Those present John Yates and Maurey Lancaster (Joint Chair), Chris Van Duuren (Treasurer), Timothy Sutton (Secretary), Elizabeth Owen, Naz Persand, Philip Barcham, Garry Turnbull, John Newton, Jeremy Beer and Belinda Cooper

No apologies received.

1. The minutes for the previous meeting on the 6th February 2002 were approved.

2. Treasurer’s report - Paul (treasurer of the previous committee) has requested proper authorisation from the new committee before releasing details of the existing Josephine Avenue Group bank account. It was decided to write a letter to Paul requesting these bank details with copies of the previous meeting’s minutes where, in accordance with the JAG constitution of 1987, members were nominated and seconded to the relevant positions, e.g. chair, treasurer and secretary.

3. Street clean spring 2002 - Unfortunately, due to the absence of Melissa Hadley, we were unable to ascertain progress on this year’s Spring Clean. However, it was decided the best date for the event to take place would be Sunday 21st April. Chris offered her front garden as a venue for some form of social gathering at the end of the day. A leaflet would be distributed on the day informing residents of this ‘social’ plus general instructions for the street clean.

Tim also reported on his meeting with Ian Leonard (Lambeth Tree Officer) - Most of the trees were in good health, the only exceptions being the overhanging Chestnut Tree at 50 Josephine Avenue who’s bough showed signs of failure and a leaning tree at 60 Josephine Avenue which was in danger of falling over. The freeholder at no. 50 has been informed and Ian said he would contact Lambeth Housing who own the property at no. 60. An application has been made for permission to do minor tree pruning during the street clean, the council’s deadline for replying is 18th April (Ian saw no reason why we should be refused). 

4. Graffiti - Unfortunately, due to the absence of Sue Ryder, we were unable to ascertain progress on the proposed graffiti cleaning event.

5. Abandoned Cars - After repeated promises by London Quadrant Housing Association to remove abandoned cars on their properties the offending vehicles still remain. It was decided that a letter should be written to their area officer (Charisse Darnell (tel 020 8225 3500)) with photographs of the cars.

6. Anti-Prostitution Street Signs - It was generally thought that the street signs were useful, however prostitutes were still operating on the street. All signs were still there except for the two at the Brixton Hill end (a favourite pick up spot for the girls) and it was suggested that these should be replaced as soon as possible. John informed the Group that the police are planning using two large movable anti-prostitution signs in the Brixton Hill area as well as placing two cameras in the street which will be monitored for a 4-5 week period. There are also two under-cover policewomen operating in the area. 

7. Collapsed Post @ No. 5 - As far as the Group know, no progress has been made on this matter. It was suggested that the rubble could be cleared away at the street clean and the top be preserved in the hope that the pillar might one day be re-built. 

8. Jubilee Street Party - Maurey reported that funding may be available if we can present ourselves as a more organised group, in particular ‘have a working bank account’. Various members of the committee are still investigating possible entertainment organisations (Bubble Theatre Company, Shakespeare players, Circus Space and marching Salsa band).

9. Parking - Garry has promised to draft the relevant letter by the next meeting. Garry also reported on a ‘Walk First’ meeting organised by the Council which may have some bearing on future town planning decisions.

10. FUNDing - It was decided that two strategies were needed if the Group was to attract any kind of public funding:

1. A Street Action Plan - this would cover issues particular to Josephine Avenue (and Helix Gardens), e.g. lighting, maintenance of private carriage-ways, traffic calming etc. and probably involve a street survey to measure residents concerns before approaching relevant funding bodies.

2. A Local Area Strategy Plan - this would cover issues effecting the local area, e.g. traffic control, pedestrianisation and policing in the ‘rush common triangle’.

Meeting closed at 9.30pm.

NEXT MEETING TO BE 10th April, 7.30pm at 1 Helix Gardens.


Tim Sutton - Write to Paul at No. 9 with relevant minutes and copy of constitution regarding bank details.

Liaise with Belinda and Jeremy regarding local survey and Action Plan.

Letter to Charisse at London Quadrant with photographs of abandoned cars.

Belinda Cooper - Contact Melissa at No 39 regarding Street Clean and contacts with Lambeth Council. 

Liaise with Tim and Jeremy regarding local survey and Action Plan.

Chris Van Duuren - Contact Sue Ryder regarding graffiti clean-up.

Jeremy Beer - Contact Okko regarding replacement of anti-prostitution street signs.

Liaise with Tim and Belinda regarding local survey and Action Plan.

Maurey Lancaster - Investigate possible funding and theatre groups for Jubilee Street Party.

Garry Turnbull - Traffic letter to council (to be sent to Tim for typing up).

Liaise with John regarding strategy plan.

Investigate Marching salsa band for Jubilee Street Party

John Yates - Investigate Circus Space performers for Jubilee Street Party.

Liaise with Garry regarding strategy plan.

Elisabeth Owen - Investigate progress on collapsed pillar at no. 5 Josephine Avenue