Held on Wednesday 7th November 2001, 7.30pm at 1 Helix Gardens London SW2 2JH

Those present: Christian Hauschild, Jul Ali Elu, Chico Bernard, Roger Blantern, Ann Brown, Henrietta Cartwright, Bridget Chew, Jo Gracey, Margret Haughton, Vanda James, Laura Jeukes, Maurey Lancaster, Graham Lane, Dai Lewis, Maryanne McNamara, Ben Morris, Sue Newell, I Osbourne, Pat Rose (Chair), Sue Ryder, Ed Shrager, Louise Syfret, Toby Syfret, Timothy Sutton, Nellie Tee, Garry Turnbull, Rachael Long, David Milliken, John Yates.

The meeting was an open debate to allow each individual to raise their own concerns regarding Josephine Avenue and Helix Gardens. The main topics raised were as follows:-


It was generally agreed that we have a problem with prostitution and that this is having a detrimental effect on the quality of residents lives. There were several complaints of ‘girls’ using front gardens for their ‘work’ and the nuisance of used condoms littering peoples property. It was also agreed that these girls were probably homeless, addicted to drug and were using a new local ‘crack house’ at ‘Carter House’ on Tulse Hill. It was suggested that the police have not raided this property because they would prefer to know where the dealers are rather than force them on to new premises.


It was agreed that the street was in desperate need of a ‘Street Clean’ the last one being two years previous. A date of Sunday the 2nd of December was set and Pat Rose agreed to organise the event. Bin liners to be supplied by the Council.


It was noted that there was increase in the number of items dumped on the street e.g. cars, furniture etc, even though the Council has a collection service. It was suggested that some kind of information sheet was produced which could be placed on the web site. Doubts as to the accessibility of the web were raised, so some form of printed sheet may be distributed to all residents in the future (an item to be discussed at the next meeting?).

Street lighting is also being badly impaired by tree foliage. The council will not take responsibility for trees growing in resident’s private gardens, but as many of these individuals cannot afford a tree surgeon then this problem can only get worse. This issue remains unresolved at present.


Several at the meeting complained about the speed of cars on the street (an example being the accident outside 3 Josephine Avenue last Sunday), however it was also noted that if gates were introduced and traffic flow was reduced this may create a ‘dead area’ where street crime may increase. The issue of residents parking was also raised (this would assist the police in the removal of dumped cars) and even though the majority of those present were in favour there was also the concern that this may not be fair on those without ‘off street’ parking.

John Yates introduced the subject of Lambeth Council’s Transport Department‘s ‘Home Zone’ scheme which aims to create community areas within the borough. The Council is having an open day at the Town Hall on Saturday 17th of November and residents were encouraged to attend some, or all, of the day’s activities.


In order to source information and plan events three sub groups were formed:

1. Street Clean Group (headed by Pat Rose) - To arrange the Street Clean on the 2nd of December

2. Neighbourhood Watch  Group (headed by Sue Ryder) - To liaise with the Police with the possibility of starting such a scheme in Josephine Avenue and Helix Gardens.

3. ‘Home Zone’ Group (headed by Garry Turnbull) - To liaise with the Council regarding the ‘Home Zone’ Scheme and related issues.


The next meeting of the Josephine Avenue Group will take place on Tuesday 5th December at 17 Helix Gardens (venue to be confirmed). Leaflets will be distributed to advise residents nearer the date.