Those present: Janet Paske, Wendy Hirst (London Quadrant), Roger Blatton, Jeremy Beer (acting chair), Elizabeth Owen and Timothy Sutton (secretary).

1. APOLOGIES of absence were received from Shields Russell, Chris Van Duuren, Graham Lane, Garry Turnbull and Maurey Lancaster.

2. Previous Minutes of the meeting held on the 9th July 2003 were approved.

3. Treasurers Report - None produced. Members requested up-to-date balances at the next meeting.

4. LONDON AND QUADRANT GARDENS - Wendy Hirst reported that a questionnaire for London and Quadrant residents would be circulated over the next few weeks to find out how they felt regarding maintenance of their gardens. A copy would be sent to JAG beforehand for members comments. London and Quadrant’s future actions would be determined by the wishes of their residents.

Wendy reported that she had also consulted Chris Taylor (London and Quadrant surveyor) regarding the matter of parked cars obstructing the carriage-way entrances. Members discussed possible solutions to this including ‘no parking’ signs on the railings and/or painted lines on the road. However, it was felt that the ideal solutions would be to widen the areas of the pavement either side of the entrances preventing cars parking in these areas and also creating chicanes which would slow traffic in the Avenue. Wendy would put these ideas forward to Barry Copesteak, Projects engineer at Lambeth Transport and Highways.

Following on from the last JAG meeting, Wendy promised to let JAG know the date of the next L&Q Newsletter when its editor, Maggie Gebbet, returns from leave. 

5. URBAN Art 2003 - Tim Sutton reported that this year’s event had proved even more successful than last year. The financial breakdown was as follows:

Income: Expenses: Net Profit:

Bookings 915.00 Publicity 394.41

Commission 651.25 Leaflets 411.25

Other income 35.00

1,601.25 805.66 £ 795.59

This is under the assumption that all residents will donate their £20 railings fee back to JAG as happened last year.

There were more exhibitors this year due to the greater number of leaflets distributed (Tim would like to thank those who helped with the door to door leafleting) plus word of mouth from those who exhibited in 2002. There were also many more visitors due also to the greater number of leaflets plus better signage and tube drops at Clapham Common Tube, Brixton Tube and Herne Hill Station. Unlike last year, we managed to get a mention on the radio due to Jeremy’s contacts with Amy Lame (arts reporter on the Danny Baker breakfast show). One disappointment however was the total lack of press coverage and this needs to be sorted out next year.

Elizabeth expressed her thanks to Tim, Chris and Graham for all their hard work.

6. POSSIBLE USAGE FOR FUNDS RAISED - Elizabeth and Jeremy both suggested bird boxes for the Avenue. Elizabeth has been in contact with the ‘Friends of Brockwell Park’ who could supply the boxes as well as giving advice on where to put them. It was suggested that they could be erected during the Autumn Street Clean.

Tim also suggested a street notice board to be used as an information point for both residents of Josephine Avenue and neighbouring roads.

7. brixton area crime committee meeting - Tim and Chris Van Duuren attended a recent meeting of the Brixton Area Forum Crime Committee which was specifically convened to discuss the displacement of crime from Brixton town centre to the Brixton Hill area. Chris’s report from that meeting can be found on the JAG web site. Tim’s impression from the meeting was that the police were doing little to relieve residents anxieties over this matter.

There will be another larger meeting held in the Autumn which leading members of the Police and the Council will be invited to. This would be a good opportunity to make our voices heard and residents are encouraged to attend. Details will be published on the JAG web site when known.

One positive thing that came out of the meeting was that the Brixton Area Forum will be releasing money from their allotted £10,000 from Lambeth Council to specifically improve the street lighting in Josephine Avenue.

8. TRAFFIC AND PARKING - (see item 4).

9. TELEPHONE MAST APPEAL - Jeremy reported that Hutchinsons are appealing against the Lambeth Planning decision not to grant approval for the telephone mast outside Carpet Right (corner of Brixton Water Lane and Tulse Hill). The committee decided unanimously that the mast was not desirable and a letter should be sent to the appeal committee supporting Lambeth Council Planning.

10. TREE SURGERY WORK - Elizabeth reported that all the work had now been done by A N Rowland tree surgeons and that their bill should now be paid.

11. Derelict site 85 Brixton Hill - The group were unaware of any further developments.

12. ALLIED CARPETS FORECOURT - The group were unaware of any further developments.

13. MINUTES - Tim reported that he had had very little feed back from members regarding subscription to copies of the minutes. He informed members present that minutes would only be sent to those who had asked for them.

14. Other Matters

AGM - It was decided that the JAG Annual General Meeting should be held at the end of October. Jeremy suggested that the Hobgoblin could be a venue for a weed day meeting.

TRADERS LIST - Elizabeth reported that she had been in contact with the Brixton Water Lane Association regarding their ‘approved traders’ publication. She thought this might be a good model for JAG to adopt. Tim suggested that this could be put on the JAG web site as a ‘BLOG’ and would investigate further.

NEWSLETTER - Like last year, an annual newsletter was needed to inform residents of the various JAG projects undertaken this year, date and venue of the AGM as well as their entitlement to money from Urban Art if their railings were used. It was decided that this should be published in the beginning of October with articles written by the relevant committee members. Tim offered to write an article on Urban Art and Elizabeth offered to write a short article on trees and conservation in the Avenue. Offers to write other articles would be appreciated.

NEW ASSISTANT CHAIR - As we have been without an official chairperson for the last few meetings, it was decided that a new assistant chair was needed. Any offers?

15. Volunteer To Do List:

Jeremy Beer Contact the Hobgoblin regarding venue for AGM. Contact lapsed JAG members.

Wendy Hirst Distribute these minutes to L&Q residents. Draw up residents questionnaire regarding garden maintenance. Investigate possible parking solutions in the Avenue.

Elizabeth Owen Investigate possible costs of bird boxes. Arrange payment of A N Rowland tree surgeons. Write article for annual newsletter. Ask for more details concerning Brixton Water Lane traders list.

Tim Sutton Sketch plans for street notice board. Send letter to Hutchinson appeal. Investigate taders list ‘BLOG’.

10. The next JAG meeting will be held on:

Wednesday 10th September, 2003 at 1 Helix Gardens at 8.00pm, PROMPT!

Meeting closed at 10.15pm