Those present John Yates (Joint Chair), Chris Van Duuren and Okko Eskes(Joint Treasurers), Timothy Sutton (Secretary), Elizabeth Owen, Sue Bond, Anne Brown and Melissa Hadley. 

Apologies received from Maurey Lancaster, Garry Turnbull, Jeremy Beer and Belinda Cooper.

1. The minutes for the previous meeting on the 6th March 2002 were approved.

2. Treasurer’s report - Chris and Okko reported that all four signatures (Maurey Lancaster, John Yates, Chris Duuren and Okko Eskes) had now been gathered and the relevant forms sent to the bank to ‘re-activate’ the account.

3. Street clean spring 2002 - Melissa reported on her meeting with Frank Sarkodie from Lambeth Council on the 2nd April where arrangements for the Street Spring Clean 2002 were discussed. Four areas where rubbish will be collected have been established and these will be monitored by Melissa and Okko during the day. The council will supply cones to mark these areas (weather permitting, these could also be marked out with chalk).

It was also stressed that Mr Sarkodie had stipulated that his department would NOT remove large items of household rubbish or large branches and foliage that had been removed by chain-saw.

The committee agreed that it was inevitable that large items of household rubbish would appear on the day and that any attempt to stop this would be difficult and probably detrimental to the ‘communal’ feel of the day. The only solution seemed to be for the committee to arrange a number of ‘Free Bulky Collections’ and distribute the items round various addresses in the street to be collected by the council on the Monday. Melissa will check with Mr Sarkodie whether this rather awkward arrangement is necessary. (Mr Sarkodie has agreed to remove the rubble from the collapsed post at 5 Josephine Avenue providing this is bagged properly).

Regarding large branches and foliage cut by chain-saw it was noted that the Group do not possess a chain-saw, however it was agreed that all foliage should be cut down and bagged to make them manageable for council workers to remove.

Melissa agreed to write the text for the leaflet and pass this on to Tim for design and photo-copying. The leaflet would contain information about date and time as well as availability of equipment (stressing that all equipment MUST BE RETURNED at the end of the day) and that ALL rubbish must be bagged and placed within the designated areas.

4. Graffiti - Sue Bond reported that the graffiti clean up event involved one person... herself. Apologies and thanks were offered by other members of the committee. Sue reported that she had re-painted pillars where necessary and had also tried to use a graffiti removing solvent on the street signs with limited success. However, it would now seem that there is a department at the council (‘Grime Busters’ tel: 020 8769 7905, details to be put on the JAG web site) who provide this very same service so Sue has asked them to clean up the street signs and re-paint some of the street furniture. This will be done within the next two weeks.

5. Abandoned Cars - The committee has now received written confirmation that London Quadrant Housing Association will remove abandoned cars on their properties at 16 and 34 Josephine Avenue and that this will be done before the street clean on the 21st April. The Association expressed their gratitude on the Group’s efforts to clean up the street. It was also noted that the camper van outside 26 Josephine Avenue had also been removed.

6. Anti-Prostitution Street Signs - John and Okko agreed to replace the two missing signs at the Brixton Hill end of the Avenue, placing them higher up on the posts in the hope that they will not be removed. 

7. Collapsed Post @ No. 5 - Anne reported that the driver who knocked down the pillar was due to appear in court on Tuesday the 9th April, however due to the Queen Mother’s funeral on that day it was probable that this did not happen. Consequently no progress has been made regarding insurance compensation. It was suggested that the post is photographed thoroughly before being removed during the Spring Street Clean.

8. Jubilee Street Party - Little progress has been made on this issue since the last meeting so John suggested that those individuals interested should hold a separate meeting to discuss possible action to take. P.T.O. >>>


1. A Street Action Plan - Tim presented to the committee the first draft of the ‘Josephine Avenue Street Survey 2002’ prepared by Belinda, Jeremy and himself. This was approved by the committee and, pending Belinda’s comments, will be distributed the week after the Spring Street Clean. The street will be split into ten areas with a committee members responsible for the distribution collection of surveys for each area.

2. A Local Area Strategy Plan - John has continued his dialogue with local resident groups and Melanie Shears (Lambeth Special Projects Manager) and will keep the committee involved of any new developments.

10. Traffic and Parking - JAG still awaits a reply to their letter dated 03/04/02.


i. Feral Cats - Sue Bond remarked on the increasing number of feral cats (11 at present) in the Josephine Avenue/Apache Road area. The RSVP has been informed but until it is discovered who is feeding the wild animals they cannot be dealt with.

ii. £10 for uncollected rubbish - It was noted by Elisabeth that the council are running a scheme where uncollected rubbish, if reported within 24 hours of the correct collection time and then not collected within a further 24 hours, will entitle the home owner to claim £10 from the council.

iii. Contact List - Various members commented that a contact list would be useful for the Group. Tim agreed to contact those members not present to ask if they would be happily to see their names and contact details on such a list. When complete this would be distributed to members and be available on a password protected page on the web site.


Melissa Hadley - Write text for Street Clean leaflet and give to Tim.

Phone Frank Sarkodie regarding necessity of ‘Bulky Item Collections’.

Tim Sutton - Liaise with Belinda and Jeremy to produce and arrange distribution of Street Survey.

Produce Contact List of active committee members.

Approach owner of 31 Josephine Avenue regarding laurel bush pruning during the Spring Street Clean.

Okko Eskes - Replace prostitution signs with John.

Arrange distribution of Spring Street Clean leaflet and council literature.

John Yates - Contact Circus Space regarding Street Party.

Replace prostitution signs with Okko.

Elisabeth Owen - Approach home owners regarding laurel bush pruning during the Spring Street Clean.

13. NEXT MEETING TO BE 8th May, 7.30pm at 1 Helix Gardens

Meeting closed at 9.30pm.