Those present Timothy Sutton (Secretary), Garry Turnbull (joint Chair), Chris Van Duuren (Treasurer), Elizabeth Owen, Anne Brown, Jeremy Beer and Sara Leon.

1. APOLOGIES of absence were received from Maurey Lancaster (joint Chair), Okko Eskes, Roger Blantern and Graham Lane.

2. Previous Minutes of the meeting held on the 12th February 2003 were approved.

3. Treasurers Report - Chris reported that there was currently £xxx·xx available in the group’s current account and £144·72 available in the group’s deposit account.

4. Tree Surgery - Elizabeth reported that the tree surgeons ‘A N Rowland’ have been appointed to carry out the work in the avenue at a cost of £230 plus VAT. These costs include work to be done on the Horse Chestnut tree at number 3 Josephine Avenue which the owner (Anne Brown) has kindly offered to pay 50% towards (£25 plus VAT). The work will take place on Monday 7th April and Tim Sutton volunteered to supervise on the day.

5. DERELICT SITE 85 BRIXTON HILL - Garry reported that he had spoken to Francis Forest and Ray Pero of the Brixton Hill residents association and that both had been invited to the JAG meeting to discuss this issue (neither had attended). It was also reported that at a recent Council meeting the subject of compulsory purchase of the derelict site had been discussed and approved ‘in principle’. What this actually meant in practice no one at the meeting knew. Garry also reported that the architectural company who had premises at the rear of no. 85 Brixton Hill were acting as spokes persons for the landlord and the contact person there was Charles. It was agreed that Garry, work permitting, should contact all relevant parties to start some sort of dialogue on this matter.

6. LONDON QUADRANT GARDEN MAINTENANCE - Tim Sutton raised the issue of the lack of garden maintenance carried out by London Quadrant Housing Association on their garden properties in the Josephine Avenue and Helix Gardens. It was recognised that they had offered to carry out tree maintenance on their property at number 2 Josephine Avenue, but it was felt that more could be done. A letter would be sent to the association asking for their present policy on garden maintenance.

7. Urban Art 2003 - Tim Sutton reported that he has received written permission from Roger Slaughter (Consumer Protection Manager, Lambeth Council) to hold another Urban Art fund raising event this year to be held on Saturday 19th July. A draft letter to be distributed over the next few weeks to residents asking permission to use their railings was also approved by the committee. Tim also reported that he would start work on the publicity material (flyers, press packs, email notification, etc. etc.) and that any help would be gratefully received. It was also decided that the group could host a cake stall on the day for the convenience of participants and visitors as well as raising extra revenue for the group (a volunteer to run this would be needed nearer the time).

8. ALLIED CARPETS FORECOURT - Since the unfortunate departure from the Avenue by Sue and Simon Bond (members expressed their thanks for all the work Sue and Simon have done for the group) no progress has been made on this issue. Chris would ask Graham Lane if he wanted to persevere on this issue, however if no volunteer could be found this matter would be dropped.

9. Other Matters

STREET CLEAN - It was decided that the street looked very clean at the moment and that a Spring Street Clean was unnecessary. The next clean would be before the Urban Art 2003 event (Sunday 13th July).

JOB CENTRE - A letter has been received from the Job Centre at 61 Josephine Avenue stating that they are not responsible for the untidy condition of the outside of the building and that it is the responsibility of the freeholder.

STREET CARE - Jeremy Beer kindly volunteered to step in where Sue Bond has left off, e.g. liase with Lambeth ‘StreetCare’ department regarding graffiti, dumped cars, broken street lighting, etc. etc.

VICE SQUAD - Sara Leon volunteered to write to the local Vice Squad inviting a representative to a future JAG meetings.

9. Volunteer To Do List:

Garry Turnbull Contact Jackie Meldrum, Francis Forest and Charles (architect) regarding derelict site at 85 Brixton Hill.

Tim Sutton Write letter to London Quadrant regarding garden maintenance of their properties.

Jeremy Beer Continued monitoring of graffiti, dumped cars etc. in the Avenue.

Sara Leon Draft Letter to Vice Squad.

10. The next JAG meeting will be held on:

Wednesday 23rd April, 2003 at 57 Josephine Avenue at 8.00pm, PROMPT!

Meeting closed at 9.30pm