Those present: Timothy Sutton (Secretary), Anne Brown, Jeremy Beer, Graham Lane and Toren Smith (Ward Councillor).

1. APOLOGIES of absence were received from Belinda Cooper, Barry Turnbull, Elizabeth Owen, Maurey Lancaster and Chris Van Duuren.

In the absence of a Garry and Maurey (joint chair), Jeremy was elected to chair the meeting.

2. Previous Minutes of the meeting held on the 19th March 2003 were approved.

3. Treasurers Report - Chris’s report (via Graham) was unclear and will be updated at the next meeting.

4. Tree Surgery - Tim Sutton reported that the tree surgery work had now been carried out by A N Rowland tree surgeons. However the work needed to be checked by Elizabeth (especially whether the lime tree had been done to our specifications) before their invoice could be paid.

5. DERELICT SITE 85 BRIXTON HILL - Toren Smith reported that the recent attempt by Jackie Meldrum and himself to raise a compulsory purchase order on this property has failed due to lack of council funds. However, there is the possibility of funds becoming available from a £2million government grant scheme to re-develop the St Mathews estate. Toren also suggested that JAG could help the cause by raising a petition objecting to the appearance of the site and the detrimental affects it has on residents. JAG would also be able to send a delegation to speak at the July Council Meeting and hand in this petition.

6. ALLIED CARPETS FORECOURT - Graham spoke to Mr T Lovegrove, property manager at Carpet Right head office, on the 10th April to tell him that despite our letter on the 13th of February the gates were still not locked regularly at night, the forecourt was a mess and that the raised flower beds were still in a very poor state of upkeep. Things improved temporarily after this phone call but have now gone back to how they were, gate left open, rubbish, etc, etc. Graham has decided to keep a diary over the coming months as evidence of the obvious neglect Carpet Right show towards their property and residents concerns.

Toren was sympathetic towards JAG’s views and will be writing a letter to Mr Lovegrove. 

7. LONDON QUADRANT GARDEN MAINTENANCE - JAG wrote to Christopher Taylor, maintenance manager London Quadrant on the 8th April asking when tree surgery work would be done at numbers 2 and 16 Josephine Avenue as promised. The letter also informed London Quadrant of the bad state of repair of their wall and overgrown hedge at number 2 Josephine Avenue and also asked for their long term garden maintenance plans for properties in Josephine Avenue.

Even though a reply was asked for, none was received.

Tim Sutton has since phoned Mr Taylor and it would appear that, apart from short term emergency action, London Quadrant have no long term plans to either enforce the tenants agreement to maintain garden spaces or to pay for any maintenance themselves. It was pointed out that JAG had been looking after their gardens since 1987 and a donation to JAG funds would be appreciated. Mr Taylor said that it was very doubtful this would happen.

Toren was sympathetic towards JAG’s views and will be writing a letter to Mr Taylor.

8. Urban Art 2003 - 10,000 of the Urban Art 2003 leaflets have now been printed, information packs have been sent to London art colleges, galleries and artist’s studio and all of last year’s exhibitors have been contacted. Twelve application forms have been received already, two of which have paid in advance. The next big job is the door drop to all the surrounding streets. It was decided that volunteers should meet up on the 17th June 7.30 pm at 1 Helix Gardens and the roads would be divided between those who attend that meeting. The leaflets would then be distributed over the next seven days and any not used would be returned to Tim the following Tuesday, 24th June. PTO>>>

9. Other Matters

NEW FLATS TULSE HILL - Toren reported that planning permission has been applied for a 4 storey block of flats at the southern end of the Tulse Hill parade of shops, west side of the road.

PROSTITUTION - Toren asked for member’s views on the current level of prostitution in the avenue. In general members thought that even though it had gone through a lull recently, the problem was on the increase again. Toren suggested that local residents associations should unite to make a more persuasive argument to the council and police. Toren suggested that JAG contact other associations and that all should attend the next Brixton Area Committee which will be held at the end of June.

CONTROLLED PARKING - Toren informed the group that Lambeth are expanding the town centre’s controlled parking extensively. The roads affected are those on the west side of Brixton Hill up to the Prison and those on the east side of Effra road up to Brixton Water Lane/Effra Parade. Josephine Avenue will then become the first road where cars can park south of the town centre which may cause problems to residents. In the 2002 survey 53% residents said yes to residents parking so JAG may need to consider whether to apply for controlled parking in the avenue. This application process takes at least two years so if we are to do it we should start soon. It was decided that information should be distributed with the next street clean leaflet explaining the new circumstances and inviting concerned residents to attend the next JAG meeting.

9. Volunteer To Do List:

Graham Lane Maintain diary of Carpet Right forecourt.

Jeremy Beer Contact Elizabeth Owen regarding trees.

Tim Sutton Urban Art leaflet distribution to South/Central London entertainment venues.

Email Toren with London Quadrant and Carpet Right contacts.

Design leaflet informing residents of new parking controls in Brixton.

Toren Smith Write letters to both London Quadrant and Carpet Right.

Find out date for Brixton Area Committee meetings.

Advice JAG regarding petition and delegation at Council Meeting regarding 85 Brixton Hill site.

10. The next JAG meeting will be held on:

Wednesday 11th June, 2003 at 13 Josephine Avenue at 8.00pm, PROMPT!

Meeting closed at 10.15pm