,  Wed 14 Apr,  Tues 11th May,  Wed 9th Jun,  Tues 13th Jul, 

Wed 11th Aug,  Tues 14th Sept,  Wed 13th Oct,  Tues 9th Nov  and  Wed 8th Dec.