Those present: James Priestman (Brixton Community Safety Officer), Garry Turnbull (Chair), Elizabeth Owen, Tim Sutton (Secretary) and Chris Van Duuren (Treasurer).

1. APOLOGIES of absence were received from Jeremy Beer, Lia Litosseliti and Roger Blantern.

2. Previous Minutes of the meeting held on the 13th August 2003 were approved. (It was also noted that if members were unable to download the minutes from the JAG web site a text version was always available on the Yahoo Newsgroup site under ‘files’.)

3. Treasurers Report - £145.10 in the deposit account and £1,277.65 in the current account.

4. STREET LIGHTING - James Priestman reported that a Crime Prevention Officer has carried out a survey of Josephine Avenue (a copy of which will be made available to JAG). In it, it reports that street robbery has increased. It also recommended that the lighting should be improved. In the short term the council has replaced all the lamps with 100W sodium bulbs, but in the long term the posts will need replacing, however this is dependent on Lambeth finances and could take up to two years. As far as lighting on the carriage-ways this seemed to be a grey area and James agreed to investigate. James also suggested police signs on the lamp posts to deter prostitution in the avenue. Members agreed that this would be a good idea and asked James to look into this.

There then followed a general discussion on the appearance of the street and ways it could be improved to make the road safer. JAG members reported that Step Forward Housing Association had been very cooperative regarding over-grown gardens/trees and that London and Quadrant were also cooperating, if a little slower. It was also reported that one privately owned garden (12 Josephine Avenue) was also particularly over-grown and distressing to neighbours. JAG members agreed to do a survey of the road and report back to James regarding possible danger spots.

James also reported that there was a help line for the disposal of sexual and drug litter on tel: 020 7926 8888.

5. LONDON QUADRANT GARDENS - Due to the absence of Wendy Hirst from the meeting information was not available. However it was noted that the hedge at no. 2 Josephine Avenue had been partially cut.

6. traffic calming - Due to the absence of Wendy Hirst from the meeting information was not available. However it was reported that a resident of Appach Road had received a letter from Lambeth Transport stating that they are currently bidding to Transport for London for a controlled parking scheme in the area for the Borough Spending Plan of 2004/2005. Public consultation would start next year and JAG would ask to be involved in this process. Elizabeth reminded members that not all residents would be in favour of controlled parking in the avenue.

7. JAG NEWSletter - It was decided that the JAG Annual Newsletter should be distributed on the 1st November. Articles to be included were Conservation (Elizabeth), Urban Art (Tim), Useful Contacts (Tim), Past/Future Projects (Chris), Traffic Issues (Garry) and Crime (Jeremy t.b.c.). Articles needed to be handed to Tim by Sunday 12th October.

8. AUTUMN STREET CLEAN - It was reported that Mellissa would be unable to organise this year’s Autumn Street Clean. Chris kindly volunteered instead.

9. JAG AGM - It was decided to hold the JAG Annual General Meeting in the week 24 - 28th November. Jackie Meldrum (local councillor) would be consulted to find out which date would be convenient.

10. BIRD BOXES - Elizabeth is currently investigating possible options with the RSPB.

11. Street notice board - Tim will produce drawings and costs for the next meeting.

12. Traders list - Elizabeth reported that she was still waiting to hear back from the relevant people.

13. Tree surgery work - Elizabeth reported that all work had now been done and paid for.

14. Derelict site 85 Brixton Hill - Garry reported that he had been unable to progress on this issue.

15. Allied CArpets forecourt - Chris reported that Graham had been unable to progress on this issue.

16. Brixton Area forum meetings - Tim reported that Jackie Meldrum has asked for representatives from Josephine Avenue to be present at the following two meetings:

Tues 16th September, 7pm, Town Hall, Room 32

Brixton Area Forum (BAF) Tulse Hill Ward  working group.

Wed 24th September, 7pm, Town Hall, Ante-chamber

Brixton Area Forum (BAF) consultation on the Brixton/Lambeth community plan.

Both meetings would discuss topics that directly effect the Avenue and volunteers were asked for.

17. VICE Chair - No volunteers.

18. Other Matters

77 BRIXTON HILL - Elizabeth reported that she had received a planning application notice for the rear of 77 Brixton Hill. Garry agreed to investigate before the next meeting.

POSSIBLE USES FOR JAG FUNDS - Elizabeth suggested grants to residents for street improvements (e.g. repairing fencing or road surfacing). Tim suggested a gardening competition.

MEETING WITH MP - Chris notified the group that she and Shields would be attending the Keith Hill (MP) surgery and would report back at the next meeting.

15. Volunteer To Do List:

James Priestman Supply JAG with a copy of the Crime Officer’s report. Check Council’s responsibility regarding maintenance/renewal of carriage-way lighting. Investigate possibility of police anti-prostitution signs. Check to see if the sexual and drugs litter help-line applies to private land. Send relevant letters following survey of road by JAG members.

Garry Turnbull Write traffic article. Investigate rear of 77 Brixton Hill planning application.

Elizabeth Owen Investigate bird boxes and traders list.

Tim Sutton Write Urban Art article and Contact List. Sketch plans for street notice board. Survey of Josephine Avenue, trees etc. Contact Wendy Hirst. Write letter to Lambeth Transport regarding consultation.

Chris Van Duuren Write Past/Future Projects article. Keith Hill surgery.

10. The next JAG meeting will be held on:

Wednesday 15th October, 2003 at 13 Josephine Avenue at 8.00pm, PROMPT!

Meeting closed at 10.15pm