Those present John Yates and Maurey Lancaster (Joint Chair), Chris Van Duuren (Treasurer), Timothy Sutton (Secretary), Elizabeth Owen, Garry Turnbull, Belinda Cooper, Henrietta Mayhew and Garry Mayhew. Apologies were received from Sue Bond, Okko Eskes and Mellissa Hadley.

1. The minutes for the previous meeting on the 10th April 2002 were approved.

2. Funding: John Yates reported that Melanie Shears (Lambeth Special Projects Manager) had asked to attend the meeting but had cancelled at 4.00pm. In her telephone conversation she had indicated that a small amount of money (roughly £1,000) may be available to the group for a short term project. She had also commented that the Home Zone Scheme on Brixton Hill was running into difficulties due to more residents asking for money now the grant was available. However, Belinda had heard that there was a feeling that residents had not been properly consulted by the council.

Another possible source of funding may be from the Neighbourhood Renewal Unit. It was agreed that all possible sources should be looked into and a proposal put together using the results from the Josephine Avenue Street Survey 2002.

3. Treasurer's Report: Chris reported that the application to re-activate the bank account has been lost by the bank so another application will need to be sent in. Chris will ensure the necessary forms are signed and sent to Alliance & Leicester.

4.Street Clean Spring 2002: All members of the committee agreed that the Street Clean had been a great success and expressed their thanks to Okko and Melissa for organising the event. Members also recognised the valuable work carried out by the council (a letter of thanks has been sent to the relevant department). The committee would also like to thank those who supplied refreshments on the day. It was noted that there were fewer numbers of residents taking part this year and it was decided that this due to lack of notification. It was decided that the next street clean (late November or early December) leaflets should go out three weeks in advance with a smaller 'reminder' leaflet sent out a few days before and posters should be put on the lamp-posts.

5. Survey: It was decided to distribute the survey as soon as possible and then collect them either Wednesday 22nd May (evening) or Saturday 25th May (daytime). Ten committee members would work in pairs to send out and collect the surveys and these would be returned to Tim who would then collate the information with Belinda and Chris. These ten pairs would be:- 

Elizabeth and Maurey    /    Belinda and Chris    /    Garry and Graham    /    Okko and Mellissa    /   Sue Bond and Tim.

6. Lambeth Street Report Cards: 200 of these have been obtained for the Group and it was decided to distribute these to the residents along with the survey.

7. Abandoned Cars: Belinda reported that the Volvo from number 10(?) and both cars from outside the London Quadrant property at number 16 have now been removed. London Quadrant have also promised to remove the yellow Dodge Van from outside number 34 and maybe the cream estate.

8. Anti-Prostitution signs: It would seem that Okko has not heard from Sue who was meant to contact Pat about possible replacement signs. Chris will contact Pat direct and report back to the group at the next meeting.

9. Collapsed Pillar: Anne Brown reported to Tim (during the street clean) that there was still no progress with the police regarding the pillar and possible compensation. As far as the committee are aware that is still the present position.

10. Street Party: Unfortunately John had been able to hold a separate meeting to discuss the street party (as decided at JAG's last meeting) so no progress has been made on this issue. Rather than let things stagnate even further is was decided to scale the event down and have a barbecue in the avenue with an invitation to residents to bring their own food. The evening would be themed as a 'Mid-Summer Barbecue' and take place on Saturday 20th July and possibly take place in the front garden of number 2 Josephine Avenue (Chris would ask permission from the residents). It was also suggested that JAG should pay for the hire of the barbecue. Maurey would contact Ben Morris regarding supplying of drink.

11. Other Matters: Non

12. To do list:

Tim Sutton Design Barbecue leaflet and organise survey distribution

Garry Turnbull Investigate hire of barbecue

Maurey Lancaster Contact Ben Morris regarding drink supplies for barbecue

Chris Van Duuren Contact residents at number 2 Josephine Avenue regarding barbecue. Re-apply for change of bank details. Contact Pat regarding replacement Anti-prostitution street signs.

Elisabeth Owen Photocopy newspaper article for JAG files

13. Next meeting will be Wednesday 12th June, 7.30 pm at 1 Helix Gardens.

Meeting closed at 9.00pm.