Those present Maurey Lancaster and John Yates (Joint Chair), Chris Van Duuren (Joint Treasurer), Timothy Sutton (Secretary), Garry Turnbull, Sue Bond and Simon Bond.

Apologies from Belinda Cooper and Elisabeth Owen were received.

1. The minutes for the previous meeting on the 12th June 2002 were approved.

2. Treasurers Report - Chris reported that the bank account at Alliance and Leicester Business Banking was now re-activated with John Yates, Timothy Sutton, Chris Van Duuren and Maurey Lancaster as joint signatures (two signatures being required per transaction). The balances were £15.19 in the current account and £144.00 in the savings account.

3. Urban Art 2002 - Tim reported that roughly 4,500 of the Urban Art 2002 leaflets had been distributed via press packs, info packs, direct requests and the majority left at bars and entertainment venues throughout the immediate South London area. Chris reported that 19 pitches had already been sold and the prospect of more being sold before or on the day looked very promising. A mini street clean to remove vegetation growing through the railings was planned for this Sunday (14th July) meeting outside no. 13 Josephine Avenue at 10.00am. Volunteers included John, Garry, Chris and Maurey. A leaflet would also go out with these minutes calling for more volunteers. John and Gary agreed to organise a motor driven hedge trimmer for the day to be paid for from JAG funds. Sue and Simon agreed to position direction signs on the day. Maurey offered her flat (37b Josephine Avenue) as a meeting point for volunteers at 8.00am on the day itself for breakfast. Tim agreed to produce ten T-shirts for volunteers to wear on the day.

4. Tree at no. 9 Helix Gardens - Tim reported that a tree had been removed, contrary to local conservation laws, in the front garden of no. 9 Helix Gardens. After speaking to the resident it was established that this had been an accident and that it would be replaced. This has now been done and it is hoped that the laurel bushes, which were also removed, will grow back. JAG would like to thank the resident for responding so promptly and feel no need to take the matter any further with the council. A letter will be sent to the resident confirming this. It was also agreed to create a photographic record of all the trees in the front gardens for future reference.

5. Mid Summer barbecue - Garry reported that he had investigated the possibilities of hiring a catering size barbecue, however the committee decided that the expense was not justifiable and that disposable barbecues would be sufficient. Maurey agreed to organise the purchase of these (to be paid for from JAG funds). Simon offered to cut the grass at no. 2 Josephine Avenue with a strimmer he owns on Monday 15th July. Garry would then mow the grass on one of the following evenings. John offered to supply an old table for the barbecue on the day itself. The event would start at 6.00pm. Maurey agreed to write text for a leaflet which would be produced and distributed by Tim.

6. Survey 2002 - Chris reported that out of the roughly two hundred and fifty surveys sent out, eighty six had been returned completed, about a 34% response. The committee considered this to be a good response rate. Most of the statistics have now been put onto computer (thanks to Graham) and further analysis will be done to pinpoint exactly which topics residents are most concerned about. This will used to determine JAG policy in the future.

7. Abandoned Vehicles - Tim reported that the last of the abandoned vehicles on London Quadrant property outside no. 34 Josephine Avenue had now been removed. However, they have been replaced by tenant’s building rubbish (an old bathroom suite, cooker, etc.). It was agreed that a letter and a photograph should be sent to London Quadrant reporting this.

8. Street Prostitution - It was the general consensus of the committee that street prostitution was becoming a problem again with reports of needles, used condoms and faeces being found in residents gardens. It was also noted that the anti-prostitution signs had not been replaced at the Brixton Hill end of the Josephine Avenue and that Okko Eskes should be contacted regarding this matter.

9. Collapsed Post @ no. 5 Josephine Avenue - at present the situation on this matter is still unknown. Sue agreed to investigate this matter and report back when there was more news.

10. Other Matters  -

It was noted that the car parking area outside Allied Carpets was becoming very unsightly and that the gates were not being locked at night allowing the area to be used for dubious activity when dark. Sue agreed to draft a letter which would be sent with photographic evidence to Allied Carpets management.

It was also agreed that an annual newsletter to all residents was needed to publish results from the survey and the Urban Art 2002 event as well as the aims of the Josphine Aveneu Group over the coming months. (This could also coincide with an annual general meeting for the street? ed.).

11. Volunteer To Do List:

Garry Turnbull  Liaise with John regarding hedge trimmer for Sunday.

Simon Bond  Strim grass @ no. 2 Josephine Avenue on Monday 15th July.

John Yates Organise Table for Barbecue. 

Liaise with Garry regarding hedge trimmer for Sunday.

Chris Van Duuren  Further analysis of Survey 2002.

Organisation of Urban Art 2002.

Sue Bond  Draft Letter to Allied Carpets.

Investigate situation regarding post at no. 5 Josephine Avenue.

Tim Sutton  Photograph all front gardens.

Photograph Allied Carpet car park.

Organisation of Urban Art 2002 (including production of 10 T-shirts).

Thank you letter to resident of no. 9 Helix Gardens. 

Letter and photos to London Quadrant.

Maurey Lancaster  Barbecue arrangements

Breakfast? on morning of Urban Art 2002

Text for barbecue leaflet.

12. The next JAG meeting will be on Wednesday 4th September, 2002 at 13 Josephine Avenue at 7.30pm.