#Held on Wednesday 5th December 2001, 7.30pm at 17 Helix Gardens, London SW2.

Those present: Pat Rose (Chair person), Anne Brown, Garry Turnbull, Maurey Lancaster, Toby and Louise Syfret, Kim, Iona (representing Helix Rd Residents Association), Graham Lane, Jeremy Beer, Ochra and Melisa, PC’S Jeff Turner and Tracy Allison, John Yates, Elizabeth, plus a few others. 

Apologies were given from Tim Sutton (secretary) for his absence due to illness. Notes for this meeting were taken by John Yates.

The meeting was organised to brief residents on Neighbourhood Watch Schemes and to plan action on the principle agenda# topics:

Neighbourhood Watch

PC Turner and Allison were introduced to speak about Neighbourhood Watch. They reported that these schemes qualify members for reductions in household insurance, that statistics show lower levels of crime in “Watch areas”. They didn’t know any more but Iona informed us that when the HRRA investigated they had to prove that 60% of households had to support. The PC’s agreed to let JY have the info file from their office to find out more.

Carter House

There followed a discussion on Carter House. Nothing new was revealed except the police now think that crack may be being sold alongside marijuana in Tulse Hill; outside Lick Fingers for crack, Savilles door way for marijuana. Another raid had been planned but due to recent deaths in police custody it was felt to be inappropriate to do so until later. We could expect “something” to happen - maybe - sometime. It was not known if Threshold Housing Ass had applied for a date to get possession of the two remaining crack flats. JY reported that the assistant in the bakers says nothing has changed for her, there were still many prostitutes coming out of Carter House in the mornings and the crack dealers/pimps were still much in evidence. JY gave Alan Coalfields (Threshold) to the meeting and asked that he be called to explain progress on eviction.


Graham asked if action was possible when curb crawlers registration numbers were taken. PC’s responded that curb crawling was now an arrestable offence. On Anti Social Behaviour Orders, they said 4 prostitutes had been identified for action under the new law. 3 had been served orders so far. They then inferred that Councillor Jackie Meldrum was saying that prostitution was not a problem. Pat to ask JM.

At 8.45 we closed that part of the meeting and the local police left.

It was felt#, from what we had been told, mainly by Iona and other locals, that the Neighbourhood Watch signs in windows could offer some security. No one present was prepared to be nominated as a coordinator and no action was planned.

JY reported that three mobile security cameras are planned to be installed on new lamp posts in the area for “a period of time”. Two in Josephine Ave, one at the junction of Leander Rd and the other near Appach with the third on the corner of Lambert Rd and Brixton Hill. The mobile cameras are monitored directly by the police who often try to be located very close by. This is an operation that is “targeted” to get results. When the cameras are removed we keep the new lights. JY suggested that if we are not on the ball and actively in contact with Ching Wha Wong (tel 0207 926 2738) at Lambeth Council, we might easily lose the offer if other areas are more demanding. The tel number was given with request to phone the officer over the coming months so she doesn’t forget us##.

Arlingford Rd one way scheme was briefly introduced by JY who suggested a letter saying we don’t object to the one way north going proposal for Arlingford but only if the no left turn from Brixton Water lane onto Tulse Hill is rescinded. Pat to talk to Tim.

JY informed the group that there was money for limited tree surgery around the lights from a government Community Against Drugs budget. Trees causing danger (less light) will be the argument. Also some funds to tidy up condoms and needles had been mentioned. Ms Wong was the officer responsible and JY suggested people phone to ask about progress.

Street Clean

There was a very positive discussion on the success of the street clean and it was generally agreed that another should be organised in spring. Thanks were given to Pat for doing all the organising and to everybody who participated.

There followed a discussion about abandoned vehicles on land and the broken pillar at no. 3. It was explained that Rush Common land, in all known cases, belonged to the attached house, therefore trees and walls were the responsibility of the owner, as were any unauthorised vehicles. If the owner of the land wanted a car removed, it was in their authority to do so.

JY personal note:- sorry people but my brain malfunctioned at this point and I’m not sure of the outcome, if any, of this discussion. Suffice to say that people started leaving around 9.15 and it was decided to close the meeting.