Minutes for the Josephine Avenue Group,Tuesday 1st October 2002.

Those present Simon Bond, Belinda Cooper, Sue Bond, Elizabeth Owen, Chris van Duuren (treasurer), Garry Turnbull, Timothy Sutton (secretary).

Apologies from Maurey Lancaster and Jeremy Beer were received.

In the absence of John Yates or Maurey Lancaster, Simon Bond offered to act as Chair.

1. The minutes for the previous meeting on the 4th September 2002 were approved.

2. Treasurers Report - Chris reported as of last week there was £687.89 in the current account and £144.00 in the savings account. After discussing the results from the JAG Street Survey 2002 (see attached), it was decided that the group's spending priority should be on street safety. It was considered that the most practical way to improve this was to improve street lighting by employing a professional tree surgeon to remove all branches obscuring pavement and road lighting.

It was also noted that from an earlier meeting with the Lambeth tree officer (Ian Leonard) we had been informed that the most offending tree was the Horse Chestnut at number 50 Josephine Avenue. It was decided that in this case the landlord should be approached directly for a contribution towards the work. (ed. I have talked to the current tenant and discovered that the landlord at number 50 is Metropolitan Housing Association and they are aware of the situation, I will send them another letter outlining our plans and the current feeling of residents regarding street safety. With any luck they will deal with all the costs themselves).

Following this discussion it was decided that the following plan of action should be followed:

(i) Tim to arrange another meeting with Ian Leonard to draw up a list of exactly which trees should be trimmed.

(ii) Elizabeth and Garry to approach tree surgeons for quotes.

(iii) Tim to write letters informing individual residents of the work JAG wish to carry out and asking them to inform us if they do NOT want this work carried out.

(iv) Evaluation of costs and relevant work carried out.

3. Newsletter 2002 - It was decided that the newletter should coincide with the following events and dates:

(i) Newsletter to be distributed to residents 4th November

(ii) Street Clean 24th November

(iii) Annual General Meeting (AGM) 4th December

The Newsletter would be  produced by Timothy, edited by Simon and contain the following articles:

(i) Survey 2002 - written by Chris van Duuren

(ii) Urban Art 2002 - written by Timothy Sutton

(iii) Aims of Jag 2003 - written by Sue Bond

(iv) Trees and Conservation Area issues - Elizabeth Owen

All articles were to be roughly 200 words each and handed (or preferably emailed) to Timothy by 16th October. First draft would be sent to Simon for editing on 23rd October. Edited copy to be returned to Timothy on 28th October. Distribution 4th November.

4. AGM 2002 - Date set for 4th December, Garry and Belinda to investigate possible venues. If no venue was found Timothy offered his house as a last resort.

5. Community Re-cycling project - it was noted that at the last meeting the suggestion by a local resident (Steve Lacey) for such a project was not thought practical by the group. Chris has informed him of this via email.

6. Trade Person List - After much discussion it was decided that a list of recommended traders would be too problematic for the JAG web site and the idea has now been dropped.

7. Street Cameras - In the absence of Maurey information on this matter is unknown. Elizabeth will look into this and report back at the next meeting.

8. Other Matters -

(i) Hobgoblin late licence - It has come to the group's attention that the Hobgoblin Public House may be putting in an application for a 3am late licence (Garry has agreed to investigate further and will report back at the next meeting). As with the White Horse on Brixton Hill, any decisions on this matter were not considered to be within the remit of JAG and that individuals should make their own response.

(ii) Neighbourhood Watch - It was noted from the survey that there is a 65% interest in a street neighbourhood watch scheme. Sue Bond would contact John Yates (who had previously contacted the police on this matter) for more information.

(iii) Allied Carpets forecourt - apparently the previous letter written, but not signed by Sue Bond, has been mislaid. Tim will re-print the letter and pass this on to Sue Bond to sign and post.

(iv) Brockwell Park Greenhouse Group - Elizabeth has been approached by the organiser of the Brockwell Park Greenhouse Group with regards to a possible joint project. It was agreed to invite him to a future meeting for further discussion.

9. Volunteer To Do List:

Timothy Sutton contact Ian Leonard regarding tree review, investigate Horse Chestnut tree at no 50, write newsletter article on Urban Art 2002 produce newletter.

Elizabeth Owen tree surgeon quote, write newsletter article on Trees and Conservation Status issues, investigate Street Camera situation, contact Brockwell Park Greenhouse Group.

Garry Turnbull street surgeon quote, investigate AGM church venue, establish situation regarding Hobgoblin late licence application.

Sue Bond write newsletter article on Aims of JAG 2003, investigate Neighbourhood Watch Scheme.

Simon Bond Edit newletter.

Belinda Cooper investigate AGM public house venues.

Chris van Duuren write newsletter article on Street Survey 2002.

10. Date for next JAG meeting will be Wednesday 6th November at 1 Helix Gardens at 7.30pm.