Those present: Tim Sutton (Secretary), Chris Van Duuren (Treasurer), Garry Turnbull (acting Chair), Anne Brown, Elizabeth Owen, Pelle Kraft, Jeremy Beer and Sarah Leon.

1. APOLOGIES of absence were received from Wendy Hurst (London and Quadrant Housing Association).

2. Previous Minutes of the meeting held on the 15th October 2003 were approved.

3. Treasurers Report - £145.08 in the deposit account and £1,309.63 in the current account.

4. NEW PROSTITUTION SIGNS - As reported in the last minutes, James Priestman, together with Brixton Police, have now erected the anti-prostitution signs on lamp posts in the avenue. However, members felt that although they were sturdily constructed, the the graphics were not very legible, especially at night. Tim agreed to email James to see if the graphics could be changed.

5. BIRD BOXES - Elizabeth now has six boxes (costing £23.10 in total) which she, Jeremy and Matt will be erecting during the Street Clean on Sunday under the supervision of Aran from Brockwell Park Greenhouses. If more boxes are thought appropriate then these can be purchased and erected at a future date.

6. KEITH HILL MP MEETING - Following Chris, Sarah and Shields’ meeting with the MP, JAG has been contacted by his secretary to arrange a future meeting with the group. A provisional date has been set for Thursday 15th January 2004 at 7.30pm. All residents of the avenue will be invited. Venue to be decided.

7. Traders list - Having investigated how the Brixton Water Lane Society work their traders list (this is a written list which residents can apply for) it was decided that JAG should create it’s own list and that it should be put on the web site. Jeremy agreed to write and maintain this, writing the text and passing it on to Tim to put on the web.

8. Autumn Street Clean - Chris reported that everything was now ready for Sunday’s Autumn Street Clean. Flyers had been distributed (reminder flyers would be designed by Tim, printed by Jeremy and distributed by Jeremy, Anne and Sarah on Saturday) and the council would be delivering the refuse sacks, brushes and gloves on Friday morning. Chris also informed the group that the new contact at Lambeth Streetcare was Lorraine Tye (tel: 07939 249 126). The group decided that rubbish, especially rubbish under hedges, should be targeted first.

9. JAG Newsletter - Tim reported that JAG NEWS 2003 had been successfully printed and distributed. Elizabeth noted that the article on trees was not correct and it was decided that this could be corrected at the AGM and in future newsletters. 

10. JAG AGM - Chris outlined the four options (Hobgoblin, Baptist Church, Methodist Church and Khans Indian Restaurant) she had investigated as possible venues for the meeting. It was decided that Khans, pending confirmation from the management, would probably be the most viable option. Members agreed that between £80 and £100 could be spent on food and drinks, and that the evening should be kept informal; maybe a few speakers from the committee followed by an open discussion. Garry agreed to help Chris in the organisation.

It is hoped this meeting will attract new members into the group to help in next year’s activities.

11. London Quadrant - Tim had been informed by Wendy Hurst that, despite her best efforts, garden maintenance work on London and Quadrant properties would not be done before Sunday’s Street Clean. However, a contractor has now been appointed and “the work would be done soon”.

12. News-room South East tv report - Garry informed the group that both he and Tim had appeared on a recent television report concerning the difficulties of residents living on the edge of Controlled Parking Zones. Other members’ initial reaction was one of scepticism, however when it was pointed out that the road highlighted in the report (Arlingford Road) would probably get a CPZ next year, and that their problems would then move on to Josephine Avenue, it’s relevance was then appreciated.

Having spoken to the councillor in charge of parking, Tim had been told that funding for CPZs has been drastically reduced so the chances of Josephine Avenue being considered under such a scheme is beginning to look 

doubtful. Other residents appearing on the report had suggested that people from all the streets affected should form an action group to ensure that any future parking schemes benefit residents and not just Lambeth Council funds. The group decided that any such action group should be supported by JAG. Garry agreed to liaise with other resident associations on this matter.

13. Derelict site 85 brixton hill - Garry informed the group that, following an earlier refusal of planning permission, the freeholder of the property has now appealed. The outcome is unknown.

14. Carpet Right Forecourt - Graham had nothing to report.

15&16. BAF AREA Forums - Tim and Anne reported that they had attended two Area Forum Council Meetings focusing on the current ‘mapping’ exercise being carried out by Lambeth Council. It is hoped that when the data is eventually distilled it may focus the Council’s attention on the Avenue’s current problems.

17. Vice Chair - The position remains unfilled.

18. DIstribution of minutes - Concern was raised that members were unaware of dates of meetings due to the low number of printed minutes distributed. Tim explained that the reason for this was that in the July minutes members had been asked to renew their subscription but only one person replied. If members still wish to receive printed minutes they need to contact him. (Copies of all JAG minutes are always available on the Yahoo Newsgroup and a copy of the current minutes is always available on the web site).

19. other matters

DANGEROUS TREE AT 60 JOSEPHINE AVENUE - Tim highlighted the fact that this particular tree was now leaning at a very dangerous angle. Elizabeth informed the group that she had asked Ian Leonard (Lambeth Tree Officer) to write a letter to the freeholder care of the tenants. Concern was raised that this stood little chance of being forwarded to the freeholder so Tim agreed to write a letter direct to the freeholder outlining the danger posed to residents.

20. Volunteer To Do List:

Tim Sutton Contact James Priestman regarding prostitution signs. Draw up list of Housing Association properties for Street Clean. Investigate results of Toren Smith’s traffic survey. Letter to Bushells.

Garry Turnbull Help organise AGM. Obtain copy of plans for 85 Brixton Hill. .

Graham Lane Carpet Right forecourt.

Jeremy Beer Organise Traders List. Liaise with Graham regarding Carpet Right forecourt. Printing and distribution of Street Clean reminder leaflet.

Chris Van Duuren Invite Jackie Meldrum and other relevant parties to Keith Hill meeting. Street Clean. AGM.

Sarah Leon Distribution of Street Clean reminder leaflet.

Anne Brown Distribution of Street Clean reminder leaflet. More of your yummy cakes at the Street Clean!

21. The next JAG meeting will be held on:

Wednesday 10th December, 2003 at 1 Helix Gardens at 8.00pm, PROMPT!

Meeting closed at 10.15pm