Those present: Nazmoon Persand, Philip Barcham, Sarah Leon, Ann Brown, Yvonne Boothe, Shields Russell, 

Markus Perkmoun (acting chair), Wendy Hirst (London and Quadrant Housing Association), Elizabeth Owen and Timothy Sutton (secretary).

1. APOLOGIES of absence were received from Maurey Lancaster, Garry Turnbull and Charlie Grimble (London & Quadrant Housing Association).

2. Previous Minutes of the meeting held on the 11th June 2003 were approved.

3. Treasurers Report - £720.29 in the JAG current account (and 144·36 in the JAG deposit account).

4. LONDON AND QUADRANT GARDENS - Wendy Hirst circulated a written proposal concerning garden maintenance of the twelve L&Q properties in the avenue. This would involve an initial clear-up and “low-maintenance” landscaping by a Kennington based company called ‘Roots and Shoots’. Wendy assured the group that all work done would be in keeping with ‘Rush Common’ and that approval would be sought from Lambeth Council before any landscaping work was carried out. The proposal was rather vague concerning long term maintenance and stated that the residents would be encouraged to maintain their own individual gardens. Failing that, L&Q would consider some form of financial contribution to JAG to maintain these spaces. Wendy told the group that money has already been set aside and, even though no time scale has been set, L and Q were “committed to long term maintenance” of these gardens. Other housing associations in the avenue would be contacted to see if some joint venture was possible. Wendy also offered to publicise JAG events in the L & Q resident’s newsletter.

5. STREET CLEAN 2003 - As far as the group were aware, Okko and Mellissa had contacted Lambeth Council and plans for the street clean were under-way. Some members present had not received a leaflet so it was decided that a reminder leaflet nearer the day might be a good idea. Some members also raised concerns over the use of a petrol driven hedge trimmer. At a meeting last year it had been reported to the group that such machines could damage hedges by spreading disease. However, after a vote, it was decided to go ahead with hiring the trimmer as it would be impossible to get the work done without one. It was stressed that discretion should be used when clearing vegetation from residents gardens and that care should be taken not to upset residents feelings.

Concerns were raised over the over-grown state of the garden at number 12 Josephine Avenue. It was noted that a rose bush has been left un-pruned for so long that it now obstructed the path. The height of the trees and the resulting dark area created was particularly worrying, especially in relation to last year’s residents survey where 75% of residents believed that ‘overgrown hedges increase the opportunity for street crime’. On this topic, one resident reported that only two weeks previous a resident had been mugged and left unconscious in one of the gardens in Josephine Avenue. It was noted by another member that the garden at number 12 Josephine Avenue had been used by a ‘pimp’ to severely beat up one of his ‘girls’. The group decided that the freeholder of number 12 should be made aware of resident’s concerns.

It was also decided that the JAG anti-prostitution signs needed replacing and the present ones should now be removed.

6. URBAN ART 2003 - Tim Sutton reported that plans for this year’s event were going well. Leaflets had been distributed locally (thanks to all those who helped) as well as bars and entertainment venues in the South London area. Sandwich boards had been made for both ends of the street which would advertise the event the week before and on the day itself. It is expected that this year’s event will be bigger than last (dependent on weather) so JAG will need as many volunteers as possible. Volunteers are asked to meet at 1 Helix Gardens at 8.30am. T-shirts will be available for those wanting to wear them.

7. TREE SURGERY WORK - Elizabeth Owen reported that although most of the work had now been done by Allen Rowland Tree Surgeons, the lime tree at 17 Josephine Avenue had still to be done (small branches further up the offending branch had been removed but not the branch itself). It was agreed that the tree surgeons should be contacted to let them know that payment would not be made until all the work was done. Elizabeth also reported that she had contacted the owner (Mr Jerry Knight) of the leaning tree outside number 60 Josephine Avenue) to inform him of Ian Leonard’s (Lambeth Tree Officer) comments that the tree was dangerous. Mr Knight said that he had had the tree inspected a few years ago and had been given the OK. It was agreed that a letter should be sent to Mr Knight to put in writing Mr Leonard’s comments (a copy will also be sent to Mr Leonard).

8. DERELICT SITE 85 JOSEPHINE AVENUE - Members were unaware of any progress on this matter.

9. ALLIED CARPETS FORECOURT - Graham Lane reported that he had contacted the residents at Nevena Court regarding the concerns JAG has over the forecourt of Allied Carpets (gate left open at night and general poor appearance). However it would appear that their concerns over lighting have now been resolved and consequently they see no need to take further action. Graham will contact them again to confirm this and explore other options.

10. HEDGE CLEARANCE ON BRIXTON  WATER LANE - Tim Sutton reported that he had been informed by Jackie Meldrum (Local Councillor) that a large area of undergrowth had been cleared from the area behind the playground on the corner of Brixton Water Lane and Brixton Hill following complaints from residents of St Mathews estate that the area was being used by drug addicts and prostitutes (up to 13 people at a time had been seen using the bushes). Jackie was worried that these people would now use Josephine Avenue and advised JAG to write to Chief Superintendent Richard Quinn asking for one of the new ‘Community Officers’ to specifically monitor the avenue. Jackie also suggested that JAG also write to Councillor Donatus Anyanwu (Brixton Area Committee) to apply for funding to carry out a survey on street lighting in the avenue. Apparently there is a £100,000 grant available for urban renewal in the borough which the Council have to spend by the end of the year.

11. TULSE HILL TEA PARTY - No members of JAG attended the Tulse Hill Tea Party. Tim thought this had been a missed opportunity for JAG. There followed a general discussion as to how the group could more efficiently effect change in the avenue. The general opinion was that there was little point repeatedly asking an individual in the lower ranks of an organisation (e.g. Lambeth Council, Police, etc.) to do something and that aiming higher might be better. It was pointed out however that there were no quick fixes to many of the problem facing the avenue and that unless members of JAG were prepared to put in the time and effort nothing would be achieved. On this matter it was decided to send a delegation from JAG to speak to our local MP (Keith Hill) and ask for his help.

12. Dumped CARS - Jeremy reported that Lambeth Council were aware of all the dumped cars that were presently on the street. It was also reported that Ken of ‘Ken’s Autos’ had been contacted regarding these vehicles and he assured the group that he was not responsible. When told that a tow vehicle had been seen dumping a car a couple of years ago he acknowledged that he used that particular tow company but knew nothing of the dumped vehicle.

10. Other Matters

PARKING PROBLEMS - It was acknowledged that since the introduction of Controlled Parking Zones in neighbouring streets, parking had become more difficult in the avenue. However, as most of the properties have off street parking, it was decided that this was not a priority for the group,.

STREET PHOTOS - Yaz showed the group photographs of the avenue taken before the landscaping was carried out in the 1970s. These would scanned and kept on file for the group.

9. Volunteer To Do List:

Graham Lane Contact Nevena Court residents again.

Wendy Hirst Provided details of L&Q newsletter copy deadlines.

Elizabeth Owen Contact Allen Rowland Tree Surgeons.

Tim Sutton Scan photos. Contact resident at number 11 to ask if the property is Housing Association owned. Letters to Police, Council and owner of 60 Josephine Avenue. Remove Anti-Prostitution signs.

Chris Van Duuren/Sarah Leon/Shields Russell Attend Keith Hill MP surgery.

10. The next JAG meeting will be held on:

Wednesday 13th August, 2003 at 39b Josephine Avenue at 8.00pm, PROMPT!

Meeting closed at 10.00pm

PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to continue receiving copies of these minutes please contact JAG via email ( or telephone 020 8674 0025. If we do not hear from you we will assume that you no longer wish to receive copies.